Taking care for husband

"I'm telling you not because he is my son, Maw Oo. Don't take Lyan Lyan for granted. Treasure him as love is abundant; but true love is rare. Once you let go of true love, you will never find it again."

Before the boys hit the road, Maw Soe had a private chat with Maw Oo Yan in the garden. When Maw Oo Yan came back home yesterday, it was four in the morning. He hadn't taken a nap yet. After taking a shower, he simultaneously drove home.

He planned to go to his father first. Only after that, he would bring Lyan Oo Nway back. To his surprise, Lyan Oo Nway was also at his father's house. He was dead tired as he didn't sleep a wink last night. Still, his mind was taken up with Lyan Oo Nway who returned home so he followed after the boy without even taking a break.

"When did you leave home? It's still early."

"I just drove the whole night"

Lyan Oo Nway inquired about his arrival. Yet, he remained silent while driving. They returned to Lyan Oo Nway's house first.

"Mom went to open the shop. Take a nap. If you're not in a rush, we can go back in the evening."


He didn't refuse. During the time he didn't come back home, he didn't get enough sleep due to work pressure. Lyan Oo Nway took him to his bedroom. The room is small but it is clean and organized as it is decorated in a minimal style. Inside the bedroom, the warm yellow light, a study table that Lyan Oo Nway used since young, a wardrobe, and a warm carpet took up the space.

"You sleep first. I will cook something for you to eat when you get up."

He didn't want to argue and he instantly slipped into unconsciousness on the small bed of Lyan Oo Nway. By the time he got up, Lyan Oo Nway was in the middle of cooking in the kitchen. He took a seat at the dining table and observed the movements of Lyan Oo Nway. He found out tons of missed calls on his phone but he turned it off. He set his heart of taking a complete rest just for today. He was not willing to consider any work matters.

"Maw Oo, you got up? I made fried rice with chicken as I have limited time. And I prepared a milk pudding which is your favorite. It was too late for lunch though. Are you going to dig in? "


For Maw Oo, he was used to eating what Lyan Oo Nway cooked. Even if he didn't need to, Lyan Oo Nway never stopped making dishes for him. The more he refused, the closer he got to him. Lyan Oo Nway was sitting by him and didn't utter a word. Anyway, there's not much to converse between them since a long time ago.

"How about your work?"


Although Maw Oo replied to his question, the response was no more than an obligation. It seemed Maw Oo was way more distant than before. Even if he felt his presence, their hearts would never be close to each other. When Maw Oo tasted the milk pudding, its sweetness was like supporting him with a good feeling and energy. Despite Lyan Oo Nway's less expertise in cooking, he could feel that he poured all his love into whatever he made.

"Let's go back early. If it turns dark, it won't be comfortable to drive."

"Oh, you're right. I'll go pack right now."

He quickly got ready and returned with Maw Oo. He didn't even have time to say goodbye to his parents. However, his sorrow lasted only for a moment. Because when Maw Oo pulled up the car, they were in front of the shop opened by his parents.

"Go and say bye to your parents."

He couldn't even control his happiness. Opening the car down, he turned to Maw Oo and said, "Thank you, Maw Oo." He didn't know what he was thankful for. Is it because of recognition for his parents or he came to pick him up on the way back home? One thing for certain was he must be grateful for taking him to this place.

"Mom, I'm going to go home cause Maw Oo picked me up."

After he said that, his mom glanced at Maw Oo who was following behind the boy. Maw Oo also nodded and greeted his mom in a respectful manner.

"Maw Oo, what did you eat? Do you want to sit down and eat something? I'm afraid you might be hungry on the way."

"We've already eaten."

For Maw Oo, his mother was a trauma. Though he didn't have hatred for her, he didn't have a good impression of her. As he was not ill-mannered by nature, he still treated her courteously.

"Then, I'll give you some cakes to eat when you get back home. Don't let yourselves suffer from hunger."

While the amiable mother was preparing the food, Mr. Myint Thu called out to Lyan Oo Nway and handed a savings book into his hands. In the book, the account holder's name is displayed as his own name and the amount astoundingly exceeds 10 million. With a surprised look, he looked up at his father. His dad told him.

"Take it. Dad has saved the funds for you. If you feel pathetic, you don't need to think twice and come back to my home. You're always my boy, my heart. I've never made you miserable even once. I cannot sit and accept that you will be aggrieved because of others. I'm worried that my son has always been the one who puts up with others. You will have to come back to me if you can't tolerate anymore."

As he tightly clutched the savings book, tears welled up in his eyes. His father was a man of few words and always put a gentle smile on his face. For him, the shelter his father offered was refreshing. But he was the one who left his father's embrace who hugged and coaxed him, a sickly child since he was young. Even if his father was not a wealthy nor talented man, he could say for sure that he was indeed a good man.


He didn't know how long it took him crying and hugging his father. When he got outside, Maw Oo Yan was getting ready to take off with the boxes his mother packed.

"Let's go."

Maw Oo Yan scrutinized his crying face and then told him to go home. It was quiet all the way home, but for Lyan Oo Nway, he felt desperately homesick.

After coming back home, their days started going back to normal. When Maw Oo Yan was running the business, he had to look after the house. When Maw Oo got off work, he had warm rice and curry that he had prepared, whether it was complete and balanced or not. There were no heartwarming hugs and kisses and they slept facing their backs to each other on the bed. However, they could sleep soundly because they could feel each other's presence and body heat.

