A Lazy Day

I had continued tasting the young cunt of Dawn well into the morning, before sighing when I realized the second, and final, box of condoms was empty.

As much as I wanted to just say 'Screw it' and pump her womb full with my potent semen, I respected her wishes, letting her rest as I finally stopped.

Scooping up my phone, I sent a text to the construction company, telling them that today wasn't a good day; a Pokemon was having a rough birth and I didn't want to disturb them.

Sending the fees for a delay, I turned the phone off after setting an alarm, placing it to the side as I pulled Dawn onto me, letting her rest on my large chest.

Falling asleep with my cock buried between her thighs was heavenly.


The alarm woke me with a start, but Dawn slept through it, her eyes scrunched shut as she gently ground her aching cunt on my cock.

I had to tear myself away from her, laying her on the bed as I set about cleaning up.

The entire time I moved condoms to trash bags I would hear her moans and groans, tempting me as I worked.

Her plump ass and thighs invited me, and her perky tits looked delectable in the late morning light.

However, even though I still wanted to slam myself into her, I couldn't.

Filling two bags with just my used condoms was... arousing in its own way, knowing that I had came that much inside the young girl.

Making my way downstairs, I just chuckled at the pouting faces of Gardevoir, Lopunny, and Lucario, all three rubbing their stomachs as they sat on the couch.

Placing the bags outside, I chuckled again as I said "What, she felt really, really good!"

Their pouts deepened, and I just sighed before giving each a deep kiss.

Going outside before I lost myself to their bodies, I looked around for my Chansey, intending to have her heal Dawn a little.

Seeing the cute pink Pokemon helping a Ponyta give birth, I waited, watching the tan and red egg slip from the Ponyta's pussy, making it shudder in relief.

The Rapidash watched from the side with a proud gaze, the other two pregnant Ponyta nuzzling into it.

Seeing me, they all whinnied in greeting, making Chansey turn.

"Hey, uh... Dawn's in pretty rough shape..."

I shivered slightly under her accusing glare, only to receive a huff as she nodded.

Grinning at Chansey, I went back inside.

Scooping up my phone, I took a picture of the sprawled out nude figure of Dawn, adding it to the file of her explicit photos and videos.

Going back downstairs, I looked over my calendar, looking for a date that was free, before sending a few to Johanna, giving her an excuse that Dawn had kept me occupied with 'questions and theories'.

Chuckling, I read her quick reply.

[Johanna: I hope she didn't cause any trouble! As for our... date... I think next Friday at 2:30pm works best for me.]

I sent her an affirmative, grinning at the thought of her blushing as she typed 'date'.

Chansey waddled in, going straight upstairs to heal Dawn.

Following her, I watched her use Heal Pulse on the limp body of Dawn, the bruises from my spankings fading quickly.

Letting out a moan, Dawn slowly gathered herself into a comfortable position, looking at ease.

Finishing up, Chansey moaned herself as she used Soft Boiled, her egg glowing as she lifted it from her pouch.

Her wet eyes looked up at me, and I nodded as I gently took her egg, understanding her meaning.

A Chansey egg from the move Soft Boiled was actually one of the reasons they were the staple Pokemon of PokeCenters; their cute appearance and great healing move set a close second.

The egg held enormous healing potential, able to cure most wounds and illness that Pokemon or people may have.

However, that egg took a few months to return; conversely, if you had a ditto, which few people did, getting a Chansey pregnant usually results in just that egg, no offspring at all.

So, that meant later I needed to give my little nurse a proper thank you, but now I needed to make some food for Dawn.

Chansey waddled towards the recliner, plopping down with a sigh as she closed her eyes, falling asleep.

I smiled gently at that sight, before turning to the kitchen, cracking the egg as I started scrambling it.

Adding in some herbs and berries, I made an omelette for Dawn.

Putting it on a plate, I went back upstairs, sitting on the bed as I gently shook the nude girl awake.

Watching her breasts bounce as I did so made my cock hard, but I sighed as I remembered; no condoms.

Dawn slowly woke up, blinking her eyes a few times as she looked blearily around the room.

After a few moments she turned red, staring intently at my cock.

I clenched my muscles, trying to divert the blood to anywhere else as I handed her the plate.


She shivered, however she took the plate.

Taking a small bite, I chuckled as she started devouring the omelette, her drowsiness slowly dissipating.

All but licking the plate clean, Dawn nodded at me, her face bright as she said "That was amazing!"

"Better than the sex?"

She grew red again, before glaring up at me.

"Why didn't you stop earlier!?"

I chuckled, leaning forwards as I took her lips.

What started as a gentle kiss turned into a deep, passionate make out session, my tongue eagerly wrapping around hers.

Having had enough, I pulled away, licking the little bridge of saliva connecting us off her lips.

"I wasn't joking when I said I was insatiable; it took a lot of willpower to not just pump you full of me seed. I WANTED to impregnate you all night..."

She shivered at my blatant desire, before bring her knees to her face.

Dawn muttered "Well, you could've..."

"Dawn... if you aren't serious, please don't say that..."

She removed her knees, staring at me as she said "I... I wouldn't mind it... maybe..."

I bit my cheek, staring at the adamant girl, before sighing.

