Act 1: Part 3

The hallways are full of teachers, students, and police officers. The classrooms are full of people standing around trying to figure out what's going on. We headed up the hall to Ms. O'Hara's room.

Upon entering the room, Ms. O'Hara greeted us as if we were missing for days and had only just returned, "Thank god, we heard about the massacre. They said they found a dozen bodies. Some of the students are gone. No one has seen anything suspicious, but the police have set up a perimeter and are asking students to keep their doors locked. The police will be doing an investigation. They're treating this like a crime scene. They're going to do it again tomorrow. Please help your fellow classmates. We will not release students until the police are able to do a thorough search."

An officer walks in, takes a seat and starts filling out a form. Where are the students?

"This is stupid. They canceled practice because one guy killed a bunch of people. Stupid."

"Huh?" It's weird, isn't it? When people react to situations in ways you don't expect them to react? Some are scared, some are angry, some are confused. I feel like the kids aren't getting any of that information, just a lot of raw emotion. But for Bubba Washington, he seems to just ignore the recent tragedy and focus on his own issues.

Bubba slams his hands down on his desk, shaking it and making him look more like a child throwing a temper tantrum than a 16 year old, "You can't just cancel practice, just because some nutcase broke into a house party and killed all those people." He crosses his arms, "Stupid."

Ahh… Bayboro High. Home of the Bayboro Boar's. Bubba Washington is Bayboro High's star athlete. Standing at 6 feet and 9 inches, and with the weight of 415 pounds, Bubba is a bear of a man. Bubba is so large that his double XL white collar uniform looks small on him. From baseball season to football, Bubba lives and breathes all things Bayboro High. However, he's very easy to hate, and not just because he's not really all that bright. He's easy to hate because he's full of himself. Sure, he has good grades. Sure, he's a naturally talented athlete. However, he's also an idiot. He has a very entitled personality, and all his decisions are dictated by this need to always be in control. I mean, how can you have a high self-esteem and be so stupid? It just doesn't make any sense. He has an incredibly thick southern accent, so he fits the stereotype of a dumb redneck fairly well. Although, that could also be because of his huge brown mullet.

"This is a joke. My arm's already falling off. Look, see?" Bubba rolls up his sleeves and shows us his arm.

Huey and I look at each other, as if without words somehow communicating our disdain for Bubba; but Huey, being the guy that he is, asks Bubba, "Surely, we can do better than that, Bubba. What are you doing today?"

Bubba puckers his lips and looks down, he has his right eyebrow raised, "I dunno, probably play some football, and go hunt some stuff. Actually, a couple buddies of mine are preparing for a big one tomorrow."

"Oh." Huey says.

Bubba unpuckers his lips, and leans back in his chair, "Can we call someone, like my Grandpa? I mean, who better to have on your side in these things?" Another reason why people rarely hate on Bubba is because... Unfortunately... His Grandfather's the town's sheriff. Jedediah Washington. So, while many students might view this tragedy as a chance to get over their own issues for character development, Bubba's got his Grandfather to fall back on. Bubba Washington is the boy we have to keep an eye on. And even though he's a bully, and generally not someone we'd like to associate with, we have to keep an eye on him because he's the town's sheriff's grandson.

"I don't think anyone's seen anything."

"Really? Not even a little bit?"

A light hair boy with a beanie and a blonde haired girl enter. The boy's name is Jason Deez. The girl's name is Anna Sawyer. Jason Deez is your stereotypical gamer, and by that I mean he will go out of his way to let you know that he's a gamer. Anna Sawyer on the other hand is more interested in being fashionable. She's pretty cute, even without make-up, and her smile gives her a look of innocence, which, being a teenager, she doesn't really possess. Anna is also the most Catholic out of everyone in the classroom. Anna, along with her school mates, is still in shock over the death.

Jason is pale out of shock, his face nearly resembles one with blood, " I can't believe we're playing real life 'Among Us'... Again." Again? What? What does he mean again?

