Chapter 23

"Patient Daw Mya Htar's surgery was successful."

A nurse came out of the operation room and spread the good news to Dun which made him feel like he's free of pain. His aunt was regarded as his mom at this moment.

"Thank you, doctor!"

Dun gently padded Noh Noh's arms, who was sleeping on his laps, to wake him up. Nobel Lin didn't wake up for a while and he was still sleeping on his back and his face was facing Dun Nay Kha. His skin was white and soft like a baby skin. His eyes were pretty with those long dark eyelids covering the brown eyeballs.

"Nobel Lin, wake up! The operation is finished. You haven't had Lunch yet"

Nobel Lin opened his eyes and looked back to Dun. And he turned to Dun's abdomen side to sleep again as he didn't get enough time to sleep. Whenever he breathed Dun could feel his breath and warm air.

He gently pulled Nobel Lin's ear and said again.

"Wake up Nobel Lin, even if you don't want to eat, I'm so hungry"

When he pulled his ear, Nobel Lin covered his ears and could not know if he felt itchy or hurt. Dun realised that Nobel Lin didn't like his ears to be touched. Then he get up from Dun's laps and rubbed his eyes with his hands.

"Stop rubbing your eyes, it will make your eyelids remove. You have slept quite a long time. Come on, let's go eat something."

Nobel Lin shook his head. It was impossible that he was not hungry at all.

"Alright! Let's go to see Aunty"

Shin Min Myat was still in the operation theatre. Her parents were waiting outside the OT. It looked like her grandparents called them to come. Then the doctor came to say that the operation was well done and successful.

Dun sighed out and felt relieved. He brought Nobel Lin to the park holding Lunch box and his hand. He still hadn't had Lunch yet. Nobel Lin was more silent than usual. So, Dun was so confused about it.

"Open your mouth, I will feed you. Aunty has to take time to recover. So, you have to eat well to take care of her"

When he fed him a spoonful of rice, Nobel Lin opened his mouth this time without rejecting. His cheek was puffy with the food inside his mouth and could see clearly his veins on his white face.

"You can drink carrot juice by yourself. I will go buy another one for me later"

They shared food together and it could make him relieved as Nobel Lin was not totally ignored by him.

"What is this? Meatballs?"

Nobel Lin nodded, chewing his food that Dun fed to him. By this way, talking and sharing, they had lunch together.

"Let's go to the market, we have to buy food and medicine for Aunty. If you have something you need you can also buy it, okay?"

Dun asked him with hand sign of okay and Nobel Lin copied his hand sign and said,


Dun was smiling without noticing himself. Nobel Lin was wearing Blue shirt and white short pants. So he looked like just a pure kid. Dun still felt guilty because he pushed him unconsciously in front of Shin Min Myat.

They went to the market and brought everything that was suitable for a patient. He also talked about Aunty with U Naung on the phone. So he would come back. It's impossible to live with Nobel Lin, just the two of them in the house. He didn't want to leave Nobel Lin alone when he had to go to the hospital. Nobel Lin didn't want to live in the hospital all day long too. If Dun could not make time for Nobel Lin, it was not good for him.

Nobel Lin pointed the ice cream shop to him. So, Dun bought a cup of strawberry ice-cream for Nobel Lin and chocolate for him. But Nobel Lin took chocolate ice-cream. Only strawberries were left for Dun.

"Arr, you… you are not a kid anymore but you still mess up while eating ice-cream. Wait me for a minute, I'm going to buy tissue and water to wash your hands"

Dun rushed to the nearest shop and bought what he needed, then came back to help Nobel Lin to clean up. Nobel Lin didn't spare a look for him and just gazed to the other side for the whole time and it looked like he was so interested in it.

Then Dun realised that he had to send Nobel Lin to the hair salon to cut his long hair. When the owner of the hair salon saw Nobel Lin who is so cute and lovable, he was so touched looking at him with his sweet eyes. It's not that strange because Dun and Nobel Lin encountered this situation several times.

"I will cut it just a little. Because I afraid his appearance would change"

Dun accepted and approved it. He thought he became a father of a child. After that, Nobel Lin ran outside while Dun was giving a payment.

Arrr… with this boy, I'm going crazy. It's so hard to be with him.

Dun also had to run to follow him. Nobel Lin was so fast in running even though he was so small. Dun thought he had to tie Nobel Lin's hand later.

When he saw Nobel Lin grabbing a woman's hand without letting her go, he rushed near them. The woman was in her thirties. Dun held Nobel Lin to his side and apologised to that woman quickly.

"I'm sorry. He mistaken wrong person"

He didn't know why Nobel Lin was acting like that. He'd never acted like this before. It looked like he really mistook the wrong person.

"It is okay, no problem. You shouldn't leave a boy like him alone. Be careful next time."

She knew the current mental state of Nobel Lin within a short time. She looked like a professional.

"Thank you. I will be careful next time."

"Okay, good bye then"

The woman left but she still looked back to Nobel Lin. If Nobel Lin followed her because he mistook her with Sandar, would he disappoint as she was not the one he expected.

"What? Does she look like Sandar? That's why you followed her? It's not good to do so, Nobel Lin. It's so dangerous to run away like this. If something happens to you, I will not know. Don't do that again. Okay?"

His voice was a little loud. He was exhausted as he ran after Noh Noh. Nobel Lin was still gazing at the woman who left.

"Excuse me. I heard the name "Sandar". Is it "Sandar Lin"?"

That woman came back to them after hearing the name.

"I don't know exactly. All I know is just a name. He is always calling that name again and again."

"Excuse me. Can I ask you his name if you don't mind.?"

Dun replied to her question.

"It's Nobel Lin"

"My mother is Daw Sandar Lin. I think I had heard of Nobel Lin's name and I felt like I had seen him somewhere"

A thought immediately popped into Dun's head

"Can I see your mother?"

"Yes, mom is in the hospital now, I'll call her as soon as she's better, mom was talking about the little boy that looks a lot like him, so I noticed it the first time I saw him."

This seemed to give him a clue. Nobel Lin went to the right person although Dun thought she was the wrong one.

"Please contact me"

Dun gave the phone number. He couldn't even think to himself why he was so active in pursuing Nobel Lin's past. Dun really cared about the four years he was not with him more than the years he was with him.

Nobel Lin, Are you born weak? Or you got hurt and suffered mentally?...

Dun was thinking about Nobel Lin all the way in the car. Why is his heart heavy? What kind of past could this boy have?