Touch me, kiss me

After he was discharged from hospital, Lyan Oo Nway had a home companion with whom he could chat. Kyi May and Aung Bo took good care of him. Only two years apart from Aung Bo, a high school graduate. Thus, he thought he had gained a new friend. His days have now come to life.

He constantly lends a hand in the kitchen because he still wants to cook for Maw Oo Yan and learn new recipes from Kyi May. Aung Bo will go with him if he goes to the market, so he won't feel as lonely as he did before.

It was Maw Oo who felt discomfort over his constant companionship with Aung Bo. Maw Oo, on the other hand, doesn't express his feelings and instead pretends not to notice them.

Until one day..

"What are you doing?"

When Lyan Oo Nway saw Aung Bo was washing the blanket and trying to wring out the water, he couldn't sit still. He folded his warm-clothed hand and assisted Aung Bo in squeezing out the water . As Aung Bo pulled the blanket towards him, he was pulled along and fell over Aung Bo. The pants and the warm clothing were both soggy. He attempted to stand up once more while grinning and noticed Maw Oo had returned to work early.

He appeared stern as he frowned his eyebrows and stared deeply. He has incited the wrath of Maw Oo. Also, is he jealous? It's not feasible. How could Maw Oo harbor jealousy for him? However, Lyan Oo Nway was unable to pinpoint the cause of his rage.

As a result, he speedily stood up and looked up to Maw Oo hesitantly.

"Follow," said Maw Oo, giving an order and strode forward. He coaxed Aung Bo, who had a small face.

"Not to worry. He may have had stress at work. Filter the water while you wash the blanket once more."

He directed him and went into the bedroom after Maw Oo. He encountered Maw Oo Yan, who was bare-chested when he entered the room. He had seen his body, but he couldn't stop the thumping of his heart in his chest.

"What can I do for you?"

Maw Oo didn't say anything for quite a few minutes and kept taking the clothes out from the wardrobe. Then, he threw the warm jacket and some clothes on the bed. Next, he turned to face Lyan Oo Nway.

"I called Aung Bo and Kyi May to make sure you don't wash your clothes because you get cold easily. Are you feeling desperate and wishing to visit the hospital again as you are having fun in the water ?"

"I'm not playing. Aung Bo alone will find it difficult to squeeze the blanket,"

"No need; if he can't wash it, I've told him to go to a laundry shop."

Lyan Oo Nway didn't have anything to say to respond. It appears that Maw Oo Yan dislikes having to get tired and be bothered if he becomes ill again.

"Switch clothes"

He then changed into his new clothes before leaving the room. Lyan Oo Nway doesn't find it strange at all, but it still somewhat bothers me.

"Aung Bo"


"I've already asked around the school you wanted to attend. I'll register and pay the fees. You can go stay in the dorm and start attending the school."

Aung Bo was unbelievably filled with joy when he heard Maw Oo's arrangement. Now, Maw Oo has gotten a position at the company.

"And I have to go abroad for a week. Maybe around next week."

Maw Oo met his eyes and informed him.

"I see"

Then there was a pain drop silence in the dining room.

The following day, before Aung Bo left, Lyan Oo Nway called him to go to the market and looked around. They eventually came across a jewelry store. They went into the store because Aung Bo wanted to use his saved money to buy his mother a ring.

The thin platinum chain and the small, amethyst-filled locket was what really caught his attention. Slim, small, and quite splendid. He reached for the necklace as he visualized how it would look good on Maw Oo's long, white, and thick neck.

"This one just arrived at the store and was only available in a small quantity. Young master, the cost is actually quite reasonable. Should I show it to you?"

When the salesperson noticed the light in his eyes, she immediately began making sales. Without second thought, he used all of his pocket money from school to purchase it.

But it's worthwhile. If only Mao Oo Yan was wearing that necklace. At the same time, he realized he still hadn't purchased a birthday present for Maw Oo Yan despite the fact that it had been over seven months.

Then he sent Aung Bo to the bus station, rented a car, and returned. Lyan Oo Nway enjoys preaching to Kyi May as well. Additionally, he enjoys enquiring about Maw Oo Yan. He knows Maw Oo has talents beyond his ages, but he still feels happy and proud when someone compliments him.

"Since his mother passed away, Maw Oo has kept a low profile."

Eyes widening, Lyan Oo Nway fixed his gaze on Kyi May. Maw Oo's mother was undisclosed to him, and no one has ever brought up his mother either.

"Maw Oo is quite pitiful, Little Lyan. He was taken care of and loved when Granny Maw was alive. Still, his parents didn't love each other. The consequence of a broken marriage is Maw Oo getting heartbroken."

"Are Maw Oo's parents not in a good relationship?"

"Yes, you can say so. When his mother passed away, he was so young. I think he was so shocked at that time and he didn't cry at all."

Lyan Oo Nway was listening to Kyi May's words while hugging his knees with his arms. She didn't want to tell him everything in detail that had happened to Maw Oo's parents.

"He is so pitiful"

This was the first time he felt sorry for Maw Oo. He didn't know why but Maw Oo's back looked very lonely.

"Maw Oo's mother suicided herself"


He didn't believe what he heard and was shocked. Maw Oo had that kind of miserable childhood.

When he returned from school, Maw Oo first found his mother's hanging body. But he didn't scream at all, he didn't get scared. That child said to me from the balcony that his mother had passed away. From that day on, I still can't forget his figure."

After listening to Kyi May, he would never blame Maw Oo for his cold temper. Actually he never did it before.

