73. Broken Eggs

I found the doctor with two nurses entering our room. Mahendra looked fine, as he attempted to sit up from his bed.

When I saw that a nurse was about to change my husband's clothes, I went ahead and replaced her hand to open the buttons on her body.

I smiled in my little heart as I realized that I had now contracted Mahendra's version of Selfish Love.

I realized my actions at this time, when even the nurse on duty did not allow me to touch my husband's clothes.

How can I not be selfish, when in the corner of his neck the sign of another woman still greets me, so faint and small.

I am a normal woman, just like any other woman. Our eyes are very observant, and able to find little things to live.

The scratches on his hands and some marks on his neck thus bother me.. Ahh ' so great I just got distracted. This feeling is actually more than that. It really hurts more than a physical wound or bleeding.