Rumors are always rumors

How many times have you asked for someone's love only to have them disrespect you in return? In reality, falling in love will cause you to automatically humble yourself, according to the nature of human life. Those who don't love are the ones who win. When someone is in love, they frequently want to prostrate themselves before their beloved ones.

Maw Oo Yan hasn't changed much from before; he still work with Mary, who is already pursuing a career in business, and only occasionally returns home. Many people have praised the suitability of the two, whenever he surfed social media. Did they fail to remember that Mao was married? Or do they believe it is unimportant because he was only mediocre?

Except for his parents and Saung Hnin, Lyan Oo Nway is a forgettable human being. Kyi May returned to the village due to a family matter, leaving Lyan Oo Nway alone in the warmless house. However, nothing is more monotonous than seeing a loved one act coldly.

He was to blame for everything. He was the catalyst for Maw Oo's progress to be delayed. Maw Oo retook the exam while he was working, continued to attend class, but for Lyan Oo Nway, his education was over.

He felt sorry for his friend that she supported him when he recalled the time when he used to work hard as a result of Saung Hnin's influence. She has never acknowledged his relationship with Maw Oo.

Up until nightfall, the house's lights remained off. The phone, which was losing power, was also turned off. He would only ever see posts about Maw Oo and Mary's touching story when he opened my phone.

He huddled as tightly as he could on the couch, quivering with fear. He was terrified. His greatest concern was that Maw Oo Yan would divorce him.

The only things he had to show that he was related to Maw Oo were a marriage contract that Maw Oo had never wanted and a wedding ring that only he wore.

Lyan Oo Nway has round, golden-brown eyes that are constantly sparkling. These kind eyes and gentle gaze are enough to make one feel warm. However, there was no longer any light, and those eyes were now brimming with remorse and despair.

Ding ….Ding…..Ding

Along with the typing passcode to the door, the silhouette of a man instantly made him sit up on the sofa.

"It's already night and why don't you turn on the lights?"

A home with lights on at night indicates occupants. or being aware that someone is waiting outside for the returnee. Lyan Oo Nway, however, was unable to imagine himself as being at home at this time. The person he was waiting for came back to him, but without his mind. He repeatedly died from the thought every time he believed Maw Oo had left his heart outside the house.

Maw Oo turned on the light after casting a glance at the person on the sofa who was sitting silently and without responding. Lyan Oo Nway looked up at Maw Oo after closing his eyes for a while to take in the bright surroundings.

"You had dinner, right?"

Maw Oo simply gave him a nod before entering the bedroom. The dinner that Lyan Oo Nway had prepared for Maw Oo was poured into the garbage can as he entered the kitchen. Maw Oo never came home to eat the dinner he made every night. Well, although there were times like today when he got home, he had already had dinner outside.

He was at a loss as to whether Maw Oo Yan or himself was to blame for their declining relationship. He didn't feel depressed though. He thought he got used to this quickly.

After getting out of the shower, Maw Oo wiped his head with the towel. When Lyan Oo Nway returned, he lay down on the bed facing his back to Maw Oo. They did not exchange any words. He was quietly perishing in the cold environment.

"I found it."

After some time, Mao Oo turned in his direction when he heard Lyan Oo Nway's voice. awaiting his following words.

"Mary and you look better in the picture."

The room's temperature falls. He got no explanation from Mao Oo. He didn't turn to look at Lyan Oo Nwayuntil after he had changed into a new outfit.

"Rumors are always rumors."

He then went to the other room to work after finishing his sentence. As a rumor, he was aware of it. He simply needed Maw Oo to respond in order to reassure him. But up until the very last second, Maw Oo Yan didn't offer him even a little consolation.

Days went by in silence. Occasionally, Maw Oo Yan would return, but every time he did, he and Lyan Oo Nway would argue, which made Maw Oo rarely return home. However, Lyan Oo Nway won't say to break up first. To the very last second, he hung on to Maw Oo. He couldn't start breaking their relationship from his side even if Maw Oo requested him to.

He mentally got ready. He lost more weight than before due to physical weakness brought on by mental stress. He did, however, take a shower and put on fresh clothing. It took a while before he could call Maw Oo after checking the calendar. Next, he dialled the number.

When the phone rang, Maw Oo remained silent, awaiting his words.

"Hello, Maw Oo?"