Jason puts his hands in pockets, "This is my fourth time. I've played this damn game... Who would do this to us?" It turns out that this game has a dark secret. In the story, there was a game called 'Among Us'. These events will lead you to uncover this game's secrets. This game is actually real. It's real. It's alive. Unfortunately, people aren't too keen on the idea of people playing a video game and they killed all the players.

I spot Huey, he seems annoyed for some reason, "Can you quit it with your video-game references? We all know you have no other personality traits."

Jason immediately turns to Huey; it seems he's forgotten about the murders, " Like movies aren't yours?"

"Hey! At least mine aren't cheesy." Huey scoffs.

"What's more cheese than something called 'Maniac Cop'?" You know what? That's a good point Jason.

Huey, offended, snaps back, "'Maniac Cop' is a classic and I will have you know that! And if you want to go there, then what about HuniePop? Only nerds play that."

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

Huey and Jason's stupid argument is getting heated, very heated. Should I stop Huey? Should I stop Jason? Yes. Yes, I think I should do something, at least for now.

"I'll T-Pose over your fucking corpse!!" Jason shrieks.

"I'll shove you back in your basket, you Belial looking bastard!" Huey retorts. This is the stupidest argument I've ever seen.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Bubba chants from his desk.

Suddenly, Anna chimes in, seeming to try and defuse any potential teenage violence, "Y'all sound a little tense. Why don't I make us some tea?" Huey and Jason stop their feud for a bit, both snapping their heads to Anna, "Tea sounds great!!" They both yell. This is usually the part in a story where after everyone is introduced to the characters something bad happens. This is where it usually goes. This is usually how it goes. But nothing ever happens, and no one has the slightest clue what's going on. Like most of these sorts of stories, the action only really happens later in the story. Meaning you have to sit through a good hour before anything interesting happens. That's just a scam if you ask me.

Laughing from his desk, Bubba is nearly crying, "Hah! Nothing better than watching two nerds fighting over fictional people. How old are you two? Ten?"

"Seventeen!" Huey answers, and then Jason, "And sixteen!"

Grinning, Bubba speaks as if he were about to burst from laughter, "Je-sus Christ! I didn't actually mean it, dude." Huey can be a bit too passionate sometimes when it comes to horror movies. He loves them with a passion. However, when put into a room with someone who is equally as passionate about a similar subject, things can get pretty tense.

Seemingly sobering up from his amusement, Bubba crosses his arms, closes his eyes, and cockily states, "You know what they say, two's company, three's a real pissing contest."

"What?" Jason is as confused by that statement as I am.

Bubba opens his left eye, "I'm saying that you two are going to start something if you keep this up. They already canceled practice, I don't need you two knuckleheads ruining my day even more."

Still riled up from his potentially violent "argument" with Huey, Jason does the stereotypical anime boy thing of getting super aggressive over something so trivial for no reason, "Who are you calling a knob, nerd?!"

Bubba, who knows he could kick Jason's ass easily if he wanted to, isn't in the least bit intimidated by him, "You, you incel. And if you keep that up, I'll kick your dick off!"

Jason stops his charades suddenly, he looks like he's confused, "Incel? What the hell is that?"

Bubba opens his right eye slightly, which gives him the look of somehow tired, "It's a term used by 'beta males' for themselves, the 'involuntary celibates.' They're people who have either never been in a relationship or who are simply unable to find one. It's a term for a group of people who were born without a penis."

I feel like I should correct him on that last part, "I think you were right until the last part..."

Bubba cocks his head back, raising his right eyebrow, "You don't know shit, man. They're usually young men. They tend to have low self-esteem, often because of their inability to get laid."

"I don't get it." Jason admits.

Bubba leans forward on his desk, "It's okay, I understand. They think they're too pathetic to ever get a girlfriend. So, you know, you."

