To Bring You Back

Finally, today was the day Maw Oo promised to take him home. He has already prepared everything he needs despite Maw Oo not turning up since last night. After waiting for Maw Oo to a certain extent, he dialed his number.


Despite the call being connected, that person was not there to pick it up. Thinking he might be tied up at the moment, he was about to hang up the phone. Then, there was a voice on the other side.

"Hello, is that Lyan Lyan? Maw Oo has gone to the restroom. How about calling him later?"

He was familiar with the owner of this voice. Indeed, there's no one other than May Ri.


"By the way, he might not be able to come back home today, too. He has to arrange an interview to hire the employees required for the new project."

"Ok. Then, could you relay a word that I went to visit my parents?"

"No problem. I will."

As soon as the phone was hung up, only the boy was left sitting at the sofa and moping. Maw Oo told him that he would rest today being the weekend. The boy didn't have any clue about his job so he was once again insecure and anxious.

It truly seemed that he was not the best fit for Maw Oo. Nobody would acknowledge nor feel envy for him staying beside Maw Oo. Truth to be told, though he was the closest person to Maw Oo at the moment, he had a feeling that they are drifting apart than before.

He scrutinized the ring on his fourth finger and realized even the ring was purchased by Mr.Maw Soe. Maw Oo wore the ring as well. However it's not sure why he still had it. Is it because he forgot to take it off or he didn't care for it?

No one could deny that May Ri was the perfect match for Maw Oo. He now regretted that he shouldn't play this game; he should have been a benchwarmer.

At the end, he brought all the presents for his parents and took a taxi to his house alone. There's not a lot of packages to carry. He had to leave some items that were originally for Maw Oo. When he finally got to see a house in the ordinary community, he felt warmth. It's because he has brought up and lived in that house throughout his whole life.

"Son, you're back. I was missing you."

His mother welcomed you in front of the house and his father paid the taxi fees and helped him to unload.

"Dad, leave it to me. I will carry them by myself."

"I can do this much."

A small smile appeared on his face. He decided to leave this kind of warm nest and chose Maw Oo. The latter was the best choice for him among all the other options.

"Hey, Lyan Lyan."

The one who called out his name in a piercing voice was none other than Saung Hnin Moe who got outside with a plate of sliced watermelons.

"Saung Hnin, you are here?"

"Here I am! Of course, I can't miss this opportunity to see you."

His mother was subtly looking behind him. As she realized Maw Oo Yan was not here with him, she looked dejected.

"Maw Oo was originally planned to be with me, Mom. But there was an important call about his job so I didn't bring him."

He explained half truth and half lie. His mom brought him inside the house and then, she cupped his both hands, letting him sit on the bed.

"Before your wedding, while I was cleaning your room, I stumbled upon your diary. I know you are in love with Maw Oo. That's why I gave your diary to U Maw Soe as I didn't want you to lose your beloved. "

He had no idea why the elders willingly accepted this wedding. But now, according to his mother's explanation, he could guess the reason. His diary has been at the back of his mind for the time being. During his visit this time, it was one of his purposes to take it back with him.

"Did Maw Oo Yan take care of you?"

"Don't worry, Mom. I certainly get along with him. He is not mad at me anymore."

Nwe Yin Latt, scanning her son, heaved out a sigh. Lyan Oo Nway was a humble and considerate child since he was young. Plus, she had seen him bullied and thus, she couldn't relax her mind.

"I heard you dropped out of school. Do you plan to just stay at home, son?"

"I will find a job, Mom. I don't intend to depend only on Maw Oo."

Lyan Oo Nway did not dare to make eye contact with his mom. Because he felt guilty for some unknown reason.

"Did I bring shame on you and Dad for falling in love with a man?"

Nwae Yin Latt studied his son who kept his head down and faintly smiled.

"We have never been shamed because of you, Lyan Lyan. Regardless of whom you have taken a liking to, as long as you are not malicious towards others, I'm proud of you. Fame and fortune can't make a person truly happy. Do something that brings you happiness. If you can be content without hurting others, then it's good."

