After another night spent indulging myself in the tight cunts of my wives, I awoke early the next day, wanting to get a start on my farm before I drowned myself in my lust again.
Even being half ditto, my balls were starting to hurt from the amount of semen I had pumped out these last few days...
Sighing, I placed my large straw hat on my head before walking outside, still nude.
Making my way towards the new barn, I walked in, smiling at the seven Miltank that lounged around the barn, laying in the comfortable pens with blissful eyes.
Looking at me, they all moo'd tiredly at me, making me chuckle as I turned towards the large tank, my eyes widening slightly at the amount of milk inside.
I easily had a dozen some odd gallons of milk, and it had only been a few days!
Imagine doing this with dozens of Miltank...
One bottle of Moo-Moo Milk averages at around 400 Pokedollars, and one gallon of milk made 8 bottles.
So, I had around...
40,000 Pokedollars of milk in this tank!
Of course, I was going to keep around half of it for myself and my family; Moo-Moo Milk is incredibly nutritious and tasty, so that and water should be our drinks of choice.
Besides just drinking it, milk is used in so many recipes, so I would need as much as I could get...
Giving the Miltank a wide grin, I waved goodbye to them, getting a few moo's from the resting Miltank.
I was going to leave the area around the barn alone; in the future I might need to get some more barns built, to accommodate the growing Miltank population on the Ranch.
Thinking that, I looked around my available land, before deciding to use the flat, empty corner as the start.
Shouting for my sassy Roserade, I watched as she shuffled towards me, looking around in disinterest.
Chuckling, I said "Hey, I want to get a small plot of land ready to grow berries; you wanna take care of them?"
Her head snapped towards me, and she nodded quickly, the flowers on her head rustling together as her eyes gleamed.
Chuckling again, I led her over towards the corner, gesturing at the grass.
"Turn this into planting soil, and I'll go grab the seeds."
She nodded, her lips pulled into a smile as she started spreading various spores over the area, combining effects as she fertilized the soil.
Going towards the house, I slipped inside and grabbed the small bag of seeds I had, which was from those five Razz and Bluk Berries I bought from the farmer.
Lounging inside was Hecate, her molten gold and black egg in her arms as she rocked back and forth on the recliner, humming gently to herself.
Surrounding her where the various other Ralts and Kirlia, all asleep around their mother.
I smiled at the sight, before walking back outside, not wanting to disturb the resting family.
I was lucky with the seeds, as I managed to get around three from each of the ten berried I had bought, giving me a total of fifteen Razz and fifteen Bluk.
Both could sell for around 30 Pokedollars each, and on bush grew over a dozen berries, meaning that I would get a couple hundred per bush every couple of weeks, and I could gradually increase the amount I had planted each yield.
Razz and Bluk Berries were used mainly for jams and turned into juices, and the leaves from their bushes were quiet dense in nutrients as well, typically eaten by pregnant women.
Considering the type of person I was, as well as the amount of breeding happening on the Ranch, those leaves would become an essential part of everyone's diet.
The leaves sell quite nicely as well, but I would be keeping all of them...
Smiling, I made my wya back to Roserade, who was bouncing around in the corner, admiring the neat rows of healthy, dark soil she had created.
"By Arceus... Roserade, you are..."
She smirked at me, before her eyes zeroed in on the seeds.
Using her nimble vines, Roserade snatched them from my hand, opening the bag and quickly separating the seeds.
I watched her work with interest, smiling as she gently inserted the seeds into the soil before using Life Dew, which took the form of her petals dripping a single droplet of water onto the small mound of soil.
It only took her a few minutes to plant each one, and I chuckled as she stepped back, wiping her brow with one hand as she looked over the beginnings of the farm.
"You okay? Life Dew is..."
She nodded to me, grinning as she bounced around, singing happily.
"If you say so... Demeter."
She stoped, staring at me in confusion.
"What? I felt like giving you a name. Do you not like it?"
She shook her head, resuming her happy dance, twirling around me.
Laughing, I stroked her head, amused at the happy version of her.
"Alright, well, this will be your job. If you need help, just grab one of the other Pokemon, okay?"
She nodded, giving me a cocky grin.
Shaking my head with a smile, I made my way back to the house, entering to see Dawn and Johanna in the kitchen, laughing together as they made breakfast.
Dressed in just panties and an apron, I admired the view before sneaking behind them, wrapping my arms around their waists, making them jump.
Chuckling, I said "Good morning, my loves~"
Dawn recovered first, giving me a fake glare before kissing me. moaning as my hand took hold of her plump ass.
Johanna pouted, only to moan as well when I kissed her, mirroring my action with Dawn.
Giving both their rears a crisp slap, I placed the straw hat on the table as I sat down, watching them go back to work.
As they were working I heard someone knock on the door, and we all turned to see a tall, lithe blonde walk in, wearing a black suit with fur accents.
Behind her was a curvy woman with long, flowing grey hair, her yellow eyes almost matching Cynthia's golden ones. Wearing a yellow crop top, she proudly showed off her toned midriff, while keeping her wide hips slightly hidden in a pair of loose white pants.
Getting up, I flung myself into Cynthia's arms, making her chuckle.
Sliding her hands onto my ass, she pulled me into a deep kiss, her tongue expertly twirling around my own before her hands kneaded my ass, finding a weak point and attacking it.
Moaning, I enjoyed her rough, demanding touch and kiss, whining as she pulled away.
"Milan... Later."
I just nodded, staying in her arms as I turned to look at the woman.
Her yellow eyes raked over my body as she nodded, grinning at me.
"Name's Karen. Nice to meet you, 'Sister'."