Chapter 10: Night Sky

After their talk, Arthur immediately flew back to London as he prefers the spring of London over the autumn of Melbourne

Henry went on and continued to do his job as an actor

"That's a Wrap!!" Director Tim Van Patten just yelled with his Megaphone

Everyone clapped and wooed at the sound of that and then he said "We're all gonna get drunk tonight..woohoo"

Everyone and I mean everyone cheered


the day soon turned into night as everyone drunkenly go up to their rooms in the hotel they were staying at

Henry went up to the rooftop patio to sober up and saw Steven Spielberg staring at the night sky

he suddenly whips his face towards Henry and motions for him to sit down next to him

As Henry sat down Steven suddenly said "Age really makes your tolerance weaker " he chuckled he then looks towards Henry "So tell me about yourself Henry"

"Well.." Henry sighs"Where should I start"

"How about your childhood "

"Well it's all pretty cliche, to be honest, I was born to a very rich family, I am the eldest son so I was groomed to take control of our family company, I was planning on becoming a horologist and run away from home but.."

"You became an actor and instead of becoming a horologist" Steven interjected

Henry nods at his interjection" Yeah it was quite daring of me actually I heard from brothers and sister that dad destroyed the house the morning I left"

"How'd you discover it" A third voice was heard the two turned their head towards the sound it was Tom Hanks

"Me?" Henry pointed at himself

Tom Hanks nods

"What do you mean?.. How'd I discover what?" Henry asked

"Let me rephrase that did you switch from making watches to acting" he sat as he said it

"Oh well I started to see plays and musicals in the Westend after I finished college to pass the time and uh" Henry said

"Wait aren't you 18" Steven asked

"Yes I attended college quite early compared to my peers"

They both nodded and hummed

"Anyways I started to get involved in acting when I auditioned for a small part in a play but I got really serious when I got into acting school and then something...just clicked it somehow became my art and craft..what about you guys"Henry asked the two Hollywood legends

Tom Hanks answered first "Well I started acting in plays in highschool and went on to study theater in college and I stared in one television series and an extra in a few television series then I made film debut as a lead actor in Splash and then a few years later I got my role in Big(AN: I recommend watching it)" Steven interupted him suddenly

"Btw my sister actually wrote the screenplay for Big and that's when I first met him actually" said by a proud big brother

"Anyways then I got Sleepless in Seattle, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13 and many more, I have undoubtedly been blessed" Tom ended with a reminiscing smile on his face

"What about you" Henry said to Steven

"Well as a teenager I was already making films at home, later I studied film studies at California State University in Long Beach I actually got rejected a few times cause of my grades...chuckles.. well anyway my short film Amblin impressed a studio boss back 1969 maybe 70 anyways I became the youngest director ever to receive a long-term contract from one of the major Hollywood studios" Steven bragged in the last part

the three shared personal stories about eachother under the night sky.....