Despite his mom's comforting words, on second thought, he was not certain that his feelings of euphoria didn't harm Maw Oo Yan. However, so far, it was him who dragged Maw Oo Yan down and also made things difficult.

"Well, don't be depressed. Saung Hnin has been here since morning because of you. Go and talk to her. Go now."

With that being said, he responded with a nod. When he got to the living room, he found that Saung Hnin had already prepared crisps for the movie. He didn't pay attention to the film. His mind was preoccupied with Maw Oo and May Ri.

"I have something to tell you."

Saung Hnin whispered to him. When he heard this, he nodded in response.

"I have got a boyfriend."

"What! Are you serious?"

He was really astounded by this news as he thought she would never prioritize romantic relationships. His friend is good-natured. Yet, she is a master of the witty retort.

"Yup! We started dating not long ago though. I didn't tell anyone cause I just wanted to let you know first."

"Finally, my witty friend got a boyfriend."

"Lol. I'll introduce him to you later. He's in the same school as me."

"That's great. Tell me when he makes you angry."

"What are you gonna do then?"

"I'll help him console you, of course."

"Oh, you have been siding with him since now, Lyan Lyan?"


By talking to his only friend, he could put his mind at ease and relax soon. At night, his parents called him and gave him an envelope. Inside it, a few property contracts and cash were stacked.

"Everything happened so quickly that I couldn't give anything to you. This is what I've saved with the intention of transferring to you when you get married. If you are maltreated by the Maw family, you don't have to think twice. Come back home. Before you land a job, don't wait for him to give you money. If what I give is not enough, call me immediately. Even if we are not affluent like them, we've never put you in a situation where you're not better than anyone. The current situation is inevitable. Otherwise.."

The more and more his father talked, the more his voice, which was like a breeze at the beginning, got shaken. He could tell his father was feeling injustice. In spite of his father being a simple and quiet person, he went beyond responsibility for his son and wife.

"I've noted in my heart, Dad. Don't worry. Mom said that you were not in good health. Please pay more attention to your health, Dad."

As he was an only child, his parents loved and pampered him more and he wasn't also accustomed to staying apart from his family. His mother who stayed silent all this time turned to him and smiled at him.

"We have another thing to tell you."

His mother rubbed her tummy, took his hand, and put it on her stomach.

"It looks like you will have a little sister by next year."

"Really? Mom, are you pregnant?"

His mother gave a nod when he shockingly shot a question. She was expecting a second baby only when she got older. Until now, she never had an idea to get another baby for Lyan Oo Nway. She took a risk because their home was so quiet after Lyan Oo Nway had married and wanted to give Mr. Myint Thu his own flesh and blood. When he took a glance at his father, the latter was stealthily smiling and seemingly in a state of euphoria. He didn't request for another baby due to the reason that he wants to give his full attention to his son and wife although he was hoping long ago. At the end, his own flesh and blood would soon come into this world.

"That's fantastic. Mom, you have to call me when you give birth. I'll come and stay with you at the hospital."

"Alright, dear."

He didn't know why but he felt the bed was not warm without Maw Oo. He looked at the phone and was in a dilemma to give a call. Like this, he couldn't sleep well that day. It seemed that Maw Oo didn't come back home tonight either. At least, he should phone him.

Next day, he took the presents and dropped by Maw Oo Yan's parent's house. Even if he couldn't get to see Mr. Maw Soe, he planned to send a present and go back at night.

He was greeted by the sight of a huge mansion and somehow it made him small. Even the fence was twice or so taller than him.

He rang the bell and a housekeeper uncle came out. He has seen that person as the latter was there at his wedding.

"Oh, it's the young master's husband. Are you visiting here?"

"I'm here to send a present, Uncle. Umm… is my father-in-law inside?"

As soon as he was brought into the house, he met Mr.Maw Soe who was coming downstairs. When Mr. Maw Soe saw him, an instant wide smile formed on his face and strode near the boy.

