
The pleasant and calm melody was coming from the piano. Mary was seated on a stool and sang next to Maw Oo, who was paying close attention. They were so lovely together that he didn't want to see it. Maw Oo Yan didn't even look in his direction.

Lyan Oo Nway stepped away from the purple pair when he realized they made him feel unworthy. He came out at the close end of the song, but he was too engrossed to notice it.


The hall was filled with the cries of a group of the girls. When he turned around, he met with the scene where Mary kissed Maw Oo on the cheek.

His heart was as frozen as ice despite being able to hear Nitta's group nearby cheering overwhelmingly.

Then Maw Oo Yan turned to face him. Astonishment and images of joy flood his eyes.

Lyan Oo Nway wanted to be in her place. He wished he was the only one who was permitted to kiss and hold him.

"It's no longer surprising that Maw Oo Yan isn't interested in any of the girls. Because Mary is standing by his side. If I were him, I wouldn't be enticed by other ladies too."

Nay Htoo said in a mock and Lyan Oo Nway heard it. For him, it didn't matter at all, so he didn't listen carefully. He just wanted to stay beside Maw Oo. He also knew that Maw Oo would never love him back.

He was sitting at the front of the hall and eating bread and milk from the buffet table. He felt the atmosphere inside the hall was making him suffocate.

"You are here. Maw Oo was looking for you."

He was surprised by Thu Rain's words. Why did Maw Oo Yan look for him?

When he went along with him, he found out the reason. Maw Oo Yan looked like he didn't want to wait anymore to show up his girlfriend to the public. His girlfriend hooked his arms and they enviably matched each other.

For Maw Oo Yan, he didn't care about true love, the only one who was suitable to stand beside him was Mary now. When he saw the boy who was unconsciously gazing at them, he smiled. He found out that Lyan Oo Nway was so obsessed with him.

"Maw Oo said he will pay the bill today. Are you ready to go?"

Nay Htoo smirked and pretended to be hospitable. He didn't want to wait to win against Maw Oo Yan. He thought Maw Oo Yan snatched all success and fame from him. The girl who was in his arms was also a girl he couldn't get close with. Today it was time to collect all the things he stole from him. He would do everything to make Maw Oo Yan humiliated and destroyed.

Nay Htoo took a small package of drugs handed by Thu Rain and rushed to the bar last. He bought the stimulant, white and scentless powder, from Thailand last month.

He gave it to the waiter and ordered details. All he had left to do was to follow up with the situation. He almost laughed out loud as he was so happy to think about it. Maw Oo Yan became an adult not so long ago. If Maw Oo Yan took the drug, he couldn't wait to hear the headline of City News that he committed a great sin.

"Lyan Lyan, are you not feeling well? You aren't talking."

Maw Oo came closer to Lyan Oo Nway and asked him. He didn't seem to worry about him though. Lyan Oo thought he didn't fit in the social circle of Maw Oo Yan. He just lowered his head and denied. The lady in Maw Oo's embrace poured the liquor for him.

"You can rest in the upper room as we will be late today. I will call you when we are about to go back"

Mary told him with a smile. She really thought that Lyan Oo Nway was so tired and needed a rest. To tell the truth, he didn't want to stay here any longer. The only reason he was patiently sitting here was because of Maw Oo Yan.

However, it was enough for tonight to hurt his feelings. Even if what Maw Oo Yan gave him was not fake, they would never be more than friends.

"Then, I'm going upstairs to rest. Call me when it's time to go back."

When Lyan Oo Nway stood up, Nay Htoo handed the room card.

"I booked a room to rest if I get drunk. But now you can use it"

He gave it to him for his plan but Lyan Oo Nway looked at him with gratitude. Although Lyan Oo Nway has nothing to blame, it was his fault to love Maw Oo.

"Let's continue. No one is allow to go back until he was drunk"

They began to heat up again as soon as Lyan Oo Nway, who had no partner, left them because they brought their respective partners. Without Lyan Oo Nway's presence, Maw Oo Yan was no longer as fired up as before. He began to stealthily raise the cups that had been handed to him.

He wasn't sure if the bitter taste alone was what caused him to lose consciousness. He couldn't even count how many glasses he drank. Yet, his head was getting dizzy. Mary, who was next to him, was intoxicated, so when she realized that her boss had discreetly escorted her back before anyone else could notice and when he was certain that Mary was safe and sound, he relaxed and laid his woozy head on the table.

"Maw Oo, hang on. Don't sleep here. You're drunk. Don't go home and just rest upstairs."

Nitta, who was unaware of the scheme, supported Maw Oo Yan and sent him to the room.

"Lyan Oo Nway was resting upstairs in the same room I used to stay. Go and send him first. We'll continue drinking here."

Nitta nodded in agreement and he simply helped Maw Oo to go upstairs. He didn't hear the mocking laughter of the two left behind him. He lately hung out with mostly Maw Oo. Thus, Nay Htoo planned ahead without letting him know.

"Maw Oo, dude, you're so heavy. Try to walk yourself, man. Don't just lean on me."

