
Remaining in Cynthia's arms, I looked over the grey haired woman with narrowed eyes, before smiling at her.

"Hey. Karen, was it?"

She nodded again, her yellow eyes taking in my body before looking back at Cynthia.

Turning my eyes back towards Cynthia as well, I shivered at her lust filled golden eyes, only to yelp as she dragged me over to the table.

Pulling me onto her lap, Cynthia kissed my forehead before gesturing to the table.

Feeling her giant cock hardening under me, I bit my lip as I stared at her.


Karen took a seat, while Dawn sat stiffly beside us, her lips pursed as she looked at Cynthia with shining eyes.

However, Johanna remained standing.

"I-I need to k-keep cooking..."

Cynthia just nodded, before looking at Dawn, making the girl shiver.

"So these two are Johanna and Dawn?"

I nodded, gazing at the two women lovingly.

"Yes, and..."

Returning my gaze to Cynthia, I narrowed my eyes as I grinned at her.

"They are here to stay."

Raising a brow, Cynthia just looked at me silently before nodding.

"It was... what we agreed upon. After all, I brought Karen with me, so it makes sense that you'd find someone as well. Anyways, Dawn, yes?"

I chuckled as Dawn went rigid, stiffly nodding at Cynthia.

"Am I that scary?"

Looking at me in confusion, Karen and I laughed as we said ""Yes.""

Pursing her lips, she looked between us before sighing.

"Listen, Dawn, there's no need to be afraid. I'm not angry or annoyed at you..."

Laying a hand on my stomach, Cynthia stared at me with narrowed eyes as she growled "I'm annoyed at her."

Meeting her glare, I just smirked at her, leaning forwards as I brushed our noses together.

"Well, isn't that why you love me, hmm?"

Sighing, Cynthia kissed my brow again as she said "Sadly, yes, your free personality was always refreshing..."

Nuzzling into her, she just sighed as she stroked my head, before returning her attention back to the young girl.

"So don't be afraid of me, Dawn. After all, we are now technically... hmm, sisters, I guess."

Dawn blinked a few times before her eyes went wide, a large grin on her face as she said "Really!?"

Nodding again, Cynthia just looked at the beaming young girl with a small smile.

"Ah, well, you two should say hello to your other new sister. Karen?"

Turning, we all looked at the grey haired woman, who was resting her head on the table.

Smiling at all of us, Karen said "Hey, names Karen, former Dark Elite of the Indigo League."

That made Dawn bounce around again, as she asked "Wait, like THE Indigo League? The largest Pokemon League in the world?!"

Karen just nodded, smirking at the enthusiastic Dawn.

"Karen, talk with her and bring in our bags, please. Milan and I need to have a little chat..."

Lifting me into her arms, Cynthia took me upstairs, away from the mother daughter pair.

"Sure, sure, just don't break her~"

Cynthia smirked down at me, making me shiver.

"Oh, I intend to."

Rushing upstairs, Cynthia threw me onto the bed, tilting her head as she narrowed her eyes, raking them over my figure.

Seeing my cock harden under her stare, she growled in annoyance as she took a step forwards, grabbing my cock roughly.

Yelping at her tight grip, I shuddered as she yanked upwards, before releasing me.

"Undress me."

Hearing her commanding tone, I gulped as I got up, swiftly unbuttoning her clothes.

Kneeling in front of her, I pulled her pants down, moaning as her giant cock slapped onto my face.

Finishing undressing her, I stared up at her smirking face in anticipation, wondering what she was going to do to me next.

"Why the hell haven't you started sucking yet bitch?"

Lifting her cock up, she slapped it onto my cheek, making me moan as I felt her searing erection on my skin.

Leaning forwards, I quickly peppered her large balls in kisses, licking at the tenderly as I started stroking her cock, my eyes glued to her face.

When she would get either a bored look or narrow her eyes, I would change things up.

Licking up her entire shaft, I would then take her tip in my mouth, switching my hands down towards her balls as I gently rolled them around.

Sucking on her tip, I shivered when she sighed, her hands landing on the side of my head.

Thrusting herself into my throat, she grunted in pleasure before sneering down at me.

"Didn't I say to suck me off? If I wanted you to kiss it I would have said kiss it. Start listening to your Mistress bitch!"

Thrusting forwards, I could only gurgle in response as she stretched my throat to her size, her large balls slapping into my chin with each thrust.

Turning her gaze towards the ceiling, she moaned "Damn, it feels good to be back Milan!"

Speeding up, her golden eyes lowered to look at me, biting her lip as she groaned.

Her balls spasmed against my chin, her cock spewing semen into my stomach as she came.

Desperately swallowing down her seed, I could only gag as her thick cum coated my insides, refusing to be swallowed.

Removing herself from me, Cynthia smirked down at me, stroking her cock as she watched me try to swallow all of her cum.

It took a few tries, but eventually I opened my mouth and showed her that everything was gone.

"Good girl~"

Patting my head, she smiled down at me, before gesturing to the bed.

"Come on... get on the bed so I can give you your reward."