"Son, you are here?"

Mr. Maw Soe felt tingling in his heart due to the term 'son.' It's undeniable that the boy in front of him was his real son.

But he had no right to confess. Now he was in the position of father-in-law. It's not that he didn't like it. Rather than living far away from his son, he was satisfied keeping his sons in his circle under his watch.

"Yes. I got a present for you and I'm here to send it, Uncle."

"Really? You can call me 'father.' We are not strangers anymore."

He thought Maw Oo Yan's father would not like him. However, it turned out Mr. Maw Soe exuded a friendly and warm vibe like his father. One could tell he was an honest person from his clear and bright eyes. Is it possible that the elder didn't hold any grudges towards the person who dragged his son into a mess that had no way out?

"Sure, father."

Tears welled up in Mr. Maw Soe's eyes. No sooner had he noticed than he turned around and wiped his tears.

"Let's have a meal together. I have to eat alone on this big table so I don't really have any appetite no matter if the dishes were extraordinary.

To be honest, he had already had his breakfast back at home. But when he saw Mr. Maw Soe's lonely back, he changed his mind and ate together. Mr. Maw Soe ate little. Yet, he put so much food onto the boy's plate. Thus, he was a little hesitant to dig in.

"Do you like the dish here? If not, I'll let the chef prepare it for you."

Mr.Maw Soe treated him like a son so he wondered how much love he would give to Maw Oo Yan. He no longer felt hesitant and said,

"Father, can you do me a favor?"

"Certainly. What do you need, son?"

"Actually, Maw Oo is having a hard time right now. Could you give him a hand even though you don't like me and you are mad at him? I really can't help him with his work as I lack knowledge. I can't bear to see him exhausted."

Mr. Maw Soe deeply stared at him. And he exasperatedly sighed and touched the boy's head.

"Do you love him so much?"

"Excuse me?"

Though he was stupefied for a moment, he snapped out of his trance and gave a never-changing answer.

"Yes, I do."

Mr. Maw Soe looked at him and heartily laughed.

"So you're here to bribe me to take care of Maw Oo?"

"No, father. You misunderstood me. The present is the one I've originally planned to give you."

"I can tell. I was joking, son. It's not that I don't want to help Maw Oo. It's just that I can't. He was grown up in front of my eyes so I know him well. He certainly doesn't need my help. He is going to take control of the company in the future so he must withstand the pressure and attacks from now on. But, don't need to worry, son. I won't put your man in a tight spot."

When he heard father's words, he could relax and feel security. Undoubtedly, Mr. Maw Soe would protect his son at all costs. Finally, he could put his mind at ease.

"Do you have more to talk about?"

He caught a familiar voice coming from his back. Maw Oo Yan folded his arms up to his chest and was standing at the entrance of the dining room.

"Maw Oo, why are you here?"

"To bring you back"

Mr. Maw Soe took a closer look at Maw Oo and found that he looked exhausted. However, if it were another person, one wouldn't notice his tiredness because of his neatly and perfect hairstyle and carefully ironed shirt column. If he didn't bring Maw Oo up by himself, he would still see him as a domineering person. Consecutively, he now looked at Lyan Lyan. He could tell Maw Oo Yan was here to take the boy back home.

"Did you eat something?"

"Not yet."

Maw Oo sat down at the table and answered the question. However, he didn't even take a glance at his father. When he returned home yesterday, he realized Lyan Oo Nway visited his parents alone. It's already four o'clock when he got back home. Thus, without getting sleep, he took a shower and drove to Lyan Oo Nway immediately.

At first, he had a plan to go back to his father first and then, take the boy back. However, Lyan Oo Nway was already at his home and he also witnessed the great display of love between a father and a son. Yet, Lyan Oo Nway's request was solely to look out for him. Sometimes, he really didn't understand the boy. Does he just lack greediness or is he too good to be true? Or is it that he loved him too much?