35. Latest Trends

Mahendra had just removed the mobile phone from his five fingers. The Smartphone went into his trouser pocket. Before turning towards the place that was supposed to show his wife's whereabouts.

The man complained, "huh.. Aruna.."blue eyes with tapering eyelashes squinted, looking for his wife's whereabouts.

The pregnant woman who looked like a petite teenager with loose hair and a cherry-red ribbon Barrette - tucked away to get rid of her bangs-had not been seen at Mahendra's range of observation.

The man moved slowly while turning his head to all sides.

He steps faster when his wife has not been seen, and he occasionally asks the supermarket clerk.

-Has anyone found a girl with Cardi knitting in red? They compactly shook their heads.

Mahendra almost pulled out his phone to call Aruna. The pregnant woman with the red knit cardi appeared to be standing there. Ignoring all the foreign glances that highlighted his way of licking the ice cone.