They found everything

"President, the Lawyer said Maw Oo didn't come to show up"

When president Maw Soe came back from Bangkok, it was almost 10pm at night. This year, Maw Oo Yan will turn 18 years old. As the late Mistress left the properties to let Maw Oo inherit, today was the day to transfer them to him.

The lawyer had made an appointment the day before, but Maw Oo Yan didn't show up and he was also not home.

"Call his driver to ask where he is. I will follow him."

Maw Oo Yan became an outstanding young man, he wanted to upset his father by acting perversely. Since after the high school, he did everything opposite to him and didn't listen to his words. That cannot be blamed on Maw Oo Yan alone. The relationship between father and son was bad.

"He said Maw Oo was at the club"

President Maw Soe sighed. He hasn't rested at all since he came back. And still he had to follow his son so he rushed to the club putting on his coat.

At the front of the club, he met the familiar faces that he didn't imagine to meet here,

"Nwe Yin Latt? Why are you here?"

Nwe Yin Latt, with a face full of worry, held her husband's arm.

"It's because of my son as he said on the evening phone call that he will be here. His friend told us to pick him up as he is so drunk now."

Myint Thu, Nwe Yin's husband, said on behalf of her. Seeing him take care of someone's child like a dad, President Maw Soe felt he was so wrong to Maw Oo Yan. Actually, Maw Oo had nothing to do with the elder's conflict. He didn't think about Maw Oo's feelings at all. He had to admit that it was shameful to himself to stand in front of Myint Thu.

When Nay Htoo saw them entering the club, he welcomed them.

"Oh! Uncle. Are you coming to see Maw Oo Yan?"

Seeing President Maw Soe, Nay Htoo was trembling in his voice as he would find out his actions no matter what. He didn't expect the President to come. All he knew was that president Maw Soe would not care about what happened to Maw Oo.

"Where is he?"

"He is upstairs to rest as he is drunk. Lyan Oo Nway is also there."

He told Lyan Oo Nway's parents where he was and moved aside. The parents didn't say much and went upstairs. When they arrived in front of the room that Nay Htoo told, the door was firmly closed. They knocked at the door but didn't hear anything. A moment later, they told the hotel attendant to bring the extra key card.

After that, they heard Lyan Oo Nway's sobbing. Their faces turned pale. President Maw Soe opened the door with force.

The scene they saw was totally a disaster. The face of president Maw Soe became dark and filled with anger. Before he asked to close the door back, the media came into the room and started recording.


President Maw Soe moved Maw Oo Yan's body over Lyan Oo Nway's pale body.

"Baby, Are you okay?"

Myint Thu wrapped the small body with a blanket and picked him up. Nwe Yin Latt was crying silently. President Maw Soe looked at his son who was being carried by Myint Thu whose eyes filled with worries and covered his son's face without letting the media to record.

President Maw Soe could not hold Maw Oo Yan's body as he was tall and heavy. The driver helped him to carry him and his assistant was trying to drive the media out. When President Maw Soe found out that Lyan Oo Nway was safe to go out, he then carefully examined Maw Oo Yan. It was obvious that he was unconscious and passed out, likely under the influence of some drug.

If Maw Oo Yan had any intention to do it on purpose, he would definitely hit him at that place. But he raised him since he was a child. No one would know Maw Oo's abnormality better than him.

"President Maw Soe, did you know from the beginning that your son likes the same sex? If this happened to be rape case, how would you solve it?

He looked back to the media with dead stares.

"Now, you should go back first. I will hold a press conference at some point. But, I guarantee that all those who write false news about my son will be sued. What are the hotel staff doing? Even allowing the media to enter the hotel room, don't you have any conscience to keep customers' privacy?"

His harsh voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. Everybody knew about his anger. If he wanted to take action, he was so powerful in the business world that he could make the government business stop running.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Even the hotel staff entered and pushed them out, the media didn't go out. But they stepped back as they saw President Maw Soe's cold glares.

After the media went out, the hotel manager called the doctor to check up Maw Oo Yan and did a blood test. None of the hotel staff were allowed to go back home until the result of the blood test came out. The staff who had contact with Nay Htoo was shaking as he was frightened. He didn't know that this matter would be so big and troublesome. He didn't know he was scheming against President Maw Soe's son.

