White snake

"Humming what?" Orion raised his brow, couldn't fully grasp what was happening.

Lucia rolled her eyes. "She is humming a song, of course."

"Isn't the song familiar to you?" I asked them because maybe there is a hidden message to it that would help us find the magical healer's son in this huge cave. Because if we only look for him corner by corner, I think it would get us a very long time before we find him. River of Flames is a legendary place and very magical. It has a lot of secrets yet to be unfold. We do not know what is about to come to us, that is why we should keep our eyes and ears alert.

"Wait... I think I have heard it–" Lucia stopped when the next moment, the entire place was filled with mist and I could not see anything aside from the white mist blocking my eyesight from seeing my surroundings.