Step brother?

When the four young men sitting in the quiet bar, Nita said

"You said money and power can take everything. But it's not true for me. I cannot make my crush to love me back"

"You won't get it easily. You need a little push like a little touch.."

Thu Rein answered Nita's question. Their parents were business partners with his father and there was a little competition between them.

"Maw Oo, can you make someone give his life for you without using power and money?"

"I don't like to play such childish thing"

Nita thought that he was saying big words as usual, so he raised his middle finger up to Maw Oo.

When he got home from the bar, he reflected on Nita's question. From his perspective, people love money, money can create everything, and he thought that if he has money in his life, it is perfect.

The car driver that escorted him had been driving around Yangon for a full round as he didn't wish to go home now. He didn't feel like watching a drama about his father having affairs with his mistresses or getting involved in it.


He noticed a boy who was familiar with him outside a small coffee shop, wearing a white apron around his waist and placing a cup of coffee on the table.

The majority of those attending Private University are affluent individuals, but during the days he had met Lyan Oo Nway, the latter never wore expensive accessories.

Lyan Oo Nway put on normal clothes and he didn't have many friends. Maw Oo felt that Lyan Oo was having everything he never had and he realized he would never find those things Lyan Oo had even if he searched his whole life.

While he was looking around the shop, he asked the driver to stop in the parking lot. He got out of the car to smoke in the designated smoking area and found a familiar man standing nearby. When he noticed that the man was his father who was talking on the phone, he quickly hid behind the car. Soon, he observed that someone was coming out of the shop.

It was a woman who seemed to be the owner of the shop. She has got an oval face and slim body. She looked younger than her actual age. Only when he examined her, he realized she was Lyan Oo's mother.

As soon as president Maw Soe saw that woman, he immediately grabbed and embraced her in his arms. Maw Oo's eyebrows furrowed and then, he smiled derisively.

After a while, President Maw Soe handed a document file to the woman. She refused to accept it initially but due to his attempts, she eventually received it. After she left him behind, he gazed inside the shop and went back without entering the shop.

Normally, Maw Soe was a person who would openly commit his scandals with partners. But now, he was secretly seeing another woman and that made no sense and was hilarious for Maw Oo Yan.

Ain't a perfect family? But in the end, money was a winner. When he thought of Lyan Oo Nway who was inside the shop, a rumor he had heard before flashed back in his mind.

"Before president Maw Soe was married to Saw Nadi, he had a lover."

"That's all you know. U Maw Soe was forced to marry Saw Nadi. The elder of Maw family, Granny Maw , separated the couple and caused his ex-lover had a miscarriage. Later, I heard that the girl passed away along with the pregnancy. So, President Maw Soe hated Saw Nadi and that led him to cheat on her."

"Umm? But I heard from the previous housekeeper that his ex-lover ran away with her infant. Do you remember the night Young master Maw Oo Yan was born, he went on a night trip immediately. When he came back, he had a dispute with Granny Maw. Because he heard the news of his ex-lover and chased her."

Maw Oo already heard these kinds of rumors, spreading whenever in his front or not. He didn't care at first. He no longer felt pain and sadness in his heart as he grew up under a broken family. And his heart froze not to love anymore.

He could guess his father's affections for that woman as his eyes and touch were gentle and careful compared to his bed partners.

His idea to enter the coffee shop was completely scattered and he just went back home. Torrent of thoughts were running through his mind. What was that woman's relationship with his father? He had a lot of questions and yet, there's no one to give the answers to.

By the time he arrived home, he witnessed his father was having dinner alone.

"Do you just get back home? Come and have dinner."

It's been ages since they had a meal together, facing each other in this mansion. He never waited for his father who usually comes back late for dinner. Because he knew that even if he waited for him, he would have a meal outside. Later, he had a meal by himself alone.

"Do you just come back now?"

He asked him while seating himself at the dining table. He was expecting a lie from his father as usual.

"Yes, I had a appointment"


What was he expecting more? He never cared about his father's partners. But this time, he was restless. Was it because the woman his father met was Lyan Oo's mother?

"How is it going at school?"

"Hump… that's strange. Since when are you interested in me?"

President Maw Soe ignored his words and changed the topic.

"If you need anything, you can ask the steward. Don't forget to bring a Bodyguard when you go to school."

Maw Oo laughed insincerely. Everything he got from his father was all ignorance. Despite knowing that he wouldn't get his father's affections, he still asked for his father's love unconsciously.

"It's been years. I don't need a bodyguard to protect me anymore. I can defend myself."

Raised by his wealthy family, he was once kidnapped in his childhood. He still remembered that time that both of his parents were so busy that they didn't even notice he was missing. Only his grandmother looked for him and took him back home. His gran was the most influential person in this mansion and adored him. Since that day, his gran has placed the bodyguards beside him.

Since his gran passed away in his life, he had no one to comfort him while he was sleeping. Without someone to take care of him, he had meals prepared by a maid. Even though it's hurt, he was accustomed to it.

"Alright. There'll be no bodyguards from now on. I heard that you are wasting time going to the bar and the club. You can do anything you want. But don't ruin my reputation."

Maw Oo Yan heard his father's comments for a second and could not hear for another second, he still wanted to laugh out loud. Although he has not yet been given a tiny compliment for what he achieved, even a few of his misdeeds have caused his father to react. He was quite stupid, wasn't he?


"By the way, do you know Lyan Oo Nway?"

His eyebrows twitched at the sound of the name as soon as he heard it. Certainly, he knew the name well.

"I've heard of it."

"I heard you two have been in the same school for years."

"Are you drawn to him? Has your taste changed? What? This time, are you going to sponsor the boys?"

Once his father heard what he had said, he grew upset and banged the table while looking at him as if he were defending his son. Did rumors make him bewildered? He felt it was not that simple the relationship between the pair of mother-son and his father.

"What did you just say, Maw Oo Yan?"

"I don't know. I have no idea what else my father was interested in."

"I never thought you were incredibly rude."

"I acknowledge that I'm rude. But do you know why? I'm sick and tired of trying to be good. I want to let you know up front that I'll be even worse and that I can't promise what I'll do with my father's stepson."

He was satisfied when his father's face turned red with rage. He can't even tell if his lips are smiling as he looks back with his eyes challenging his gaze staring at him.

"Don't blame me for what I will do if you dare to bully him."

"Initially, I wasn't really interested. Did my guess hit the bullet? He was your first love's son, right? Are you certain it was your child? Their family seemed good. Do you and his father share a woman? I wanted to know how much money you paid her."

Even though he was aware that his words were improper or (out of boundary), he could not help smiling. And oddly enough, his father's furious look satisfied him.


He was unable to dodge the punch that had fallen on his face and he stumbled a little backward and his bodyguard ran to support him. Others in the mansion stood motionless and unmoving, and the master was enraged.

"Can't you think rationally and logically? I don't know why you're being so disrespectful, Maw Oo Yan and I won't put up with you being rude again. If something bad happens to him, you will be made aware of the repercussions."

As soon as president Maw Soe finished speaking, Mormon giggled while touching his sore cheek. And he was overcome with joy that his father punched him. His father was outraged with him over Lyan Oo Nway.

"Lyan Oo Nway? Humph… it's interesting."

"Son, calm down."

The housekeeper sighed in relief, and gave him a light pat on the back. He sensed that he was comforted. However, his mind was oddly in a pleasant mood, so he quietly went back to the room and had a nap.