Act 1: Part 2

We arrived at school. What normally is a scene of teenagers loitering outside, is now flooded with reporters and cops. Weird.

"What the shit?" Huey and I are both confused. Did something happen? Probably? Is it bad?

"You didn't hear?" A short, black haired girl stands next to us. Do I know her? Maybe. She looks a lot like Joan Jett. Hot as hell though. Must be goth. But I don't know the girl's name. I really don't want to get involved.

"What, well what happened?" Huey asks the goth.

"Someone went on a murderous rampage against some students last night. The police are interviewing basically everyone." The goth is too calm when saying this, could it be shocking perhaps? Or is she too cool for emotions? Hmm...

"So, like, 'Scream'?" Of course Huey would think it was a horror flick. Okay, so this is a clear case of mass murder. I feel like I should do something but I don't know what to do. I just stand there with the others as more cops arrive, some students come in and out of the school with eyes puffy from crying. I see one officer talking to Ms. O'Hara, head of the school, and her assistant. The assistant is an older lady, white haired with glasses. She is comforting the head teacher while the officer speaks with her. I'm hoping this means there are some people still alive.

"Oh shit." Huey says.

"What?" The goth seems confused by Huey.

"Nothing, just, that's awful."

"Yeah. Students are pretty shaken up. No one really knows what's going on." Wow. Someone killed a bunch of kids. What should I do? Should I go talk to people?

"No, I wouldn't do that. You shouldn't get involved." The goth sternly said, staring at me. ...What?

"Oh, you heard that." Awkward.

"They are looking for info on the murders. All the teachers and students will be interviewed. It will be a while before this all gets sorted out." The goth seems to know a lot about this.

"Everyone? Really? Are there any survivors?" I ask.

"Oh, there's survivors, and it's going to take a while for them to piece together what happened. You know, these kids come in here, some of them with their parents. Some of them have no parents. Just guardians. They're really looking for a family here, a home, an identity. They don't know anything about what they're coming here to. They're just looking to be taken care of, to be safe. Sometimes it doesn't work out so well." The goth calmly said. Well that's ominous...

Huey put his hands on his hips, "Well, that doesn't bode well for my own future, does it?"

"What are you going to do, Huey? If something happens."

Huey looked towards me, slightly slouching but with hands still on his hips, "I don't know. Probably roll on the floor and die. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me." Ooh... this is an interesting direction. I can't wait to see where this goes. Huey turns towards the mysterious girl.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Joanne." Where did you come from?

Joanne looked at me again, "I don't know. Where did I come from?" Why do people keep hearing my thoughts?

Huey looked puzzled, "They do that?"

"Oh, I do." Joanne said.

Huey nodded, "Yeah, I guess you do." After that awkward interaction, Huey and I head inside.