14. Hunting Ignorant Youth

"Don't hug pregnant women carelessly," Mahendra revealed a sweet smile with a dimple that he deliberately showed, his eyes narrowed along the way. Mahendra smiled too much.

The blue-eyed man wanted to show off the existence of the fruit of his love in Aruna's stomach. Mahendra caught his wife's waist, hugged her, and gently stroked her belly.

"Cih!" said Damar seeing Mahendra's behavior, who wanted to show his victory as Aruna's husband.

"Hen.. already, Ah '" Aruna blushed with embarrassment.

Damar took turns hugging his other friends, and congratulatory sentences rained down on the young man. Several photos were taken, in which Aruna took part in joining her friends. Alvin followed him with an umbrella.

"Ih' close the umbrella, or just use it yourself!"Aruna grumbled at Alvin's aide.

"Miss, it's pretty hot this afternoon," Alvin persuaded.

"I will not die of sunburn," saw Aruna who was upset by the presence of a shade umbrella. Alvin was forced to close it and lowered the umbrella from his hand. Hendra was also the same, followed by asking for the umbrella over his head to be immediately lowered.

"What.. dispels heat, - embarrassing?" asked the young Master Djoyodiningrat.

"I don't know Sir," Mahendra's aide was as clueless as his missus ' mindset.


"Aruna.. come here!"Aruna, standing at the very edge when taking a group photo session-guided by bang Bay-the woman received a call from Damar. The tall young man looked relaxed, asking Aruna to be near him.

Damar seems slightly different from most of Aruna's friends, who look less comfortable being noticed by blue-eyed men.

It could be because this young man has been fisticuffed and knows the weakness of blue eyes. In Damar's mind, one of the factors that made Aruna have to choose him, he could have difficulty breathing if his wife left him.

This second, when the photo session presents 2 rows, one row crouched in front while the other row stands, and right in the middle of them, there are Aruna and Damar.

Suddenly the gap between Damar and Aruna infiltrated the tall, strapping man. To the extent that the photo captured by bang Bay is not a beautiful photo decorated with a smile but two men's eyes that threaten each other.

"Danu! And you tall, face here! Or the result will be unsatisfactory!" it seems that bang Bay is upset. 2 the person behind it very difficult to show a satisfactory expression.

"You! Whose eyes are blue, stand behind Aruna!, well like that, you stay visible," shouted bang Bay as he took the photo.

Standing behind his wife, Mahendra was caught holding the little woman's shoulder. He is not so focused on the camera, spending more time alert with gestures of Amber wanting to touch his wife.



"Gus Photo-in kami dong," after a few people withdrew leaving a small group of magic letter team and, of course, Mahendra, who never let go of watching his wife.

Damar hopes to take a picture alone with Aruna.

"This photo will wrap my happiness," and Damar's smile, which sometimes looks playful encouraged Aruna to accept his request.

Again the guard robot approached them, "alas! Can not, just a second I borrow your wife, " lamented Damar.

"NO!" firmly remove the Damned hand from Aruna's shoulder.

"So not here!"Agus is getting tired of waiting for the completion of the debate.

"Let's take a picture of the three of us," Aruna smiled at the two, linking her arms in each of the arms of the man standing just to her right and left.

"One two Three, cheese..!"Agus pressed the camera.

"Again, another style!" the photographer gave a hint.

Damar removed his arm from Aruna's hand. Then the young man intends to embrace the back of the reddish hue. Spontaneously, the blue-eyed man raised his arm to make sure Damar wanted to hug his wife's back, only to find his arm (Hendra) tucked between the intentions of a young man grabbing his wife's back.

"Hais!" again Damar hissing. Aren't the three of them already good friends at this time? Mahendra did not allow Aruna to be touched.

"Agus! Take fast and burst photos, yes!"Pinta Damar, after the three photo sessions presents a sense of irritation in the heart.

"okay?!"Agus nodded.


"Muach.." surprisingly, a gentle kiss landed on Aruna's cheek.

And the next second, Mahendra's angry voice screeched in the ears.

"Shit!!" the blue-eyed man hunts down the run of the laughing young man. He stepped fast around the grass of the campus yard. His Toga fell and was ignored. The black clothes that still wrapped around the fluttering resin made the running scene look dramatically mixed with ridiculous.

