72. Fast Asleep

The sun of the metropolis moved away from the Meridian when the man with brown eyelashes still refused to open his eyes.

He vaguely remembers clearly the last sound that infiltrated his eardrums, "Leo.. what are you doing!"And then he doesn't remember anything anymore.

The most disturbing thing about all the anxiety is that he felt there was a hand smooth, soft, and a little tiny. Infiltrated between her hair.

The hand then leaves the forehead, then the caress on the hair disappears. He who is closed listening to a scrap of paper or I don't know, he doesn't hear anything anymore.


In the hallway of the hospital, a woman was seen running around carrying a backpack, her run was followed by a stocky man and a group of people in matching clothes. The run in tengarai chasing iron bed pushed by medical personnel.