13. Feeling Of Longing Without Burden

He didn't even see any color in the circle that bound him except white. Thomas is very quiet, even when Vian deliberately goes to him and questions a lot of what's going on with him. Thomas was silent.

This man had ignited the emotions of a Vian, a man who tends to mature. To the point of expelling the words at high volume," we want to save you, Please don't make it difficult, " Thomas was still silent.

Today the man scooped up the rice curry meat sauce with a flat expression. The chairs and table in the middle of the White Room served a more festive meal tray than the other prisoners. But Thomas showed no signs of being excited, observing his legs more often and walking around the room when he noticed that his legs were slowly recovering.

"Hi.. I brought the message someone showed you, "the voice from the speaker in the corner stopped his steps," sorry I read your private message, " Thomas doesn't care. Pradita's expression he simply ignored.

"He wrote a sweet sentence, strangely you gave him the name of the grumpy", back Saura Pradita greeted. In the observation room, two people gathered who should have been late for other activities. Pradita and Vian are increasingly demanding during their top leadership vacuum. Anything that becomes a big decision needs in-depth analysis, which comes from both performances. In the bustle of the increasingly stacked, two people are pleased to take the time to review the case of Thomas, who inevitably must be reported to the grandson of elders Wiryo.

For triggers Thomas's expression and voice. Pradita opened someone's message with the initials grumpy.

[Thomas, have a good day, I don't want to Bother You, just want to say your clothes are still left in our house, I sent them to your house yesterday] Pradita read Kiki's message. Vian's little smile was inevitable. Thomas finally looked at the TV side camera with unfriendly eyes.

"Do you want to listen to his other voice messages?" this time, Vian took over the microphone, which Pradita originally more controlled.

Thomas moved towards the White chair before him. And lifting the chair, he intended to slam the chair towards the source of the sound. Unfortunately, the female voice he tried to Melt deeply rushed to say Hello, [Thomas last night I delivered your clothes, I put them in front of the door. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I know you're not returning my messages for my good. Em.. I'm glad to know you. Get greetings from your father, Lala, and Riki. Take care of your Health. Cheer up, and you can come home to us anytime. Our door is always open. Em.. me.. e.., see you]

The" beep " of the message simply turns off.

The chair that Thomas held back he lowered. This man no longer had the power and was as silent as before.

"Thomas.. Come on, let us help you," Vian seduced the man in the White Room.

"Thomas, trust us this time," Pradita persuaded him. Thomas got up from his seat, and a tray on the table that served curry sauce that had not been completely exhausted was slammed by the shoulder-length-haired man. Then he lay down on the bed and chose to close his eyes. Indirectly Thomas did not want to listen to the seduction sentences Vian and Pradita, and he was expelling both.


"I have to see that girl," Vian revealed at last.

"the time is not much Vian, never mind, we follow the wishes of Thomas," Pradita reminded his colleague.

"Did you make an appointment with the President?"Ask Vian to Pradita.

"It should be today. you know he's starting to threaten us, to be honest I'm starting to fret with the existence of the adjutant who works directly under his control, he's an unpredictable man," Pradita talked about Mahendra and a group of Adjutants led by his favorite bodyguard, Herry.

"I got information that the team took part in investigating our task, they moved to investigate the attacker of the President's wife," Pradipta's monologue was filled with worry.

"When did he ask us to see him?"Asked the next Vian.

"the day after tomorrow," explained Pradita.

"There's still 2 days left," Vian observed the circular watch on her wrist.

"I can't help anything, "Pradita shrugs," tomorrow a big meeting between two camps-for the first time it happened, me and the Raka team.. you know, we have to make sure the president is safe on his arrival at Tarantula Group's digital product launch," Pradita added.

"yes.. your job is more important than others, let me take care of Thomas," concluded Vian, ending his meeting with Pradita.


"I haven't properly thanked Damar, the last time I saw him, he was surrounded by news hunters after coming out of our divorce hearing. I want his heart to be relieved, he needs to know, Em.. I'm happy with you, " Aruna's monologue made Mahendra firmly grab the handle of his chair.

"Huuh.."there is a heavy breath coming from a man's Lips," Are you happy with me?"

"Sure," said the blue-eyed man sadly as he hoped to embrace his wife's body. The brown-eyed woman suddenly pushed the car door. "It's Resin!"Aruna's loud voice soared along with her rarity. After looking at Damar, who had just seen his arrival. The young man met Amay and his father, bang Bay.

Knowing the lady was moving quickly out of the car, Alvin immediately hunted her down with a wide umbrella to keep the young master's wife out of direct sunlight.


On the other end, not so far from the hordes of friends. The man who wanted to meet the reddish hue was so dashing, wrapped in a toga symbol of graduation. His hand carries a scroll of diplomas, indicating he has graduated.

Somehow Aruna found pride in her heart, even though she was not with Damar in the last year of the young man's college trip. However, in the previous years, Aruna was the alarm of life that encouraged Damar to lecture regularly and consistently.

The feeling of being overwhelmed comes with a long story that binds many memories. Damar is a young man whose life is too relaxed and who likes to sleep carelessly, as well as messy sightings. Finally graduated from college without a long delay drama.


Aruna smiled as a group of young people welcomed her arrival.

"Woo ... Princess Damar's coming too at last," one of them chirped.

"Hush!"The Dea put the index finger over the mouth. It is implied that Aruna did not come alone. A joking style that likes signs of going too far needs to be controlled.

"Oops! You're not.. em.." others want to mention the word widow, but it's heavy in their mouths. A well-dressed person opening a wide umbrella to shade Aruna's presence spontaneously confirmed the woman's status.

Aruna shrugged her shoulders, "nice to meet you,"

"Too bad we can't hug you," the most ignorant casually said this unique phrase.

"Hehe," Aruna even laughed. He glanced at Damon.

The young man raised his hand, and he seemed to cheerfully cheering after being allowed to escape from the photo shoot of Amay with bang Bay.

His Amay-giving flower is raised in the palm of the right hand, and the toga he removes from the head rests on the left hand. Damon jumped up and down, " don't be overreacting!"This is Agus' voice, who honestly laments the complexity of the thesis he is working on. Agus is the one who is now predicted to graduate not on time.

Damar gave a happy expression, running to his friends, "Aruna? Miss You.., "the young man was very loud, voicing his longing without burden.

Though from the other end, the door of the luxury car opened. Men who wear casual clothes with above-average brands, including height and burning eyes, are stealing attention.

The blue-eyed man was running fast with a young man. Mahendra walked with wide steps. The adjutant who brought an umbrella to ensure his master did not find direct sunlight was seen rushing to hunt Mahendra's steps.

"Crazy, is that Aruna's husband?"Asked the young man who was caught wanting to hug Aruna. At this moment, the young man was amazed to swallow his saliva.

"no, Damar lost badly," others spice up.


Unfortunately, Mahendra's steps were lost quickly from Damar's run. The tall man hugged a tiny woman until Aruna's body no longer touched the ground. Her feet were lifted.

"Damon.. already.."Aruna lamented to compensate for the carefree feelings of the young man.



Friends reminded Danu Umar that they were struck by uncomfortable feelings mixed with worry.

Aruna's husband is getting closer. Just when Aruna was taken down. Mahendra pushed Damar's chest, the young man who wanted to hug Aruna for the second time.

Mahendra smiled bitterly, greeting the most stubborn man in his life, struggling to melt his wife.

"don't hug pregnant women carelessly," Mahendra revealed a sweet smile with dimples that were deliberately shown, his eyes narrowed. Mahendra smiled too much.

Blue-eyed men want to show off ... ...