Nitta laboriously stumbled upstairs before stopping at the hotel room's door, panting. Lyan Oo Nway opened the door when I knocked on it. The moment he was roused from sleep, his appearance was fuzzy. Furthermore, he had unkempt, shoulder-length hair.

"He's drunk so just throw him on the bed. I'll send you home if you want to go back. Hurry up. I have to send my girlfriend home too."

"I won't go back. I'm afraid he might be throwing up as he's drunk."

"Let him puke. Anyway, he won't die. Whatever it's up to you. If you're not coming, I'm going."


After saying that, Nitta turned around and left. In that room, he was the only person left. After he locked the door, he took soap and water from the bathroom to clean Maw Oo Yan. Maw Oo Yan's upper torso was exposed as he sat on the bed.

"Maw Oo, are you alright? Are you dizzy? Do you wanna go to the restroom?.."

Maw Oo Yan yanked his hand down and immediately covered him from above as soon as he approached. Both of them became wet when the cup of water he was holding spilled on the floor.

Mao Oo scowled and yelled his name, "Lyan Oo Nway." He appeared to be enquiring as to if it was him.

I'm Lyan Oo Nway; please move away. I'll replace the soaked bedding with fresh bedding.

When he gently prodded Maw Oo, he once more landed on top of him. They pressed their lips together, startling Lyan Oo Nway. He attempted to fight back but was unable to do so because he had already fallen into the kiss.

He gasped and wanted to fight as the kisses grew increasingly aggressive. Maw Oo kept him confined and forbade any attempt at escape.

"Umm… Maw Oo, let me go."

He bit the corner of his lip with his teeth, tasting blood in addition to the pain. He was ultimately terrified as a result of Maw Oo's strong neck bites and rough kisses.

"Don't...don't do it.!"

As he tore off his shirt and bit his collarbone, he sobbed in agony and started to struggle.

"Let go... Maw Oo. It hurts

He kept his two hands up above his head and kissed him from the nape of his neck to the tip of his ear. He was unable to fight off the second hand that was unbuttoning his pants. In his mind, fear, shyness, and the need to follow orders were striving hard for control.

As Maw Oo pressed him like a crazed man, Lyan Oo Nway got up and rushed away as Maw Oo fought to remove his belt. He was then forced back onto the bed after being pulled from the waist.


For a long time, he lacked the power to push him away. He attempted to use his hands to push Maw Oo's broad chest, but he was no match for the beast who desired to devour him. He started crying and apologizing as the tears flowed.

"Don't do it, Maw Oo. Get yourself together. You will certainly regret this."

For Maw Oo, he had lost all his senses and logical reasoning. He only wanted to release his strong desire by pressing the only one beside him right now.

"Ah… Maw ..Maw Oo.. stop.. Ah...."

Maw Oo came into contact with a region of the lower body where a man could feel a burning yearning. Although Lyan Oo Nway was no longer feeling queasy, he had to accept the penetration without hesitation. He then had the sensation that his entire back had been cut in half.

Maw Oo, who was still perspiring, was anxious to loosen his desire. Lyan Oo Nway cried while closing his eyes, and when he finally opened them and saw the person pressing over him, he only wanted to cradle his face. He desired kisses and hugs.

He'll leave after this one night. He will flee, trying to bring every memory of this night as far from this man as he can.

"Maw Oo… please, kiss me."

He was clutching his hand and unable to move, Something he could only see and not touch didn't appeal to him. The lower region of the body is severely in agony. Even the blood began to flow. Did Maw Oo use force to seize it? Was he the only one unable to exert effort to liberate himself? Or maybe he was unwilling to escape. He is no longer clear.

Maw Oo didn't fulfil his request. He fiercely did it but never gave a glance or a kiss. Lyan Oo Nway couldn't stand the cold coming from the air conditioner that made him tremble.

He thought his body couldn't help Maw Oo Yan to calm down. If he were her, he could help it, he thought.

He didn't know how much time had passed. His body could not move at all and his eyelids were so heavy. He could feel Maw Oo breath and scent.

He was so afraid and didn't dare to face Maw Oo Yan. He wished there was no next morning. What if he hated and disgusted him.

He wanted to run to the place where no one could find him and left Maw Oo. But his body couldn't follow his mind. He had no strength to move Maw Oo Yan who pressed him on the bed at all and he was trembling to death.

His body was filled with the red mark given by Maw Oo Yan and his lip corner was also swollen. The situation and atmosphere changed so fast that he couldn't decide what's wrong or right.

One thing for sure was Maw Oo Yan wasn't in the wrong.


He heard the banging sound of the door. He wanted to shout not to enter but he didn't have any strength to do so. He could hardly open his eyes and silent tears were falling down his cheeks.

In the end, everything has turned to endless excruciation.



The door was forcefully opened and people entered. He could hear his mom sobbing. He sensed Maw Oo was being taken away from him. On top of that, he could see the camera flashing. Though he tried to justify not to blame Maw Oo, he passed out due to being naked in the freezing room.