I'm not interested

In the living room, Maw Oo Yan kept a cigarette between his two fingers and seated his legs crossed. When his father's shiny black car pulled up in front of the house, a smirk had formed on his face. As he expected, his father changed his partner again. His father stopped by the time he spotted Maw Oo Yan.

"Maw Oo Yan, why are you smoking? Don't you know it's illegal for underage ones?".

Maw Oo Yan gave a fake smile to his father.

"Don't you know my age?"


"I'm doing whatever I like. Don't act like you care about. I've never interfered with your business either."

"You think too highly of yourself and no longer pay attention to me?"

Maw Oo Yan didn't intend to continue the conversation and went upstairs. Why did his father get mad at him all of a sudden? They had been living in the same house for seventeen years. His father, who had never asked how he was, suddenly got angry because of smoking in the living room. He smiled fondly as he thought that a naughty child is loved more than a clever one. He held grudges against his father. Though he tried hard, he didn't get any attention and love from his father.

As soon as he finished high school exam, his father introduced him to a few youngsters around his age from prestigious families. They were Nay Htoo, Nitta, and Thu Rain. Nay Htoo's father was a town mayor and he noticed at first sight that he was spoiled and ill mannered. But in his mind, these young men were considered to be suitable for him as their parents were business partners. So he treated them with respect.

They had different characters unlike him. They used to go to the clubs, got drunk everyday and that's why, he kept a certain distance from them. One day, when he had a row with his father, he followed them to the bar. He was a little tipsy after he consumed a little alcohol.

"Which is more important, money or power?"

It was a question shot by Nay Htoo. Maw Oo Yan smiled.

"Money and brain."

Nay Htoo's father possessed power but his father was the richest man in the country. Maw Oo gave an answer without hesitation. In this world, money can make people go crazy. Even a powerful mayor had to treat his father with respect. Wasn't it?

"Authority cannot be used everywhere, Nay Htoo. But money can make things a lot easier on everything."

He took out his card to pay the bills and said them. He didn't want to waste his time on childish people. It was so boring.

After Maw Oo went back home, Nay Htoo, rotating a bottle of wine, said in laughter.

"He is so selfish. He believes he is the best. I'm going to take off his mask that he pretended to be a good guy. Watch me!"

Maw Oo's scattered thoughts were temporary. That day, he went to the club and his father who was never bothered once to criticize him got angry and scolded him.

"You don't have a reason as you are under age. Are you paying your way to destruction, Maw Oo?"

U Maw Soe was scared that Maw Oo would become a person like him. Maw Oo Yan was clever and reasonable. Yet, he wouldn't allow his son to turn into a bad person because of his hatred for him. Though he couldn't recognize him as his biological son, he didn't want a child who was grown up under his eyes to turn into a gypsy.

He had promised his mother to give him a better life. Maw Oo became a victim for their unfaithful marriage. Still, he felt the pain whenever he met Maw Oo Yan. While he was embracing for his so-called son, his real son along with his beloved person have passed away.

Love can decide to live or die. He was living throughout Maw Oo's life but his mind was dead a long time ago. Maw Oo Yan was the beginning that led to destruction of his life as well as a reason he has to keep surviving. He wanted to ensure that this child had a bright future. However, he won't ever give him his care and love.

"From now on, I will live as I like. So I hope that you will also continue to live as indifferent as before. Don't pretend like you are a good father to me. Everyone in this house knows what kind of relationship we get. I don't like changes."

As Nay Htoo said "A child who cries more gets sweets and a bad child gets more affection". He was not a cry baby nor a bad child. That's why he didn't get any fatherly affection.

When he chose university, he decided to go to the same university with those three young men. The only reason was that his dad told him not to associate with them. And he did what his father exactly did not want him to.

On the first day of school, while he was playing basketball, his ball hit someone and Nay Htoo picked up the ball. He noticed that the one who was talking to Nay Htoo was the same boy who followed him during his middle and high school days.

Wasn't it a miracle? They chose the same university.

"Do you know that boy?"

"Yes, we went to the same high school"

"He said that he doesn't know you. On the contrary, he spoke your name."

Maw Oo smiled calmly. He said he didn't know him. The one who gave him a love letter said these words. How could he change so fast?

"What do you find strange?"

"No, I just ask you to make sure if he is into you or not. You know, I'm bisexual and I like every gender. And he is also pretty. Don't you think so?"

Maw Oo shot a ball into the basket pretending he didn't care for it.

"I'm just not interested"

"I just want you to help me chase him if you are close to him. What can I say more if you said you are not interested"

Nay Htoo was a good observer. He noticed that there might be something abnormal between Maw Oo and Lyan Oo Nway. If the news about Maw Oo Yan, the son of president Maw Soe, being gay come out, he wondered how much attention will he get? He must surely be unable to show his face to the public if he really preferred men.

Nay Htoo smiled with jealousy. For him, Maw Oo was flawless and impeccable that made him nauseous. Everything was going his way until Maw Oo appeared in his life. After Maw Oo joined their group, his opinions became unimportant. As he agitated him, he was determined to destroy his life slowly.