Marriage life

Their wedding was brief. There aren't many guests present at the signing event, and the silent wedding ceremony lacks anyone to thank and honor. Nobody is there to support and soothe you. Additionally, his crush didn't show him the same level of affection.

A wedding had always been in his dreams. He had no idea that the person he would be paired with would turn out to be his favorite in addition to being a man. He was at least content so he could smile. This is so because Maw Oo Yan is seated next to him.

Nitta and Saung Hnin signed as witnesses on that particular day. There will probably only be 10 guests, including the lawyer, who know about their wedding.

Maw Oo's choice led the two of them to live apart from their parents, and anxiously, he had to wait for Maw Oo for a very long time in a huge house where he had never taken off his white bridegroom suit.

Around midnight that night, an extremely inebriated Maw Oo Yan returned. The unkempt shirt was no longer the same as the wedding suit when Nitta sent him back to me. Lyan Oo Nway became aware that the two of them had different perspectives about the wedding at that very moment.

"Can I make you some lemon juice if you're too drunk?"

Maw Oo Yan resisted Lyan Oo Nway's attempts to hold his hand as he was being carried to the bed.

"Don't touch me. You don't need to touch me."

Ignoring the heaviness in his chest, he stood aside and Maw Oo Yan unsteady walked to the bed. Lyan Oo Nway prepared to help him in changing clothes.

"Ah…..Maw Oo."

Maw Oo Yan yanked his hand down and now, Lyan Oo Nway was trapped between the bed and him. Lyan Oo Nway was nearly suffocated by his powerful and gorgeous fingers as they strangled him.

"Why is it you? There are other people out there, why does it turn out to be you?"

He didn't grasp what Maw Oo Yan was trying to say. Perhaps Maw Oo Yan was still frustrated and angry about the wedding.

"I'm sorry..I…I.."

"Sorry? It's easy for you to say sorry, right?"

Maw Oo Yan's eyes were dull and cloudy. Though he strangled Lyan Oo Nway, he didn't exert his strength.

"Then, I'll also do what I wanna do and say sorry after that. Will you be happy?"

Lyan Oo Nway sensed his tears were streaming down his face. He nodded constantly while shutting his eyes completely.

He was fully content with his response. For Maw Oo Yan, he was perfectly satisfied as long as it's Lyan Oo Nway.

Maw Oo Yan clenched his fist and targeted Lyan Oo's face. The latter was also expecting pain and he even raised his chin so that he could hit him.

However, instead of punches, passionate kisses that came along with the warm lips rendered him completely unresponsive. Until he hugged him back, he was pondering if he accepted this, Maw Oo would hate him even more.

Only when Maw Oo Yan tried to take off his shirt, he regained consciousness.

"Maw Oo Yan."

He seized Maw Oo's hands which were snaking around his body and forbade any further actions.

"You don't want to do it, do you? I don't mind but I don't want you to hate yourself even more after today, Maw Oo."

Maw Oo's actions abruptly came to a halt. He lied down next to him. Then, Lyan Oo Nway gazed at him who kept his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was unable to resist you that day, Maw Oo."

"He yearned to sleep so he snuggled up against Mao Wu's muscular arm. He loved the wrong person and dragged the loved one down. He wouldn't have fallen in love in the first place if he had realized how painful love is.

Due to his habit, Lyan Oo Nway had already woken up early when the morning arrived. He had a little smile on his face and was beaming with joy as he was preparing breakfast for Maw Oo.

When he had finished preparing breakfast, he spotted Maw Oo leaving the bedroom while wearing a full suit. He appears to be leaving for a job rather than school.

"Are you not going to school?"

"Yes, I have to go to the company."

"Oh, I prepared your breakfast. Let's eat together."

"No need. And you don't have a duty to prepare my breakfast. Let's decide our relationship from now on. Our marriage is just a sign on the paper. You can do what you want. There's no obligation to do something for me. Consider it as two strangers who rented the house and stayed in it."

As soon as he finished what he had to say, he turned around and left. Lyan Oo Nway was staring at his back and heaved out a sigh.

Since the one who he loved didn't love him back, he felt sorry for the hot coffee.

Lyan Oo Nway had to finish breakfast alone. Before, he had meals together with his family. Although he chose Maw Oo Yan over his family, he knew Maw Oo would never be for him.

