36. The Luckiest Man

"Aarrgh.. you know.. I can forget to eat if you don't wear clothes! Put your clothes on!"Mahendra commands with frustration.

"Don't want to.. I want to eat without clothes, " the pregnant woman replied casually.

"Hais! fill our bellies for a minute!".

"Filling the stomach with sexy style is the latest trend, hehe.."Oh, Aruna.

"Ah.. whatever.. "Mahendra's mouth said it was up as he put dinner on the table.

However, he still walked back into the room and grabbed a thick blanket. Pregnant women's bodies get a warm blanket hug. And the blue-eyed man began to sit next to his wife.

Pregnant women are not exhausted. His feet ride on Mahendra's thighs. The man laughed as he drove away the bare feet but still returned to his original place. Suddenly Aruna becomes reliable in seduction if there is a want.