"Can you come back home early today?"

"I'm busy."

On the phone, he heard a piece of music and Maw Oo looked like he's in a club. Maw Oo Yan claimed he was preoccupied with going to the club. He stiffened and sat down on the bed as soon as the call ended. Even now, he still experiences greater excitement when tasting the pain instead of being accustomed to it.

His birthday is today. He desired Maw Oo to spend some time with him. He wanted to go out to dinner with him and stay away from situations that could cause conflict.

He said that he was busy. Lyan Oo Nway planned to throw away his phone. But a call came in and it turned out his mom was the caller.

"Hello, son."

He wiped his tears away and answered by controlling his voice.


"My son, happy birthday. If you have time, don't forget to come visit us."

"I'll, Mom."

"I was missing you, my son. Maw Oo hasn't come back home at this time, has he? How's everything with him?"

Every time he spoke to his mother on the phone, she would inquire about Maw Oo. Lyan Oo, who never lied to his mom, assured his mother that Maw Oo took care of her and asked her not to worry. His mother didn't seem to believe it so she constantly questioned them about their relationship.

"We really get along, mom. We are going out tonight."

"Really? That's great. Then, you should go and prepare. Talk to you later, son."

"Yes, mom."

The empty room seemed to haunt him after the call ended. Early in the morning, Saung Hnin called him to wish him a happy birthday. He occasionally misses her because she knew him so well. She spends time listening to his problems and comforting him.

He discovered the card Ray had given him at the dinner party when he opened the drawer. He chose to dial. It doesn't matter who it is as long as it's not Maw Oo.


Hello, uncle."

"Who is it?"

He smiled because of uncle's question.

"It's me, Lyan Oo Nway whom you met at the party."

"Oh, you finally called me. What's the matter?"

"I was alone on my birthday. So may I invite you to have dinner together?"

"Sure. I'll come pick you up. Send me the address."

Although that man's voice was a little feminine, his tone and speech was gentle and kind. That's why he decided to dine with that man.

The car arrived quickly. It is hard to believe that the man is fifty when he is donning a denim jacket and white pants giving a cool look. The individual who must be roughly the same age as his response is very young. He couldn't blame that man for having a tall and lean body.

"It's your birthday so I'll take you to my bakery shop."

Every time he met that uncle in person, he was so confused how to address him. Should he call him 'uncle' or 'brother.' That uncle took him to an extremely famous shop named 'M bakery.' Although that was a foreign branch, the owner was Burmese. He had studied cakes and desserts so even though he didn't exactly know other stuff, he was familiar with this shop.

"Is this your own shop?"


He was shocked that although he knew Ray might be a rich man, he never thought that he would be the owner of the largest and most popular restaurant. M Bakery restaurant owned more than 100 branches all over the country within a year.

"Take a seat, What do you want to have?"

The bakery shop serves all kinds of bread and cake including pizza and steak. Ray treated him to the most popular food in that restaurant and Lyan Oo Nway hesitated a little as it was expensive.

After a while, the staff were coming to them carrying a cake on a trolley and singing a birthday song.

"Happy Birthday"

Ray sent a wish to him and let him blow out the candle light on the cake. It was made specially for him, so he felt happy at that time.

"Thanks a lot"

He said with a smile. Ray nodded to him while smiling back at him. This man seemed to be full of love, warm and kind. If only he had children, they would be very lucky. But unfortunately Ray admitted him that he was a gay since their first met.

He opened everything he felt to the man who was much older than him. He listened attentively and told him to contact him at any time. He reassured that he would give him all the help he could.

"I will repeat what I have already said. If he does not give an answer, you have to make your own decision, Maw Oo Yan is lucky, Because someone who is so tolerant like you is in love with him."

He was still grateful because every time he spoke to the man, he was able to gather his senses and find the strength to carry on. On the way back, Ray sent him home.

There was a cake box in front of the apartment door. He picked up the box in surprise, opened the door and sat down on the sofa.

It was a cake made with chocolate and it looked so good and delicious. There's also another bag and it has a leather wallet , the latest design.

In his mind, he thought that Maw Oo had given it to him, and he was happy, but when he read the letter, he became sad again. It was not from his husband, but from his kind father-in-law.

After heaving a sigh, he didn't even put away his belongings and sent his body to sleep.