"Cough ….cough"

In the morning, he changed the bedding and washed the old ones with his hands. Due to this, he was stricken down with illness as his lungs were originally weak. He took the medicine. Yet, he was tossing and turning on bed for the freezing feeling as if his internal organs had been poured with ice water. He happened to think that he was lucky to get sick after cooking in time before Maw Oo Yan returned. He came to believe that one prioritized a beloved person before anything else when one fell in love.

With the sound of 'cluck,' Maw Oo Yan opened the door of the apartment. Although he was exhausted from his work, his vigor had not even waned a bit. He didn't see the same person on the sofa. He got into the bedroom and found that person who was curling up. Taking off his shirt, he shot the question without turning his head to look at the boy.

"Are you going to sleep without dinner?"

He thought Lyan Oo Nway was a person who wouldn't dare to miss a meal. He always waited for his return and when he was home, he asked, " Are you going to eat?" As days passed by, Maw Oo Yan used to have dinner when he only got home.

"Lyan Lyan."

He didn't get any response and he called out his name. However, not even a sound came from the person on the bed. He turned round and saw him who was motionless.

He got closer to the boy. Only then, he discovered his original pale and oval shaped face had lost blood color and even his lips were pale.

"Lyan Lyan, have you got the temperature?"

Even before he touched him, he felt his temperature so he immediately placed his palm on his forehead. His body is quite hot and weak. In the past, he could call a doctor and get treatment. But, currently, he doesn't have that kind of authority and power. When he brought that up, he couldn't even wait any longer for the right to inherit the company.

Lyan Oo Nway's current condition couldn't be easily cured by means of taking medicine so he had to prepare to go to hospital. He put on his coat which he had taken off earlier and took out a jacket for Lyan Oo Nway. In their house, only two of them resided which made the room a bit clutter. Still, having Lyan Oo Nway, he kept it organized and clean. Even so, since there's not many chores to do at home, his care was not really spotless. For example, the clothes are folded neatly but when they are put in the wardrobe, they are disordered. Maw Oo didn't put the blame on him though. He knew if you were in place of Lyan Oo Nway, it would be much worse.

"Get up. Can you walk?"

Lyan Oo Nway tried to open his eyes but could only open them halfway. At this moment, he just feels like rushing and holding on to a warm place. As soon as he realized that Lyan Oo Nway couldn't even lift his head, Maw Oo supported him, holding his shoulders and putting on a jacket. Then when he lifted him from the bed, it caused him to knit his eyebrows due to unbelievably light body.

He placed him on the car gently that led the boy curled up and fell asleep instantly. He drove to the nearest clinic. By the time he arrived there, it was him who carried the boy in his arms.

"I think he caught a cold. He has got a high temperature and a cough."

He recounted everything he knew and stood by him. He really looked grumpy watching the person who was put on a saline drip. At this rate, it seemed that Lyan Oo Nway would be sick for the next three or so days. It's not the right time he could easily ditch his work. Since there was no companion at home, he couldn't leave him alone. Thus, he took out his phone, only after long hesitation, he dialed a number he had never called before.


When he heard a voice on the other side, he heaved a long sigh.

"Lyan Oo Nway has caught a cold and fever. There's no one to take care of him at home. Can you send Aunty May and Aung Bo to my house?"

He was determined to never ask Mr. Maw Soe to do him a favor. However, he was worried about Lyan Oo Nway and he didn't want him to do the chores after this.. His eyes met the beddings, which he washed and not dried yet, at the balcony. This made him feel really irritable. Thus, he had to go back on his word and initiated to call Mr.Maw Soe and ask for help.

"No problem. I'll send them tonight."


Hanging up the phone, he looked at Lyan Oo Nway who was sliding into unconsciousness on the hospital bed. It's been six months since they got married and now the boy's hair has become longer. Its length had reached to the back and the boy had the habit of tying his hair loosely. Lyan Oo Nway is petite and his body is slim and slender. Everytimes he smiled, it was like white solid excluding any dull colors. 'The most attractive feature of him was that little canine teeth appeared whenever he beamed. He watched Lyan Oo Nway grow up beside him like a film from a little boy to a big boy with long hair.

It would be the same for Lyan Oo Nway. The two of them have been meeting each other for a long time deliberately or accidentally. They have been around each other for more years than anyone else. To be honest, if he didn't take love and hate into account, it can be said that Lyan Oo Nway was a part of his life ever since he remembered. It's not that he adores him or hates him. Because for Maw Oo Yan, he didn't believe in love.

"Maw Oo."

With his name addressed to, someone has woken up in the middle of the night. He didn't have to utter his name twice. The name owner who was sleeping on the side got up instantly. Then he grabbed a cup of water on the table and let him drink to moisten his thirsty and parched throat.

"You are on a drip without food so I bet you must be hungry. The doctor told me not to eat solid food. So I bought chicken soup. It's a bit cold now. Do you want to eat?"

Warm and gentle. Every touch from his forehead to neck was soft. He slowly nodded his numb head and a sip of soup entered his mouth. The always-arrogant Maw Oo Yan's eyelashes casted down and scooped up one spoonful at a time and fed him.

"If you want to, you can go back. You have to go to work tomorrow, don't you?"

Lyan Oo Nway asked him to go back as he felt sorry for him. Yet, that person didn't give any response and just kept him company in the hospital