When Maw Oo came back, Lyan Oo Nway welcomed him as usual. Then after taking a shower, Maw Oo wiped his head in his bare upper body. Lyan OO Nway seated behind him on the bed and he was trying to initiate the conversation. But he didn't know how to start.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"


Maw Oo was a good observer. Or it might be that Lyan Oo Nway expressed all his feelings in his face.

"I have something to give you"

Maw Oo turned to him buttoning his shirt. He saw a box hiding in Lyan Oo's fist.

"It's not expensive. I thought it would go well with you. I know you don't usually wear things like this, but can you have it as a souvenir?"

When he handed a box, Maw Oo took and opened it. There was a platinum chain strand that was small but exquisite. The ball shaped locket carved around the arabesque was also small and compact.

"Why did you give me that?"

Maw Oo Yan closed the box and asked him.

"I just wanted to give you a present. I didn't prepare well for your last birthday as well. I bought it with my own money. So it's not that expensive. It's okay if you don't like it, then I…"

"It's okay. The necklace is pretty fine"

The feeling that could make him throbbing hardly might be happiness. He had no experience of someone being nice to him before. But he had two experiences now. The first time was when Lyan Oo Nway made him milk pudding himself and the second time was the current situation.

"Can I help you to wear it?"

Lyan Oo Nway stepped closer again. He was clearly aware that he couldn't get enough of this man. From a boy who didn't even dare to speak to Maw Oo Yan, then he married him and now he has reached the position of his spouse.

Maw Oo returned the box to him and began to bend his knees so that he would reach his height. The small necklace reached its owner with a gentle welcome.

"Beautiful! It suits you well."

The atmosphere was awkward. Maw Oo's face was closest to him. How nice it would be if he could kiss those lips that always pursed.

"Maw Oo, can you love me a little?"

The whispering sound entered into Maw Oo's ears and it involved a slight of hope.

"I won't love. I don't believe in love"

Maw Oo didn't step back. He moved closer so that his body was almost touched with Lyan Oo Nway's.

"If it is love, I'm sorry I can't give you. Or how about you tell me what you want from me instead of love."

From above, Maw Oo Yan could see the tips of Lyan Oo Nway's eyelashes fluttering and the hairs falling on his forehead. Tears were gathering in the wet eyes. The pale colored lips were tightly pressed and sealed, and he was controlling his sadness.

"Can I kiss you once?"

He said boldly from still bowing his head. But Maw Oo could see that Lyan Oo Nway had to use all his strength to say these words.


When he was about to give up, Maw Oo gave him permission. He was shocked and looked back to Maw Oo Yan and he was suddenly sunk into the eyes of passion. Maw Oo came closer to his face and he instinctively raised his head unconsciously.

Maw Oo kissed him lightly. Before he had enough of the touch, Maw Oo aparted an inch between them.

"And, is there anything else you want?"

The heart of Lyan Oo Nway was vibrating soundly. Maw Oo Yan could make him drunk and invited him to accompany him into the endless sea. Maw Oo's voice was ashy and intoxicated him like a glass of wine.

"Touch me. Hug me and kiss me more"

"Okay, that's what you are asking for"

Maw Oo Yan deepened the kiss again. He began to embrace the slender waist with full vigor. Any air that came between the two was absorbed by Maw Oo Yan. He didn't let go of the kiss until Lyan Oo Nway was out of breath.

At the end, when he could no longer stand with his knees strong enough, Lyan Oo Nway went limp, but did not fall to the floor. Maw Oo Yan did something he didn't expect. He lifted him from his lap and held him around his waist. And deepened the kiss.

"Maw…Maw Oo!!"

As soon as Maw Oo let go of him, he put his head on his shoulder. His breathing hit gently to Maw Oo's neck. Maw Oo Yan placed the person in his arms above the bed and covered him with his body. Then he removed the hair covering the narrow forehead; he could see clearly the moist lips turned red because of him.

To tell the truth, Lyan Oo Nway looked prettier when you looked at him closer and longer. He is a definition of perfection in beauty but his long hair covered almost half of his face and warm hoodies he wore all three seasons covered his attractive body.

"What's next? What do you want?"

Lyan Oo Nway closed his eyes until tears rolled down his cheeks, then opened them again and faced Maw Oo's drugged eyes. Maw Oo Yan was giving him the opportunity to touch. If he refused then he was a fool. He wanted him. He wanted this man to the end.

"Would you really do what I want?"


"Can you sleep with me?"

The room fell silent and Maw Oo was gazing at him without turning away. It made him more embarrassed. He tried to keep his tears from falling down.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to….. Umm!!"

Maw Oo Yan didn't allow his tears to fall by attacking his lips for the second time more deeply and more passionately.

Lyan Oo Nway's mind had a complete lack of consciousness and was hovering around Maw Oo Yan, who had taken him from pain to pleasure. For Lyan Oo Nway, everything Maw Oo did was worth melting for.

Lyan Oo Nway had no plan to let go of the neck he had hugged and forgot to request gentleness from him. He was intoxicated in love with Maw Oo Yan. Maw Oo kissed him everywhere on his body and there was nowhere he didn't touch his body.

Maw Oo Yan even bit his ear tips and after being repeatedly manipulated until it reached a level that was enough for Maw Oo Yan, he felt as if his body and soul were no longer attached. The one who started the request was Lyan Oo Nway, but the one who took everything from him was Mao Oo Yan.

He didn't know if Maw Oo Yan embraced him in his sleep or kissed him again before he fell asleep. He just wanted to take a rest for his lethargic head.