Mary; Mark & Mateo

The three Machoke loomed over me, Mark and Mateo gently rubbing their large erections while Mary stared down at me with lust filler eyes, her nipples hard as she moved forwards.

Growling softly to her two male companions, Mary wrapped her large hands around my waist, gripping and kneading my ass as she pulled me into her.

Mark and Mateo watched with keen interest, before smirking when they saw me moan as Mary spanked me hard.

"L-Let's go inside..."

Nodding, the female Machoke scooped me into her muscular arms, lifting me with ease.

Her large breasts were soft on my back, and I felt warm as she carried me upstairs, the other two following close behind.

Finding my bedroom, Mary tossed me unceremoniously onto the bed, quickly freeing her tits and cunt from the spandex clothing she wore.

Her round, perky blue tits were topped with a hard purple bud, and when I looked lower I was met with a plump slit leaking fluids.

Grinning down at me, Mary quickly stripped me of my clothing, clamping her hand around my cock.

Sliding to stand above me, she lowered her cunt onto my dick, before fully inserting me inside her.

Due to her muscular body, I moaned as my cock was enveloped in an extremely tight grip, her large folds wriggling around my shaft.

Kneeling on top of me, she started slamming her hips onto my own, grunting each time her womb was kissed by my cock.

Peering down at me, she started kneading my tits as she rode me, her own large breasts bouncing as she slammed her ass onto me.

Mark and Mateo had stripped as well, standing on either side as they eagerly stroked their long, veiny cocks at the sight of Mary using me for her own pleasure.

Due to her tightness, and because I had been aroused all day, I moaned when she started grinding on me, making me release my first shot of semen into her cunt.

Grinning at me, Mary only sped up, gyrating her hips as she aimed to milk every last drop of my seed from my balls.

To help that, she lowered on of her hands to my sack, rolling the balls in between her fingers as she grunted above me.

The two males took my hands, placing it onto their searing cocks before thrusting towards me.

Giving them hand jobs as Mary rode me, I looked between the three Machoke's, my cock erupting again as I imagined what they would do to me.

Mary stayed above me for a while, not changing position as she slammed her hips into me with practiced ease.

Getting her fill, she rose, my semen pouring from her cunt as she got up.

With a grin she growled to her male companions, moving off to the side as they grinned at me.

Sliding on the bed, one of them inserted his cock into my ass, lifting me onto his muscular chest, while the other mounted me from above, sliding himself to the base as he easily pierced my cunt.

Sandwiched between two males who intended to breed me with all their might, I shivered as my pussy clenched, releasing a torrent of juices on the top ones cock.

Growling at me, he slapped my breast, speeding up his thrusts as he started slamming into my womb, pushing it deeper into me.

As for the one below, he wrapped his hands around my waist, using that to help him rail my ass as he sped up, grunting before nipping my shoulder.

Feeling their cocks rub together inside me, I let out a shout as they came, their scalding semen filling me as they continued fucking me.

The sound of their bodies slapping into my own, paired with their low grunts and my moaning, numbed my mind, their cocks stirring up their semen inside of me.

As for Mary, she sat on the bed beside us, her fingers desperately churning her cunt as she played with herself, one hand pinching and pulling on her large nipples.

After their balls convulsed as they released more of their seed inside me, they pulled themselves out, looking at one another before one moved to Mary.

Looking at him with interest, Mary continued fingering herself, only to be met with a semen covered cock that slapped her cheek.

Narrowing her eyes at the male above her, she widened her eyes when he grabbed her head, inserting himself into her throat with ease.

She glared at him, but her fingers sped up, moaning as he pummeled her throat.

I watched, my hand desperately wrapped around my cock as I jerked off to her throatfuck, before receiving a cock of my own.

Pistoning into me, the Machoke held my head in his giant hands, his weighty testicles slapping against my chin as he used me for his pleasure.

Feeling his cock split my throat open, I moaned, my hand speeding up.

With a grunt we both came, his semen filling my stomach while mine sprayed onto the bedsheets.

Pulling out, the Machoke flipped me onto my stomach, facing towards the now bent over Mary.

Staring at one another, we both widened our eyes as we felt a cock pierce us, pushing the previous load of semen out as they started fucking us.

Wrapping our hands together, Mary and I started licking each others tongues, swapping the salty taste of sweat and semen between one another as we were pounded from behind.

The Machoke railing me started kneading my ass as he used me, while the one behind Mary spanked her, making her moan as we kissed.

Burying themselves to the hilt, their balls convulsed as they came, flooding our wombs with their potent semen as they tried to impregnate us.

Mary and I kept kissing, eagerly accepting their desire to make us theirs as they resumed their thrusts, forcing their semen deeper into us as their cocks plunged into our wombs.

The night passed by slowly, in a semen filled haze as Mark and Mateo unloaded a large amount of seed into us, bloating our stomachs.

Mary and I passed out under their weight, submitting to them as we let them continue fucking us.


I awoke with a groan, my stomach heavy and my cunt numb.

Blinking, I turned towards the sound of flesh hitting flesh, to see Mark and Mateo spit roasting Mary, her blue skin painted with a copious amount of semen.

Her red eyes were dull as the two males took her, her stomach a large balloon filled with their seed.

Hearing my groan, the two turned and grinned at me, grunting as they came again inside her before pulling out.

Seeing their large cock glistening in the lamp light, I shivered as they stalked over to me, lust in their eyes.

One spread my legs, easily inserting himself back into me like my pussy was made for his cock.

The other loomed above me, wrapping himself into my tits before he started pounding me, using his semen as lube.

Seeing the tip of his cock poke my chin every time he thrusted, I leaned my head down and opened my mouth, allowing him access as he ravaged my tits.

The simultaneous stimulation of one Machoke gouging my cunt as he impregnated me while the other released his lust on my tits sent me over edge, and I sprayed semen and juices everywhere, cumming nonstop from their rough poundings.

As the two Machoke released more and more semen into and onto me, I slipped into unconsciousness again, my body aching and desiring more.


The sun had risen, and I looked around my room, my cunt noticeably empty.

Looming over the slumped figures of Mark and Mateo was Mary, her lips pulled into a snarl as she smacked their heads again.

Seeing the comically large bumps on their heads made me laugh, and Mary turned towards me, her stomach already receding.

Smiling at me, she got on the bed, kissing me before gently running her hand on my cock.

Pulling away, she moved to lay beside me, raising her large ass into the air as she shook it, glancing over her shoulder with a smirk.

Without hesitation I got behind her, grabbing her muscular hips and thrusting to the base, the warm sensation of her semen filled womb enveloping my cock.

I started thrusting, enjoying the gap between her previous anger and the her now, as she moaned loudly each time I impaled her.

Semen leaked from my cunt, her cunt, and my cock, as I shivered, releasing a flood of semen directly into her womb.

Screaming out, Mary convulsed, her pussy clamping down, refusing to let me move from inside her.

Gripping the sheets, she panted, before slowly relaxing.

My cock ached from her tightness, yet the feeling of her springy ass on my thighs as I took her from behind was heavenly.

Resuming my pounding, I leaned over her, enjoying the way her back muscles felt on my tits as I pressed closer to her.

Humping her desperately, I came again and again, refilling her womb to the brim as I successfully impregnated her.

As I did so, my body told me that the large flood of semen surrounding my eggs had forced themselves inside, and I knew that I was now carrying many, many children.