Construction Over

The morning after being used by the three Machokes I found myself under Mary, her cunt pressed on my face as she forced me to clean her off, her ruby eyes alight with a sadistic desire.

Lapping at my semen coating her cunt, I shivered as I came again, before receiving a slap to my cock that made me scream out.

Pain coursed my system as my sensitive cock was hit again, and I only received her mercy when I dug my tongue deep into her cunt, scooping out my semen as she started humping my face.

As she came on me again, I heard my phone ring, and Mary stopped, getting up before handing it to me.

Gulping down the remains of my semen in my mouth, I took the phone, answering when I saw it was Roy.

{Hey Miss Veritan! I hope our Machoke gave you no problems?}

I held back a moan as Mary grabbed my balls, her eyes narrowed as she stared at me.

"N-No, th-they were wonderful! P-Perfect, even!"

Mary grinned, releasing my balls as she kneeled in front of me, swallowing my cock.

Holding back another moan, I gripped my sheets before listening to Roy.

{Good! So, we'll be there in an hour; today should be just like yesterday, and then I'll be back tomorrow to inspect everything and make sure it works!}

"G-Good! Yeah... Re-Really good!"

My free hand was on Mary's head, gently caressing her as she bobbed up and down on my cock, her large tongue swirling around it as she lapped up my cum.

Hanging up, I let out my moans as Mary grabbed my balls, stimulating me before beaming as I flooded her throat with my seed, finally emptying my balls completely after almost two days of straight mating.

Cleaning me off, Mary grinned at me before sitting beside me, pulling me into her large, sticky breasts.

Melting into her body, I passed out again, getting some more sleep before Roy arrived.


I sat on the porch, watching as Mary growled at Mark and Mateo, making them flinch.

"Miss Veritan, did... something happen between those three?"

Remembering how Mark and Mateo had made Mary and I their bitches as they pumped us full of their semen, I caressed my stomach, smiling at Roy as I said "I think they may have joined my ditto last night, and might have tried to get Mary..."

Roy shook his head, chuckling as he said "Ha, those two have really been trying recently, but I bet Mary put them in their place!"

I nodded, half listening as I concealed my erection, my thoughts mainly on the multiple eggs growing in my womb.

Oh, to be able to have a few Machoke to team up on me again...

The thought made me shiver in anticipation...

Roy left, going to oversee his construction crew.

I watched on, gently rubbing the area over my womb as I replayed the rough sex from last night in my mind over and over again.

The walls and roof slowly came up, and the crew set about painting the wood, using a special paint that would protect the barn from the elements.

It was a simple red, much like the stereotypical barn, but I had to use that color, as Miltank were calmed by it.

Funnily enough, Taurus were incensed by it, usually having to use the Miltank to calm itself down.

I chuckled at the thought of having to calm a raging Taurus, its large cock deforming my cunt as it utterly claimed me.

Looking at the sky, I sighed, before hearing someone move beside me.

Seeing the large belly of Lucario beside me, I gave my daughter a one over, whispering "When they leave I want you again."

She just nodded, her ears twitching as she sat beside me.

{Mother, you have a few messages}

Handing me my phone, Lucario closed her eyes, gently rocking in the chair.

Looking down, I grinned at the two senders.

[Jupiter: Hey, I got the money together and went to that lawyer you told me about. I'll come over in a week; Callisto is being a needy bitch~]

Attached was a picture of a blue haired girl, her plump vagina lips spread apart with Jupiter's fingers, revealing a large amount of semen spilling out.

Sending Jupiter a heart eye pokecon (emoticon), I was met with a short video of Jupiter stroking her seed covered cock, the figure of Callisto in the background spread out on a bed as she panted.

[Milan: If I was Callisto I would've cleaned off that cock of yours~

Jupiter: Good idea~]

I chuckled as she sent a video of her pounding Callisto's throat, the poor girl gurgling on her cock before her stomach was filled with cum.

Hearting the video, I closed my messages with Jupiter, before opening the one Cynthia, my heartbeat racing.

[Cynthia <3: Hey, I found a few more Pokemon to add to my team!]

I looked at the picture of her surrounded by three new Pokemon, my jaw hanging open as I looked at them.

First was the large, purple body of a grinning Gengar, its crimson eyes filled with a menacing mischief.

Second was a giant Kangaskhan, the brown bulky body looming over Cynthia as it grinned down at the camera, its child sitting on its head.

Lastly was the long, blue body of a Dragonair, the blue pearl on its head glowing as it leaned against Cynthia's shoulder.

How in the world did she always find such monstrous Pokemon?!

All three were powerhouses in their own rights; Gengar could rival Gardevoir in the non physical moves, as well as having insane evasiveness as it melded with shadows.

Kangaskhan was strong; even stronger than Lucario, and the child could replicate the parents attack, making the moves insane to deal with.

As for Dragonair...

Well, it was what was labeled as a 'Pseudo-Legend'; Pokemon either so rare that people thought them as Legendary, or that were as strong as Legendaries.

Garchomp, Milotic, and Spiritomb were in this category, and Dragonair's evolution, Dragonite, was as well.

I shook my head, sending a message back.

[Milan: How do you find these insanely strong Pokemon?!?!

Cynthia <3: I don't. They find me. Maybe they're drawn to my existing team? Anyways, how're things back at the ranch? Is my pet doing alright?]

I shivered at that last part, before exchanging various texts with her.

Hearing that I had met Jupiter again, Cynthia stopped texting for a few minutes, before sending me a picture of a whip.

That was all, no words, nothing in the background...

Yet the image made me tremble in anticipation.

She was already so good with just her hands...

Imagining Cynthia in a full latex bodysuit as she dominated me made me let out a moan, my womb already missing her giant cock.

I was slightly regretting not accompanying her, since I would be fucked into a deep sleep every night, and likely impregnated by now...

Sighing, I continued texting her, learning a little about her journey before hearing someone cough in front of me.

Roy looked at me with a smile, saying "Well, since we're done, the Machoke will be returning with us tonight. Thank you! Besides that, I'll come back tomorrow, and we can discuss any additional projects that you may have."

I nodded, watching them leave with a smile.

Mary was the last to go, her face alight with a grin as she pressed her large breasts together, before turning and showing off her wide hips.

Slipping her panties down, she showed me her leaking cunt, winking at me before sliding it back up, moving to join Mark and Mateo, who she smacked when they looked at her.

I chuckled, and Lucario looked over at me, her eyes half lidded as she slowly woke up.

{Did you enjoy your night with them?}

Nodding, I picked her up, whispering "Not as much as I'm going to enjoy pampering my sweet, tight daughter~!"

What followed was another long night, this time filled with gentle lovemaking as I took my Lucario, enjoying my time with her.