Apart from three friends in the class, almost no one wanted to befriend him. While he was sitting at his desk quietly, a hand knocked his deck. When he looked up, he saw a few students he had never seen before.

"Come with us."

They were standing outside waiting for Lyan Oo Nway. Although he didn't want to go with them, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Do you have anything to tell me?"

"Let's go to the roof, follow us"

Ngwe Lar Yi, one of his friends, was shocked by seeing Lyan Oo Nway was dragged away. Those students had had a fight with Maw Oo Yan's group before and they were bullies in the school.

She rushed to Nitta who was a part and last member of Maw Oo Yan's group without thinking twice.

Lyan Oo Nway reached the roof with unstable steps as the others dragged him by his arms. The closer they got to him, the farther Lyan Oo Nway stepped back like a mouse caught by a cat. He surely knew that he would get bullied without knowing what's wrong.

Despite the fact that some people had disliked Lyan Oo Nway since the beginning, they had refrained from attacking because of Maw Oo Yan. Now he was accused as a gold digger and that happened to those who hated him to be more disgusted.

They could only lie to outsiders but not to those who were in the school. They knew the relationship between him and Maw Oo inside and out.

"What…what do you want to talk about?"

"How was it to marry a rich guy to dig for gold?"

Those three students were of the same size and well-built. It was more difficult for him as he was a person to get scared easily, as they trapped him and interrogated.

"Or maybe he is good in bed? Ha Ha"

"I thought you were gay since the beginning."

"How was it to sleep with Maw Oo Yan? Good?"

He didn't know why they were asking him about that. The only thing he knew at that moment was to run away.

"My girlfriend was obsessed with Maw Oo Yan. But look at him, he married someone like you, a guy, and had no standard. I must thank you. Still, he owed me. So I was thinking I should also snatch you, his husband, as he took my girlfriend from me."

"You … what are you trying to do to me?"

"Who knows? You guess."

Their looks were likely to destroy him. Then, they poured the frozen yoghurt and cold colored drinks over his head.

"If you are not satisfied, go tell your husband. But he doesn't love and care about you at all. And he would hate you. As a person like Maw Oo Yan, he would definitely be ashamed to marry you. What's even more embarrassing is that the person he married is a loser, ha ha."

If weapons kill a man, words kill the mind.

He already knew that there was no love in the marriage between them, so there was no need to repeat it. But was Maw Oo Yan shameful? Because he had to marry him?

"It looks like you guys have a lot of free time. Are you tired of going to school?"

When he saw Nitta and class teacher Johnny coming from behind, he couldn't control his shaking legs and sat down on the floor as if he had found help.

He could see people pushing and shoving beside him, but he didn't know what was happening. The only thing he knew was that he didn't want to be around people. He couldn't bear the disgusted looks. Whenever he was met with that kind of look, he felt inferior.

This was the first time he was frightened to be in touch with people. Was it his fault for loving Maw Oo Yan? Maw Oo Yan was not a punishment for him.

"Lyan Lyan, are you okay? You are all soaked."

Nitta came near him and supported him. However, what he heard was vague and indistinct. He pulled Nitta's shirt and said in an apologizing tone.

"Help me one thing. Don't tell Maw Oo Yan about this."

When Nitta heard it, his eyes were filled with sympathy.

"You take a rest first. I'll give you a lift to your house. Okay?"


With Nitta's help, he got outside the school. Yet, he had seen some people's jealous glares and heard murmurs of complaining. Till Nitta drove him to his house, he was distractedly engulfed in a whirlpool of thoughts.

"I'm fine. You should go back to school."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded to them but his energy was gone. After saying goodbye to Nitta, he entered the bath room and sat under the shower. He felt like there were eyes looking at him from all directions. He was so scared to go school one more time.

Maw Oo Yan's presence was what he craved. He can find more warmth and security in Mao Oo Yan, who was cold and indifferent.

He had planned to call Maw Oo Yan after the bath and cleaning were done, but he was reluctant to bother the other person.

He then prepared dinner. The house was too huge for the two of them to live in. When he had nothing else to do, he modified the broker's initial setting for the house to suit his preferences.

His mind became peaceful once more as a result of the spacious, bright living room. He was so exhausted that he dozed off after meticulously going through Maw Oo's clothing that he had left in his bag.