"Hahaha.."Lily couldn't avoid his laughter, "her galloping resin.."Lily was also happy that Aruna's possessive husband bin finally likes to scare himself with stones too.

"Damon, Come On.."The Dea applauded the young man hunted by his husband's boss, a boss whose hobby was to give a melting schedule.

"Bro.. come on, bro ha-ha-ha.." others were also eager to support the youth who swerved around the campus plataran. Like two boys were playing chase, a bouquet of flowers fell from the grasp of resin. Achieved Mahendra, at the end of it, looks Hendra several times managed to hit the head of Damar using his bouquet of flowers.

"Sir.. do you need help?"Herry's voice stole the show.

"Oh! What the hell! Hina Lily, looking at Herry, hinted at a meaning, " Please! It's just a joke."

"Sir let us help you," The Voice of Agus expressed the heart of Aruna's husband's aide, really annoying insinuation Agus, and he approached Alvin.

Damar, who ran out of steps, veering direction, ran towards the crowd of his friends..

Without thinking, he grabbed Aruna's body, hiding behind the tiny woman's back.

"Aruna protect me!" Their breathing sounded in Aruna's ears. Their voices up and down, no one wanted to budge, so the tiny body shifted Damar driven from behind so as not to be caught Mahendra.

"Already.. already!"Aruna blocked Mahendra's arm, who was trying to grab Damar's shirt.

"Hendra Already!" it seems that the adamant one who does not want to let go of his prey is blue eyes.

"You can kiss me! if you don't accept Damar's ignorance, kiss me on the cheek! repeatedly, sorted out.. right?"Lenten Aruna muffled the anger of blue eyes.

Aruna's seduction was successful. Hendra wanted to stop his desire to ensnare Damar.

"You..! open your eyes!" then Mahendra's Dimple was present, just before he grabbed his wife's chin and took a sip of the women's lips.

"Hais! Argh!!"Damar shouted irritably.

Hendra found his consciousness. Unlink his lips, then hug his wife's body from the side.

This ridiculous incident makes amusement mixed with bright red. Aruna is completely in the shackles of a possessive man. However, no one can deny, that the Java England mixed man shows an expression of love that is very large in every action.



"I have a restaurant reservation around here, actually.. em, my cafe, " Damar asked after finding the gestures of Aruna's husband, who wanted to resign.

"Sorry, Aruna hasn't been able to move for too long, em.. you know you're pregnant?"Mahendra's monologue is friendly.

Damon nodded, "first Semester?"Ask the next Damar.

"Well.."Hendra replied. Look at the young man who saw Aruna's whereabouts. She talked to Dea and others. He seems to be saying goodbye.

"You, em.. I'm not good at talking, " Mahendra said.

"Just talk, no matter how bad your vocabulary is, I will listen," said Damar.

"Hi!.. "Hendra protests. Damar laughed lightly, glancing at the blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, did not completely dispel the less good news about,"

"Take it easy, I don't care about all that," Damar cut Hendra's monologue.

"Stop it, em.. music, " this is Hendra's statement that feels awkward.

"I don't know, I can compose music but have trouble making lyrics, and I don't intend to return to entertainment, that's not my ideal, just relax"

"Yes.. you're better suited as a writer, me.. em.. readers of your work."

"Really? Ha.. haha " resin appearance neat teeth.

"Yes.. I read it quietly."

Damar could not resist the tickling in his stomach.

"Write one more time, I'll definitely buy it," for some reason, these two men seemed to strengthen each other.

"It wasn't easy, you took the visualization of my art," the two met eyes.

"It was not easy, you suddenly came into my life, made my dreams disappear," Mahendra was imitating Aruna's sentence similar to Damar's words.

"That, em.. Aruna's most memorable words, almost similar to yours, " the two looked back at a woman waving, a symbol of farewell to her friends.

"However, now, he found a new dream, my wife.. let go of old dreams and build new ones."

"Damar," Aruna's voice greeted the present between the two.

"Hendra.."this little girl looks at her husband.

"Don't take too long.. I'm waiting for you in the car, " Mahendra stepped aside ...