Chapter 9: Talk

The filming of The Pacific is about to finish but someone unexpectedly invited him

Henry is escorted to the summer villa they have in Australia

A man comes onto Henry's sight

His grandfather Lord Arthur Boris Amberstein

He gestures for him to sit down and he did very quietly as the servant prepares their tea

after the servants did, he leaves and Arthur slowly drinks the tea in silence the more he drinks the more Henry became nervous

why? he does not know but then Arthur suddenly spoke

"You always told me that you wanted to become a horologist a watchmaker but then you suddenly ran away from home and became an actor"

"Did I disappoint you?" Henry asked and then Arthur sighed at the question

"My boy I do not care what you do as a job, it's your life but you have to promise me something" Henry nodded

"Have the dignity and reputation of nobility, I know how Hollywood is a very corrupting and speculative industry" he said in a matter fact tone

"Grandpa I pursue my love for my craft and it just so happens that Hollywood is a big part of it" Henry said

Arthur nods and pullss out a folder and threw it onto the table between the both of them

"What is this" Henry asked confused

"look" Henry looked

The folder contained documents for a bank account

Henry sigh as he looks up toward his grandpa

"A bank registered in Coutts & Co under your name, it has about 20 million dollars" Arthur said

"Grandpa I don't need this at all" Henry rejected

"Keep it that's your trust fund.. well at least that's what you were supposed to receive when you turned 18 not including the castle in Germany but that should be good enough " Whenever his grandpa made up his mind it is permanent and there is Nothing Henry could do to stop it

"Father used that loophole in my Trust Fund huh" he said

"He did but your other ones for when you turn 21 and 30 is secured, I made sure there are no.. problems"

"Thank you" henry said

"And don't worry about him I have my ways to stop him from interfering with your life" Henry wondered how his grandfather could stop his father

"ho..." before he could ask how, he remembered "The Order" he said (AN: It shall be revealed in due time)

"Yes I still have a few things up my sleeves" Arthur said proudly, a little smugly

The two talked for what seemed like hours as the clock ticked and ticked...

to be continued.....