"Listen, that 'maybe' is exactly why I don't go further. You're young; you have a long life in front of you. Are you sure you want to have a child? That isn't just a thrill or pleasurable time you'd be seeking; its a lifelong commitment."

She looked away, and I sighed.

However, it turned to a grin when she said "But I really want to feel you again..."

Chuckling, I replied "Well, your cunts not the only thing that could take my cock y'know..."

"My... mouth?"

I shook my head, and she blushed again.

"Wanna lose your other virginity as well?"

She stared at me for a few seconds, before nodding.

Taking the plate from her hands, I put it on the bed stand before looking at her.

"Well, you need to lube me up~"

Nodding, she crawled over to me, looking up at my throbbing erection with wide eyes.

Opening her mouth, she started eagerly sucking my cock, shivering as I grabbed her head and started thrusting.

Since she was laying down on her stomach my cock glided straight in, and I grunted at the tightness and feeling that almost rivaled her cunt.

With my balls slapping against her chin, I listened to her gurgling on my cock, her tongue swirling as she desperately tried to get me ready for her ass.

Speeding up, I moaned as I came inside her, reveling the feeling of having my semen sucked from my cock.

Before she could finish I pulled out, using her saliva to coat my cock enough for penetration.

Adding my own spit to it, I flipped her onto her back, leaning over her as I pressed my cock onto her anus.

She shivered, moaning as she felt me slowly go inside.

Going deeper and deeper, I enjoyed the way her ass clamped down on my dick, her intestines clinging to me desperately as I pushed further inside her.

Reaching the base of my cock, Dawn continued moaning, her body quivering as she came.

Grinning, I took her hair in my right hand, wrapping it around my hand as I yanked back, enjoying the way she yelped at the pain.

Her ass tighter as she came again, her body quivering.

Spanking her large ass, I started slowly thrusting in and out of her, keeping her head pulled back as I did so.

She moaned loudly each time my cock plunged into her, and I could almost hear her whining as I came close to exiting.

Gradually speeding up, I watched her ass ripple after each thrust, her moans growing louder as I started pounding her ass.

Grunting, I started spanking her ass as I fucked her, making her yelp as I left marks on her fair skin.

The tightness was incredible; the folds eagerly gripped my cock, trying to milk me for all my seed.

Sadly, as I reached my climax my phone rang, and I grunted in displeasure as I kept railing her.

Picking the phone up, I saw that it was Johanna.

Grinning, I buried Dawn's head into the bed, still pounding her as I answered the call.

"Johanna? What's ah~ What's up?"

{Did I call at a bad time?}

"AH~ Nope, this is probably agh~ the best time! I'm just- just stretching something out~"

Dawn was quivering, her cunt spraying ejaculate everywhere as I pounded her, knowing that if she let out too loud of a noise her mother might find out.

{What's that slapping sound? Should I call back?}

Turning the phone on speaker, I continued fucking Dawn, grunting as I felt my orgasm build up.

"Oh... one of the mph~ One of the Pokemon is playing with Dawn~"

{Oh! Can she hear me?}

"OH~ Yeah, she can! Hey Dawn ah~ Say hello to your mother!"

Grunting, I bent over the girl, reaching deeper as I started desperately pounding her.

"H-Hey mmaah~ I'm doing GOOOOOODDDD!"

Dawn spasmed as I released a flood of semen into her ass, my balls convulsing as they slapped against her wet pussy.

I kept thrusting as I came, grunting again as Johanna asked worriedly {Is everything okay?}

"Yeah... yeah, everything's great! One of the Pokemon just came onto Dawn really hard... C'mon Buneary, not now!"

{Oh! I love Buneary!}

As more of my seed filled her ass, I finally stopped, panting slightly.

"So, why'd you call? Did you want Dawn back now?"

I really wanted her to say no; the chance to unload my balls inside her daughter was to great to pass up.

{If you'd please; Dawn and I need to meet someone today...}

Sighing, I slid out of her, watching as a stream of semen gushed out of her ass.

With wide eyes I flipped her onto her back, sighing in relief when I realized that none had gotten into her gaping cunt.

"Yeah, I'll send her back soon; think she might want a shower first though..."

{That's fine, that's fine. As long as she comes home in thirty minutes.}

"Hear that Dawn? Shower, than home in thirty!"

Dawn nodded, her face still loose as she drooled.

Chuckling, I got off the bed, wanting to hold myself back.

"So, Johanna... for that date next Friday... should I expect a... hmm, long night? Or are we parting ways early?"

{A-Ah... I-I don't know... ma-maybe a long night? W-Would that be fine with you?}

Johanna's voice was filled with worry, and I chuckled, whispering "Oh, that's perfect! Should I bring anything to... wear?"


Chuckling, I replied "Alright. I'll meet you in just over a weeks time. See you then, beautiful~"

{B-B-Beau-Beautiful?!? A-Ah, ye-yes, I'll see y-you soon, M-Milan...}

The call went silent, and I grinned to myself as I looked down at my aching cock.

Going back into the bed room, I saw Dawn finally rising, her legs wobbly as she stumbled around.

Giving her ass a good slap, I chuckled as she glared at me, however her eyes shone with a deep lust.

Plopping back on the bed, I grinned as I thought over my future; in just a few weeks I had gone from a woman dealing with just Pokemon to a woman with a long line of women willing to lay with me, as well as my Pokemon.

I loved this ranch I owned!