It was the same for Nay Htoo. This was a crime and the hotel was his father's property. He also didn't have any chance to leave the hotel. The police were also coming and president Maw Soe decided to make the case clear within a night.

"Uncle, what about you should take a rest first? You just came back from the trp right? The result will come out tomorrow."

The most important thing was president Maw Soe to go back as everyone was being watched and Nay Htoo couldn't make any contact with others to solve the problem with money. President Maw Soe did not listen to him.

The doctor brought the medical examination together with the police and they opened it to examine in public. They found out that Maw Oo Yan was under the condition of taking a strong stimulant, so the police were about to arrest Maw Oo Yan.

"Wait! If I were the one who would like to take advantage of someone else, I would rather use the drugs for the victim. How would he use this to himself to make passing out unconsciously?

The police were stunned for a while by his words. The one who called the police after the case was also president Maw Soe and now it was 4 in the morning.

"In this hotel, is it true that the dedicated staff have to serve for only one table right? What about asking the staff who serve my son's table?"

The police didn't deny it and searched everyone. If someone dares to make a conflict with president Maw Soe, that is they are finding the way to go to hell.

After the quest, there were three staff who served the table. The one who had contact with Nay Htoo was also involved.

"If you confess, the guilt will be reduced. Otherwise, I will send you all to jail"

His voice was strong and clear. Who dares to harm Maw Oo Yan under his guidance? Time passed and the staff decided to speak out.

"It's … it's me. I did it"

The staff admitted with a trembling voice making Nay Htoo and Thu Rain to be insecure. They were in trouble.

"I don't think you would do it by yourself. Tell me who is behind you"

President Maw Oo forced him to speak and controlled himself without letting see his anger. This time, both of his sons were affected. Maw Oo Yan was his inheritance son and Lyan Oo Nway was his blood related son. It must be very brave to hurt both of his sons.

"It.. it was.."

President Maw Soe was waiting for his answer and suddenly the two men entered the room. They were the fathers of Nay Htoo and Thu Rain. Nay Htoo father was a mayor and Thu Rain's father was a businessman.

At first, they were about to draw out their sons who were trapped as soon as they heard the news. But now, it turned out that the perps were their sons.

"Say it again. They did not hear it."

President Maw Soe gave a snort and turned to face the mayor. At that time, Nay Htoo was dashing towards his father.


"It was young master Nay Htoo who instructed me to do it."

The voice of the employee was distinctly audible. Additionally, he discovered from the CCTV where Nay Htoo had handed a packet of drugs to the staff and that staff delivering drugs.

The mayor's face sank when the mayor realized what had happened. He arrived at the hotel before daybreak since he was curious to witness the president Maw Soe's downfall. He had assumed the president would ask him to drop the case, but now it was up to him to make the request.

"What are you standing for? Arrest the culprits."

The police chief was more terrified of President Maw Soe, compared to the Mayor. He was clear that power comes from money and money means everything.

"Please hang on, President Maw Soe. My son is not at blame. I failed to raise him properly. I am extremely sorry. I will do anything for you. Please don't put my son in jail."

When the mayor apologized to president Maw Soe, he fixed his coat and shook his cuffs. He met the mayor's eyes and said one by one word.

"If it's not your son who is being held in jail today, it will be my son. This is not good at all. Let's continue our discussion at the court. I must take my son to the hospital as he needs medical treatment. Excuse me, then."

Nay Htoo and Thu Rein are resisting handcuffs. The mayor approached and hit his son. The pain was so intense that even his head was spinning.

"Who told you to plot against President Maw Soe's son? Don't expect to be released from jail until I appease his anger."

There was a pain drop silence in the hotel. On the contrary, the media did not remain silent. Numerous news articles about Maw Oo Yan, Lyan Oo Nway, Nay Htoo, and Thu Rain have been published. Only Nitta, who arrived home first, was acquitted. The two primary stories were the mayor's son's plot against president Maw Soe's son and Chairman U Maw Soe's son raping his friend while under the influence of drugs. Only Maw Oo Yan and Lyan Oo Nway were unaware of what was happening as the news started to circulate.