Nodding at her, I staggered to my feet and made my way to the bed, only to yelp as she bent me over and slid herself into my drenched cunt.

Feeling her cock slam into the back of my womb, I clenched the sheets as I stifled a scream, only to moan loudly as Cynthia grabbed my waist and started pummeling me, her cock pushing my womb around.

"Fuck me Milan! You feel so fucking good~!"

Pressing me into the bed, she leaned over me, desperately humping me as her balls slammed against mine, the pain sending jolts of pleasure through my body.

Burying her face into my neck, Cynthia started kissing it, her lips puckering on my flesh as she left hickeys on my skin.


Moaning her name, I could only scream as she growled at me, one hand pushing my head into the sheets while the other ruthlessly slapped into my ass.

"I'm your Mistress bitch! Address me as such!"

Her hand fell hard on my ass again, the crisp slapping sound exhaling around the room as she continued her assault on my womb.

"M-Mistress! I-I'm so-sorry!"

Growling again, she smooshed my head back into the bed, her thighs slapping into my own as she fucked me.

"Just shut the fuck up! Damnit!"

She continued her spankings, my ass turning sore as she relentlessly slapped each cheek.

The rough treatment sent me over the edge, and my mind went blank as my cock sprayed semen all over the bed, Cynthia grunting as my cunt gripped her cock.

Pushing herself as deep as she could, I could only spasm again as she grunted above me, her balls convulsing on mine as she filled my womb.

"Agh fuck~ Milan! Get pregnant~!"

Her semen filled my womb completely, before it started spilling out, coating my writhing folds in her seed as it exited my pussy.

Panting, I decided to let my body do what it wanted, leaving this up to fate.

Cynthia slid her hands towards my stomach, gently caressing my bulging midriff as she whispered "So?"

Peering over my shoulder, I shivered as her narrowed golden eyes met mine, before I stuttered "I-I d-don't know... M-Mistress..."

Pulling herself out of me, she smirked down at the river of semen flowing from my pussy, giving my ass another crisp slap as she said "Well, guess we should top you back up huh?"

Crawling onto the bed, she flipped me around, laying me on my back as she reentered me, one of her hands already on my cock.

"You know..."

Gently caressing my cheek with her other hand, she started rhythmically stirring the semen in my womb, her cock visibly moving around inside me.

"Out of all the women I bedded so far, you have been the best so far..."

Staring up at her, I could only moan as she clamped my mouth shut.

Leaning forwards, her eyes went wide as she grinned at me, making me shiver.

"After all, your screams were so fucking delicious~"

Finishing, she slid her hand towards my throat, easily wrapping it around my thin neck.

Squeezing slightly, Cynthia continued to grin at me, her thrusts speeding up again.

"Come on bitch! Beg me! Beg me!"

Opening my mouth, I tried to speak, only to let out gasps as my vision blurred.

Laughing, Cynthia loosened her grip, allowing me to drag in a few breaths.

The feeling of her slamming my womb around as she choked me...

I wanted to cum, but her hand was gripping the base of my cock hard, preventing an orgasm.

"Did you want to cum~?"

Hearing her jeering voice, I could only nod up at her as she pummeled my womb, her balls slapping against my ass.

Chuckling, she licked my cheek as she whispered "Well, too bad~"

Her free hand grabbed one of my breasts, her mouth latching onto the other.

She nipped and rolled my nipple in her mouth, forcing my milk out with ease, which she gulped down.

As for her other hand, she squeezed and kneaded my tit, my milk slicking up her grip.

Releasing my nipple with an audible plop, she grinned at me as she raised her milk coated hand, waving it in front of my face.

"Maybe I should start calling you my sow~ After all, I want to breed you over and over and over and over again!"

Growling towards the end, she slapped my breasts in annoyance, glaring at me as I moaned.

"Y'know, I'm still pissed you let someone into this womb before me. Damnit! You fucking belong to me! You understand!?"

Her eyes were glowing, and I shuddered as she returned to my tit.

Most people would be... worried, or off put by this behavior of hers, but...

My balls ached, my cunt was going numb, and my womb was bruised.

I was in heaven.

Looking at her with love as she continued plowing me, I screamed as her cock sprayed more of her molten semen into my womb, flooding my insides.

She bit into my tit, forcing more milk out as she grunted.

It took a few moments, but eventually...

Leaving herself inside me, Cynthia finished drinking my milk, pulling away as she panted over me.

Our bodies were coated in sweat, and her long golden hair fell onto mine, twinging together.


Her voice was slightly raspy as she spoke my name, her eyes glowing warmly.

Kissing me, I enjoyed the sweet taste of milk on her tongue, only to whine as she pulled away.

Pushing my head back, she showed me the panting figure of Dawn, who was leaning against the doorframe, her hand in her snatch as she played with herself.

"Dawn's a voyeur, huh?"

I remained silent, my eyes glued to the girls as she bit her lip, her hand moving faster.

Chuckling, Cynthia looked down at me before looking at my cock, which was still wrapped in her grasp.

"Dawn, come here."