Chapter 22

"Aunty, I'm leaving."

Holding a bag in his hand, Dun said to aunt that he was going to the hospital. Uncle Naung hadn't come back as he went to Kalaw town to inspect the flowers which were infested with insects.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Noble Lin, wait for me in the office until I return when you come to send the lunchbox. Don't wander. A drive will be here by 10am. I will leave a message."

Nobel Lin holding the spoon came out of the kitchen and listened to his words. The boy listened carefully when someone was talking. The thing is, he will do whatever they want to do after that.

Dun left home when he said everything he needed to. Shin Min Myat is going through an operation today. Dun was nervous to visit her ward but unlike him, she was calm like still water.

"U U, isn't he here with you?"

Looking past Dun, she shot a question. He didn't realise who she was talking about?

"Who are you talking to, sweety?"

"Ummm… it's your younger brother."

Don't tell him that even Shin Min Myat had come to like Nobel Lin. Dun wore a smile and coaxed her.

"Yes, he's not with me. But he'll come this afternoon to send me the lunchbox."

"Didn't you tell him that I was going to get operated on?"

"Oh, I forgot."

"I thought he would come if he knew about my operation."

Dun really didn't remember to inform the boy. If Nobel Lin learnt her operation and condition, he wouldn't understand a thing. Would he come to the hospital?

"Well, I'm here even if he doesn't come. Lie down and rest for a while. You can enter the operation room at ten."

"Okay, U U."

"Sweety, you are really amenable. Your grandad and gran said that they were going out for a moment. Stay relaxed."

"I got it."

Dun resumed his rounds after leaving her. He wished her operation to go well. But Dun was feeling something since he departed from home. Something weighed on his mind. Although he assured himself nothing would happen, he was not productive at work because of this.

"Noh Noh, I bought a transparent backpack as I found it beautiful. You can put the lunchbox in it today."

Aunt Mya was putting the lunchbox in while she was talking at the same time. Nobel Lin took a seat at the table and nodded in agreement.

"I don't know why but I feel dizzy today."

Nobel Lin was placing his chin on his hand and listening to her carefully.

"Noh Noh, don't stay too long. After you give it to Dun, come back and have lunch at home. I'm feeling under the weather."

Nobel Lin blinked in agreement and also nodded his head. And he took a lime out of the fridge and cut it.

"Noh Noh, what are you doing?"

Nobel Lin looked back at aunty and took time to reply to her. He just mouthed two words.


"Yes? Tell me, Noh Noh."

When aunt supported him, he added one tablespoon of sugar and said,

"For you"

"Hum? For me? Oh my! You are considerate and obedient. I will give you a big reward."

Nobel Lin had learnt that the old would kiss his cheeks if they would reward him since he stayed at aunt Nilar's house. He added the water into the cup and offered his cheek. Aunt Mya also gave him a big kiss on his cheek.

"That's very clever of you! You should go now. I'll drink lime juice upstairs as I want to lie down on the bed."

Nobel Lin nodded in agreement and she helped his hair neat. Noh Noh's hair was getting longer. She took note to inform Dun to get his haircut.

"Oh my god!"

Due to the scream, Nobel Lin rushed to her and witnessed a glass of lime juice was rolling towards him and aunt was falling on the floor. He stepped closer to her and poked her arm with his finger. He made an effort to speak.


He didn't know why aunt was lying on the floor. Earlier, she said that she would stay in bed. Although he supported her from her arm, he could lift only her head as he was weak. It went futile so he held her face and tried to wake her up.


She didn't wake up. He was sitting beside her. He tried phoning Dun. Despite calling, Dun didn't pick up.

Beep… Beep

In front of his house, the sound of a car horn was heard.

"Noh Noh, let's go!"

It was the driver's voice that always sent him to the hospital. Nobel Lin ran to the front yard. The driver smiled at him. He walked towards the driver and grabbed his arm instantly. The boy was reciting "aunt" with his nonchalant face.

"Oh, Noh Noh, what's wrong? Wait a sec, I will get down. Let me unbuckle my seat belt."

The uncle driver got down from the car and followed Noh Noh. When he got into the house, he met aunt Mya ,who he was familiar with, who was unconscious on the floor. Firstly, he checked whether the blood was oozing out. He was relieved when he saw no blood. He realised there was only Noh Noh and aunt Mya. That's why, without hesitating, he helped her stand up.

"Noh Noh, close the door. Let's go to the hospital."

The uncle driver marched first. Noh Noh didn't forget to bring the lunchbox for Dun, closed the door, and followed behind the uncle driver. In the car, the aunt leant on the boy's shoulder and was still unconscious. When they arrived at the hospital, they had to dash to the emergency room. Though it was next to the psychiatry hospital, it was separated. A doctor meticulously inspected the patient's head. Then, he told the uncle driver and Nobel Lin.

"There is swelling on the back of her head. I suppose it's internal bleeding. We must perform immediate surgery. If you are the relative of the patient, please sign as the guardian. And could you afford the hospital bill?"

The uncle driver handed the paper to Nobel Lin. The boy was doing his best to take in everything that happened just now.

"Oh, Noh Noh, your brother is on the other side of the hospital, isn't it? Go and call him first."

When the uncle driver reminded the boy of his brother, he nodded and darted off immediately. On his back, there was a backpack which included the lunchbox. He ran to the place where Dun should be. Some nurses forbade him.

