A flash back to the past

With President Maw Soe's guidance, a press conference was held for the case of Maw Oo Yan and Lyan Oo Nway. What they had to say was already arranged and Lyan Oo Nway was currently sitting in a seat not near nor far away from Maw Oo Yan. He couldn't think about how he would continue to face Maw Oo who didn't say a word nor glance at him.

"Lyan Lyan, are you alright?"

Saung Hnin, who was comforting him, worriedly asked him when she witnessed Maw Oo looking dissatisfied.

"I hope so."

It was not his fault to consider it as a chance to be close with Maw Oo Yan since he was expecting it for so long. But Maw Oo Yan's changes were too cold to be close with him.

Maw Oo Yan must hate him. In his entire life, marrying a man was one of the biggest failures. And he had to come clean about the case publicly and was humiliated.

"Why are you so attached to him?"

Lyan OoNway smiled faintly answering what Saung asked. Then he turned to Maw Oo Yan who was sitting unconsciously holding a paper.

"I would like to go till the end. I just want to take a step into his life. I don't expect him to fall in love with me, but I think we'll be able to get back to the kind of relationship we had before."

Saung Hnin shook her head looking at the crazy boy in front of him. People like Maw Oo Yan did not believe in love and were strong enough that they don't need love. Lyan Oo Nway was going to suffer in the coming days.

"When you feel exhausted, just let go of everything, okay?"

Looking at Saung's worried face, Lyan Oo Nway smiled helplessly. He was the only one who knew well of his mind that is only attached to Maw Oo. He didn't want the day when he might feel exhausted and let go of everything.

"The media is ready"

The organizer of the conference called them. Maw Oo left first without looking back at him.

"I would like to apologize on behalf of my son for causing trouble in the first place. I have to say that the children were teasing each other and unexpectedly that thing led them to make a mistake unconditionally. In the case that happened now, the victim is my son's boyfriend. They didn't let us know they were in love when they first came out as gay, which is how this case got started. Although this issue is not something to be exaggerated, on the other side the mayor's son put the pill into their drinks and so it became a problem."

Maw Soe explained first. When Maw Oo Yan heard his father's words, he pursed his lips. Same-sex relationship? In other words, he's trying to force him to admit to something he's not, that he's a gay. Only Lyan Oo Nway was the one who has been in love with him since the beginning.

"So you've been hanging out with this boy since early? Young master Maw Oo, please answer"

Hearing the question directed towards him, he calmly looked at the reporter. They created it to achieve the theme of sex with both parties' consent.

"Yes, We are….. dating not so long ago."

Mao Oo Yan answered as written in the paper. Reluctant to spare a glance at Lyan Oo Nway, he only stared at the east.

"So what happened that night was in your consciousness?"

Lyan Oo Nway clasped his cold hands together under the seat and nodded.

"Yes, it's right"

"Do you know Maw Oo Yan was drugged?"

"I didn't know."

Despite shaking in his voice, one could assume that he was not experienced enough to get interviewed by the media. Those reporters have already investigated them and in addition, they were here to clarify their relationship as the photos when they were friends spread all over the internet.

"If so, President Maw So, may I know your next plan?"

President Maw Soe calmly maintained a cordial smile.

"Regardless of gender, I don't have any opposition as long as my son loves that person. I intended to let them marry if they get along well. Soon, we will announce their wedding."

"Then how about the lawsuit against the mayor's son?"

"In this case, I am considering dismissing the case as this is the result of the youngster's prank."

President Maw Soe solved the case protecting his two son's dignity by himself. The press conference ended after a long time. After that, Lyan Oo Nway was brought and taken back home by his parents.

"Maw Oo Yan."

Maw Oo was about to get in the car after leaving the hall. But he was stopped by his father's voice. Although he halted his steps, he didn't turn around to see his father in face.

"I have something to tell you. Get home straight"

After giving him an order, the car of President Maw Soe drove off. The only thing to talk about between them was none other than Lyan Oo Nway. Relating to his case, the stock price was sharply decreasing and the shareholders were having trouble. They said that when he succeeded in the future, there would be questions about morals.

When he got back home, there was nobody except his father. There were contracts on the table in the living room, and his father sat calmly waiting for him. There was no anger in his father's eyes, but a serious look. When he saw those eyes, Maw Oo felt his heart was trembling slightly.

