Chapter 8: Distant Memory

Beth's surprise turned into a small mini concert, and the entire time Henry was guilty about the fact that Taylor was pushed into singing by the crowd

the good thing was Taylor seemed to not mind as she joyfully sang her songs


Henry opens the door to his apartment here in New York, even when he was filming in Australia he still paid the rent

He sits down on his bed and starts to look around his small studio apartment

'Oh how the mighty have fallen' Henry thought as he remembered his old room back in Folkestone Castle

He then opens his small safe under his bed and opens the safe and shows a pocket watch and a wrist watch, the pocket watch was gifted to him by his grandfather, and the wristwatch was given to him by his father

The wristwatch is a stunning Philippe Dufour Simplicity and the pocket watch is a George Daniels pocket watch.


The only thing the three of them can ever bond over is watches, the only time there's no tension between them are when they shop for watches together

Henry sighs as he looks toward the watches, he started to reminisce


May 1, 1989, a month after Henry Sebastian Amberstein the only son to house Amberstein is born

'I'm Alive and it's not a dream' he starts to tear up as he now does not feel the pain in his body, something that tortured him to an insanity

"Oh is my grandson missing me" a soothing tone is suddenly heard by the emotional Henry

he looks up and sees an old man with a smiling face

'So this is my grandpa...hopefully he's nice' The baby henry thought

A pocket watch was suddenly dangled in front of the small child, Henry instinctively started to try to reach the watch with his small arms

'Okay I'll start to act like a child so that they don't get suspicious, but what if this is a different world where babies mature faster, and what if I'm labeled as dumb, shit what do I do' the baby thought as he starts to panic with the fear of the unknown however his thoughts were interrupted by the old man

"Looks like you like this watch, this pocket watch is the Patek Philippe Henry Graves Supercomplication I bought this watch from a friend and this is where you got your name from" Henry's grandfather started to tell him about the watch and its history and parts.

That was the unusual start of the life of Henry Sebastian Amberstein.

Every year on his birthday he was given a watch by both his grandfather and father but that didn't diminish his love for the art form of horology.

He almost became a watchmaker if he didn't discover acting and he started to love watches more than ever after him and his father's relationship with each other started to become strained

shopping for watches at a small boutique in Geneva was one of the last moments happy memories he has with him.

Back to the present

Henry's tears fall on the watches as he remembers the good times in his childhood but it's only a distant memory now

the moment he gave that file to his father was the moment that life became hard, the moment everything changed

''Is this my fault or his'' Henry said in a whisper as he remember the memories both watches carried...