I awoke to the two blue haired women draping themselves over me, their cum-filled stomachs pressing into me as they slept..
Feeling my cock harden at the thought of how they were now pregnant with my children, I grinned down at them.
Sighing, I laid my head back down on the pillow, only to turn to look at Johanna when she groaned, her eyes fluttering open.
"Morning beautiful..."
Seeing her yawn adorably before burying her face back into the crook of my arm, I chuckled, leaning over to kiss her brow.
Johanna moaned lightly, opening her eyes again as she looked at me blearily.
"Did you want to go back to sleep?"
Yawning again, she shook her head, only to jolt awake when she remembered last night.
Looking over at her daughter, she bit her lip, and I followed her gaze.
Dawn was still fast asleep, clinging tightly to me.
I smiled, before looking back at Johanna and whispering "How'd you like last night?"
Johanna gulped, her cock pressing into my thigh as she bit her lip.
"I-It was... good..."
I chuckled at that, laying my hand on her ass as I pulled her closer.
Kissing her, she leaned into me after a moment, deepening the kiss.
As our tongues fought each other's felt her start grinding against my leg, moaning into me as she pleasured herself.
Pulling her on top of me, I slid my cock between her soft thighs, chuckling as her cock sprayed semen between our stomachs.
"No fair~"
Hearing Dawn, I looked at her from the corner of my eyes, keeping Johanna's mouth on mine as I continued kissing her.
Dawn pouted, her hand falling onto my cock as she played with the tip.
Releasing Johanna's lips, I chuckled at Dawn, saying "Does it remind you of when you first stayed the night here?"
She nodded, looking at my dick that was buried between her mothers plump thighs.
Johanna looked down at me with narrowed eyes, asking "The first time she came here you laid your hands on her?"
Giving her a wry smile, I just nodded, making her glare at me.
"Come on, cut me some slack; such a beautiful girl sleeping in my house? Of course I'll try and get her in my bed."
Johanna's glare deepened, before she sighed.
Looking over at Dawn, she scolded the girl.
"Really, you had just met her!"
Dawn just shrugged, saying "We didn't go all the way that night..."
"I just fucked her throat, tits, and those thighs~"
Dawn rolled her eyes, while Johanna just sighed, burying her face in my breasts.
Before I could slip myself into her drooling snatch, Bastet walked in, looking is over as she informed me {Mother, Hecate is giving birth now...}
"Ah! Okay; Come on, Hecate is in labor."
I quickly got up, untangling myself from the two bluenettes.
They just nodded, following behind me as I led them towards the last bedroom, where Bastet, Hecate, and Ishtar likely slept.
Laying on the bed was my crimson Gardevoir, her large stomach writhing and constricting as she tried to push the egg out of her.
Beside her was my Chansey, her hands glowing green as she tried to ease Hecate's pain.
Johanna watched on with a sympathetic look, while Dawn's eyes were filled with worry.
Moving to kneel beside the bed, I held Hecate's dainty hand in my own, making her look over at me with dazed eyes.
It took a few hours, and the two bluenettes were out and in, going about their day as best they could.
Sitting beside Hecate all that time, I tried my best to comfort her as she cried out in pain, the egg refusing to budge.
Thankfully, when the sun was slowly making its way back to the horizon, she pushed the out out, and we all looked at it in awe.
Instead of the normal green and white egg, it was a red-gold and black egg.
Gently handing it over to Hecate, I exchanged surprised glances with her, only to chuckle as she hugged it tightly before passing out.
"W-Was that..."
Looking at the awed face of Dawn, I nodded, grinning as I said "That, is another shiny Ralts."
Dawn looked at the egg, her eyes wide before she grinned.
"Oh my... Haha~ that's so amazing! I've only ever seen one shiny Pokemon, but now I'll get to see two!"
Johanna nodded, looking at me with a conflicted gaze.
"That proof enough, dear?"
She nodded again, sighing as she kneeled beside me.
Leaning her head on my shoulder, she whispered "I never doubted you... why do you think I okayed last night?"
Chuckling, I stroked her cheek, my eyes still on Hecate.
"Good to know, good to know..."
{Mother, phone.}
Bastet handed me my phone again, and I answered quickly.
"Hey Milan! Listen, I got everything done and ready to go, just need your signature! So wanna get some drinks than fuck till morning?"
I laughed, making Johanna and Dawn pout at me.
"Maybe... we'll see. Cynthia comes home in a few days, and I doubt I'll be around in Sinnoh for a bit after that..."
"Hah... fine, fine... When you come back, we can finish this out, then celebrate to our hearts content. Oh, besides that, I managed to get you a pass to Club Lunar, so if you ever want a date with Destiny again, that can be arranged~!"
"Thanks Jupiter... I'll call you when I'm ready to close the deal. Tell Mars I wish her luck~"
"Oh, she'll need it..."
I chuckled as I heard a woman moaning in the background, as well as the sound of flesh hitting flesh.
"See ya~"
Hanging up, I chuckled again as I looked over at Johanna and Dawn, who were still pouting.
Bit short, but I'm tired and started this a bit ago.
Anyways, yup, another shiny Ralts...