Dawn's First Night

Throwing Dawn onto my bed, I quickly tore my clothes off, letting my aching erection free.

Seeing Dawn staring intently at my cock, I took it in one hand and started stroking it, saying "Well? Am I going to need to undress you as well?"

Shivering, Dawn shook her head, raising the loose shirt over her head, revealing her toned stomach and the mature bra she was wearing.

Black lace, it revealed her hard nipples, and after seeing me staring intently at her breasts, Dawn blushed and covered them with an arm.

Moving closer to her, I raised a brow as I said "Really? I fucked those tits of yours before, y'know?"

Nodding her head, she swallowed hard as she dropped her arms, sliding her sweatpants off.

Seeing the matching lace panties that were already glistening slightly, my hand sped up, using all of my will power to not launch myself at the girl and pierce her cunt with my cock.

Getting onto the bed, I gently pushed Dawn onto her back, kissing her before licking my lips.

Seeing her breasts clad in black lace was arousing, and I slid my hands down her back, finding the clasp and undoing it.

Pulling her bra off, I latched myself onto her tit, kneading the other one in my hand.

She moaned as I did that, her lips pursed as she looked down at me.

After a good taste of her tit, I pulled myself back, gently pulling her panties off.

Seeing the thread of juices connecting it to her cunt, I smirked before tossing them aside.

Lowering myself, I took a deep breath of her scent, enjoying how she shivered as my nose gently brushed against her clit.

Licking some of her juices off, I marveled at how her taste was stronger than before.

Burying my tongue in her snatch, I eagerly gulped down her juices, listening to her cute moans as she clenched those plump thighs around my head.

As she came over my face, I drank her sweet ejaculate with gusto, enjoying the meal.

Pulling away, Dawn just blushed at the sight of my face covered in her juices.

Chuckling, I got off the bed, grabbing a towel and cleaning my face.

Sitting on the edge, I pointed to my throbbing cock and said "Wanna return the favor?"

Nodding, Dawn got up off the bed, kneeling in front of me before swallowing the tip of my cock.

Gripping the bedsheets, I groaned slightly as her tongue started eagerly swirling around my tip, slowly finding my sweet spots.

Looking down at the bobbing head of the young girl, I shuddered at the slight immorality of this act, before grinning as I placed a hand on her head, forcing my cock deeper down her throat.

She turned those glistening sapphire eyes towards me, half lidded as she gargled on my dick.

Speeding up, she dropped a hand to her sticky cunt, fingering herself as she blew me.

Moaning, I placed both my hands on her head, pushing her further into my crotch as I came.

Gulping down my semen, Dawn looked at me with slightly teary eyes, her cheeks bulging as she desperately tried to swallow all of my cum.

Feeling my cock twitch as it spewed another rope, I shuddered as she kept sucking, draining my urethra of all my semen.

Releasing her head, I watched as she slowly removed my cock from her plump lips, making it twitch as she breathed on it.

"Damn Dawn, that was... fantastic..."

Smiling up at me, Dawn got up and wiped the trace amount of semen off her lips, before asking "So... what now?"

Pushing her onto the bed, I loomed over her, kissing her.

After getting a good taste of my semen from her lips, I pulled out a condom and flashed it to her.

Biting her lip, she gulped before nodding.

Grinning, I tore the wrapper off and showed her the condom, before placing it on her lips.

She looked at me confusedly, before widening her eyes as I moved forwards, my cock above her mouth.

Opening up, she gagged as I thrust my cock into her mouth, enjoying the sensation of the condom rolling over my cock.

Pushing deeper into her throat, I moaned at the tightness, before pulling out, the condom mostly on my entire cock.

Using my hand to roll it down fully, I pinched the tip before lining myself up with her cunt, looking at her as I asked "Are you sure Dawn?"

She just nodded, and I kissed her, slowly spreading her slit open as I entered her.

I took it slow, my tip barely fitting in before hitting a wall.

Dawn had groaned in my mouth, however when my tip hit her hymen she bit my lip.

Pulling away, I looked down at her before saying "On three?"

Her eyes were watery as she looked at me, and after she nodded I said "Alright. One..."

Thrusting past her hymen, Dawn screamed at the pain, before shuddering slightly, her cunt convulsing as she came from the pain.

Looking down at her cunt, I saw a bit of blood dripping out, and I watched as she shivered, the blood quickly washed away by her ejaculate.

I widened my eyes, wondering of the girl was an M, before shrugging.

That's for another time...

I continued sliding deeper and deeper, Dawn letting out shouts as she grimaced slightly.

Kissing her, I felt her tense body relax slightly, before she shuddered when I hit her cervix.

I sighed, pulling away as I realized that I would need to 'develop' her to fit all of me, over multiple sessions.

However, that wasn't so bad; it meant I would be able to watch her slowly fall as I gradually increased the pleasure she felt.

"You ok? Can I start moving or do you want me to stay still?"

Blinking a few times, Dawn took in a deep breath before saying "Y-You can move..."

I grinned at her, slowly sliding my dick out of her.

She trembled, wrapping her arms around me, before moaning as I slid back in.

I kept a slow pace, gradually easing her tight cunt to loosen up, allowing my cock to glide in and out.

We kissed, and after a few minutes she moaned "Faster~"

Nodding, I sped up, enveloping her breasts with my own, rubbing our nipples together as I started thrusting into her tight pussy.

She moaned, convulsing as she came again.

Grinning at the blushing girl under me, I eventually reached a fast speed, my tip knocking on her wombs door.

Dawn came and came, her whole body sensitive as I fucked her.

The feeling of her sheathlike cunt massaged my cock, her folds desperately gripping my dick as I thrust in and out of her, before...

Grunting, I came, the condom filling up in her womb.

She screamed as I had to drag it out, and I was worried that it might burst inside of her.

The idea was both worrying and arousing, as the image of her walking around with a large belly as she carried my child entered my mind.

However, I pulled the large balloon sized condom out of her pussy, showing it to her before placing it to the side.


She nodded, and I flipped her over, massaging her ass.

Peering over her shoulder, Dawn bit her lip as she nodded again, and I slid on a condom.

Reentering her, I started thrusting into her cervix, grabbing her hips as I pulled her into me.

She bit the sheets, screaming into them as I started pounding her.

I couldn't hold back anymore, the sight of the young girl bent over in front of me sending me over the edge.

As I ravished her ass, Dawn orgasmed over and over again, and whenever I placed a filled condom beside her head she looked at it, her eyes alight with lust.

I lost myself to her tight cunt, enjoying the way she screamed and shuddered as I spanked her, pounded her cervix, and filled multiple condoms inside of her.

Seeing the pile of balloons beside her, I shivered, before sliding another one on, flipping her onto her back as I resumed my pounding, this time holding her tight as I kissed her, our breasts pressed together.

Filling another condom inside her, I tied it and placed it on her face, chuckling at how she shuddered at the warmth.

"Dawn, can I..?"

Sighing when she shook her head, I slid on another condom and displayed my displeasure, hammering into her.

She screamed into my mouth, her nails digging into my back as she wrapped her legs around my waist, keeping me inside her.

The night slowly faded, yet I remained aroused.

I had emptied a box of condoms, and was now halfway through the second one.

Every time I saw her body skiing with sweat, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she panted, the sight of her cunt glistening with her ejaculate...

I shuddered, cumming deep inside her again.

The bed was littered with condoms, and Dawn looked at me with unfocused eyes, moaning and screaming whenever I fucked her.

With plans to empty the second box, I dove back into my lust, lifting the girl onto my lap as I bounced her on my cock, no longer able to think of anything besides the feeling of her cunt wrapped around my cock.