"Noh Noh, Doctor is not free now. Will you wait in the room?"

Nobel Lin shook his head simultaneously. He continued looking for Dun. The nurses also followed behind him. He finally found Dun who was pushing the wheelchair for Shin Min Myat and chatting with a soft smile. Dun helped her to relax as she was about to enter the operation room. Out of the blue, a small pair of hands grasped his wrist.

"Huh.. Nobel Lin, why are you here? Give me a second. Go wait for me in the room. I haven't finished my work."

"Au…n t"

Dun didn't understand what Nobel Lin said. Thus, he struggled to get free from the boy. Nobel insisted and held his hand.

"I'm telling you to wait for me in the room. Ma Thi, come help me."

Ma Thi was pulling the boy from Dun. However, the boy was stubborn. Shin Min Myat saw the boy was pulling Dun so she also held onto another hand. Dun promised her to stay beside her while she was on the operation table.

"Nobel Lin, calm down. Tsk, Shin Min Myat has to undergo the operation. She will get scared. Let go of me."

Nobel Lin shook his head continuously. The uncle driver said that aunt was in urgent condition. Dun forcibly shook his hand out of the boy's grasp that made the boy fall on his butt. Dun was shocked so he was about to help him up. But then, Shin Min Myat tightly held his hand. Dun glanced at Ma Thi signalling to help the boy with his eyes. Thus, she gave her hand to help the boy up. Nobel Lin seemed exhausted as his chest moved up and down.

As Nobel Lin spirited here, he seemed out of breath as his chest moved up and down. He didn't take Ma Thi's hand and ran back the way he came.

"Doctor, is he mad?"

Dun was really worried. If Nobel Lin were out of control, that would be trouble. On one hand, Shin Min Myat had to enter the operation room. She was downcast as her grandparents had not arrived yet. While he was in dilemma, Saw Yatu appeared.

"I'll go after him. Don't worry and just stay with her."

Dun looked at him with a hint of asking a favour and nodded. Dun believed Nobel Lin would be fine soon. So he pushed Shin Min Myat's bed and directed towards the operation room. Saw Yatu followed Nobel Lin and he caught up with him only when he was near the aunt's emergency bed. Nobel was really fast. Saw Yatu had seen the aunt when he visited Dun's house frequently. This time, Saw Yatu was the one who freaked out.

"What happened to her?"

Saw Yatu asked the uncle driver and only then, he got to learn all about the events. He was sympathetic to Noh Noh when he learnt the reason the boy was trying so hard to call Dun. Maybe it was a form of showing his love that he did in whatever he could.

"I'll sign instead. His brother is a psychiatrist from the department of psychiatry and psychology. He has an emergency case so he is unavailable for now. I'll also pay the hospital bill."

Because of Saw Yatu, everything turned out fine. Thus, they prepared to send the aunt into the operation room. Nobel Lin traced them wherever they went. As there were three operation rooms, Dun was standing by one of the rooms. Then, he encountered Saw Yatu alongside the boy. Until he saw the person on the bed, Dun was relieved to know Nobel Lin's calm condition. His thoughts didn't last long. As he saw the person with the Oxygen tube pipe was the aunt, he ran straight towards her.

"Saw Yatu, what's wrong with my aunt?"

"Nobel Lin and uncle who was with him said that it's possible she fell down the steps. "

The uncle driver had gone so Dun got news from Saw Yatu. Dun's hands were shaking as two of his beloved people were now undertaking the operation. When he glanced at Nobel Lin, the latter sat down on the floor and gazed at a far distance. Dun walked to the boy and sat near him.

Nobel Lin strived to call him but he wasn't able to understand him. He never chose Nobel Lin whoever he got compared with. If Nobel Lin were a normal person, it's certain that he would loathe him.

"I pushed you earlier. Are you hurt?"

Nobel Lin didn't reply. Well, the boy didn't know pain. He would probably be painful. But he couldn't tell the pain. As far as Dun observed, he remembered the boy supported himself with one hand when he fell down. Dun grabbed his hand and scrutinised it. As a result, nothing occurred except red skin.

"I apologise for not realising why you called me. Did you bring our aunt here?"

Without giving any reply, Nobel Lin took off his rucksack and handed something to Dun. He could see the lunchbox through a transparent bag. Dun wore a smile. Nobel Lin did everything he had to do. Dun was not peckish at the moment. Maybe because there was a lot on his mind.

"Let's eat together."

Even though Dun didn't feel hungry, he had to feed the boy. After that, he had to give him medicine. Nobel Lin didn't eat when he fed him. He kept his lips completely sealed. His aunt told him to have a meal together with her.

"Eat something. Ain't you hungry?"

Dun murmured to himself that Nobel Lin didn't know what it felt like to be hungry. He had a feeling that he was out of his mind. He wanted the boy to reply to him. Still, he still thanked the boy who didn't even glance at him. Sometimes, it was seen that Nobel Lin was more mature than him. They waited for two hours. At this time, Nobel Lin fell asleep on his lap. As the floor was cold, he lifted the boy onto the chair and let the boy sleep on his lap.

Though Dun wasn't sure who would come out first from two operation rooms, he just wanted to exchange with Nobel Lin at this moment. Because Dun thought the life Nobel Lin lived in must be peaceful like others said. Dun really wished to know whether there would be differences between his world and the boy's world. Dun couldn't help but be concerned and felt his chest tight whereas the boy was sleeping soundly.