Jason puts his left hand on his chin to try and do that thing in shows where the guy asking the question strokes his chin to look smarter, "Ok, I get that part. What I don't get is why you keep bringing this up. And what does "involuntary celibacy" mean anyway?"

Bubba slouches, "For one, I don't understand how you're not getting this. Two, it's just a term, and I don't understand why you care so much about your definition of a term. Finally, you're a nerd. Incels are nerds, or at least their own kind of nerd."

"Dude, what are you talking about?" Huey asks Bubba.

"He was just about to say that you're all nerds." I will clarify.

"That is correct, I was going to say that." Anna finishes making tea, and gives everyone a drink. Huey doesn't really understand why Jason and him were arguing. Then, Ms. O'Hara makes an announcement.

"Students, students attention! I've come to make an announcement!" She pauses. "I've... I've just been informed that..." She takes a deep breath, and then the worst possible option for this school came out, "They believe that someone from this class could be the killer."

We all gasp. Everyone's shocked. What the fuck?! It's hard to be shocked when someone you think is the killer reveals themselves. It just doesn't make sense.

"Why would someone in our class kill? We're not even friends with anyone popular, except for Bubba. And I can guarantee you he didn't kill anyone." Huey points this out, and while I believe it, I've been in theater long enough to know people can easily put on a face. But, maybe, let's say for a second this was real and someone in this class did indeed end a life, why? Wouldn't they be throwing their life away in jail? I... Why?

"I think I might be the killer." Bubba emotionlessly says.

"Why would you say that?" Huey asks, puzzled. Bubba shrugs.

I think I can see where this story is going. They think the killer is some other kid in the class. I'm sure they're going to talk the murderer down. They're all going to find some rational reason for their innocence, and the truth will be outed by the end of the day. This should be really easy for them. Who could be the killer? It couldn't be Jason or Huey, since they're not the murderers. Could it be Bubba? Why would Bubba do this? He's an asshole, but he's too stupid get away with murder. I just don't see how Bubba could be the killer. It can't be one of the adults. Ms. O'Hara is a cool teacher who looks out for the students. There are too many other people in the story to be the killer.

Piping up to voice his opinion on the situation, Jason says, "I think it's probably Bubba. He's a fucking sociopath, and he knows exactly what we're talking about. It's him."

"Narcissist, actually." Bubba corrects him.

"Fuck you. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about." Jason scoffs.

I've read enough murder mysteries. I'm pretty sure that what we've been talking about is what they call the "final reveal." In a murder mystery, they do this where someone reveals themselves as the killer at the end. It's kind of like they're hiding the truth and when they think it's safe they reveal themselves.

In a panic, Anna urges Jason to think this situation through because, realistically, he would be the first death in a slasher movie, "Please, violence won't solve anything! Think what would Jesus do?" You're right, Anna, you really are. But it would be nice if it would.

In any sort of criminal investigation, it is very important to maintain the safety of the subject. This means that only one person will be allowed in the interrogation room at a time. If anyone else enters the room, they could potentially ruin the investigation. Therefore, if you were investigating a murder, it would be extremely dangerous to let anyone else in the room. But this is exactly what we're doing right now. Huey, Jason, and Bubba are trying to work out the identity of the killer. If the real killer is in the room, they would know that, because they are in the room. Anna is the only one not participating.

"I'll leave if you really want me to, but I really think it's Bubba." Jason pouts, but Ms. O'Hara sorely says, "I'm sorry Jason, but class isn't over."

Jason sighs, "Fine. I'm just going to take this to Twitter." Everyone ignores him.

Huey quietly speaks to me, "That's funny because I'm pretty sure Twitter is down."

"Why didn't you say that to his face?"

"Why would I say that to his face? I'm not going to tell Jason that his whole world is down, "Huey jokes, "He'd kill me."

"He'd probably do worse than that."

"You're right. He'd probably ratio my ass." Gay. After some time, the bell rings dismissing everyone. Since the next period is a free period, I have time off. I wonder what I should do.