"Sit down here, I have many things to tell you. Otherwise, you will make other mistakes without realizing the truth"

Although Maw Oo already prepared his mind, actually he couldn't face the fact of what his father would tell him later. At first, he doubted he and Lyan Oo Nway would have the same father. But after his father agreed to get them married, the doubt was gone. There's only one left to be clear.

"Years ago, there was an heir to this house that wasn't me"

A truth that had been hidden for years caused the greatest impact on Maw Oo yan. Truths that existed before they were born. The beginning of hatred and the consequence of love. When the rivals fought for pride and wealth, the love between a couple scattered and destroyed. After hearing the following story, Maw Oo decided to act like a heartless person.

In Maw's mansion, there lived a young gentleman by the name of Myo Maw, who was the sole son. He did well in everything and was also a proud person. He enjoyed having fun and having many relationships, but due to his attractiveness and vitality, he became the heartthrob of all young women.

He had his favorite adoptive brother called Maw Soe. Maw Soe was capable in business and was mature, despite the fact that he was not a biological son.

Early deaths occurred among the household leaders. They were scared of Granny Maw, who was the lone remaining head. The first successor of the Maw family is Granny Maw who was also powerful, smart, and disciplined.

Originally, Granny Maw wanted her son to wed Saw Nadi, a sophisticated and educated woman. The most ideal girl for Myo Maw at the time was Saw Nadi, who was both talented in the arts and attractive.

Myo Maw was only interested in Saw Nadi. The two had nothing more than a business relationship. Instead, Maw Soe, who used to accompany them and make plans, was the person Saw Nadi fell in love with.

Since he was a little boy, Maw Soe had been in love with a girl named Nwe Yin Latt. As a result, he turned down Saw Nadi right away because he had only ever loved his childhood girlfriend.

Myo Maw assisted Maw Soe with his love affairs after learning about it. Maw Soe and Nuyen Lat had intimacy while travelling. The mother did not concur with their relationship. Despite the fact that Maw Soe claims to be an adopted child, Maw's family still values him and does not permit him to wed an ordinary woman. As a result, she makes arrangements for Maw Soe to wed someone else.

The bride-to-be is a Myo Maw-obsessed old-frame who only wants to wed Myo Maw. So, with a brilliant plan, they drugged Myo Maw one night while they were having a party.

Her strategies were all unsuccessful. Myo Maw was impacted by the drug, but only Saw Nadi was the one who fell into the trap. Myo Zaw refused to marry Saw Nadi without giving an explanation when he learned that she was carrying his child.

When Myo Zaw left the house after arguing with his grandmother, Saw Nadi was already around three months along in his pregnancy. Granny Maw persuaded Saw Nadi to accept full responsibility after learning that Saw Nadi had repeatedly attempted to destroy Maw's generation as she was embarrassed. She then persuaded Maw Soe to be the child's legal father.

Additionally, Saw Nadi claimed that if it's not Maw Soe, she would have had an abortion. As a result, Granny Maw pressured someone else for her own family . Force was used to intimidate Nwe Yin Latt, drive her away, and broke her connection to Maw Soe. After almost two months, they learned that Myo Maw had passed away abroad. Granny Maw didn't cry at all at that point. When his grandson reached adulthood, all of the inheritance was given to him, making Maw Soe the temporary head.

Maw Soe, who didn't even know Nwe Yin Latt was pregnant, married Saw Nadi as a result of a threat of gratitude. While holding infant Maw Oo in his arms, Maw Soe learned that his blood child would have to grow up in poverty. Maw Soe grew infuriated with both his mother and Saw Nadi.

He began making mistakes out of resentment after that, and because of his affairs, Granny Maw was unable to shut her eyes at the very last second. Saw Nadi, the mother of Mao Oo, suffered as a result of his careless conduct and even committed suicide. The innocent child, Maw Oo, consequently experiences emotional pain as a result of it.

"I made a mistake; I mistreated both you and your mother. But put an end to your hatred; all I want is for you and Lyan Oo to be happy in the future. If you're not pleased, you can blame the whole thing on me. Lyan Lyan is unaware of what took place in between, though. Even if you don't love him, please don't hurt him."

Maw Oo, who was always composed, began to weep and then chuckled dryly. He had seen his father, who was concerned about his biological son. But the son wasn't him, and neither was his father Maw Soe.

His mother passed away excruciatingly. He was raised without love.

Does hatred need to be eradicated? Who will comfort his troubled heart? He signed the inheritance contract with the pen. He no longer feels either love or hate. He could not ensure that Lyan Oo Nway would not suffer harm. One thing for sure was, their marriage was doomed from the beginning.