Selene (1)

"Uhm... y-you're Cynthia and Milan, right?"

Cynthia, Lusamine and me all turned to stare at the petite girl, and my eyes dropped towards her exposed cleavage, raising a brow as I saw her perky nipples were rock hard.

Smiling up at us nervously, she reached up and twirled a strand of her dark brown hair before asking "Could I... get your autographs? Maybe a picture too?"

Cynthia glanced over at me, and as she took in my subtle smirk she rolled her eyes before smiling at the girl.

"Yea, sure. What do you want signed?"

Pulling a notebook from her purse, she hesitantly handed Cynthia a pen, watching with awe as Cynthia signed the back page of her notebook.

Handing it over to me, Cynthia asked Selene "So are you an aspiring trainer?"

As I signed her notebook I listened on, hearing the petite girl say "Yea... I was supposed to get my starter today, but..."

She gestured towards the empty stage, and after handing Lusamine the notebook I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders as I said "Sorry about that."

Selene just gave me a small smile, and after exchanging another glance with Cynthia I grinned, saying "How about I take you along some of the routes and catch you a few Pokemon? As an apology..."

Her gray eyes went wide, and she beamed at me as she asked "Really? Wow, thanks!"

Nodding, I grinned over at Cynthia before saying "Well, let's go then. The sooner the better."

She nodded, and after waving to Cynthia and Lusamine, who was currently crimson as Cynthia whispered something to her, we set out from Iki Town and entered Route One.

"Selene, right?"

Walking beside the tall petite girl, I glanced over at her, smiling gently at her as she nervously walked on my right.

"Ah! Uhm... Y-Yeah."

Chuckling, I looked back over the grassy route, asking "So, have you come up with an idea for what kind of Pokemon you'd want on your team?"

Pursing her slightly plump pink lips, she nodded, saying "There are a few...apparently Route Three has a rare Pokemon, but realistically I want a Cutiefly, Growlithe, and if possible, either an Abra or Gastly."

Staring at her with relative surprise, I said "Not bad for a starting team; Abra or Gastly for special attacks, Growlithe for physical, and Cutiefly's not a bad option on this island for speed. Did you go to a Trainer School?"

"Yeah... I was top of my class for the six years I went. Principal Asuka said that the last person to do that was Ilima, which..."

The girl blushed slightly as she smiled, saying "Was really cool to know that I did the same as a Trial Captain! Ha~!"

Nodding, I glanced around the route and took in the Pokemon wondering around; there was a small Bonsly waddling towards a large tree, under which a Munchlax lazily dozed away in the shade.

Sitting in the branches were a bunch of Pikipeks, all chirping away as they scanned the area for Yungoos or Rattata, before diving towards them, engaging in battles.

"I don't think Cutiefly is on this route... if I recall, all the Pokemon you want are on the west side of the Island, correct?"

Selene nodded, before her gray eyes went wide as she raised her hands, saying "P-Please, don't feel pressured to get me what I want! Really! A Rattata wold do just fine!"

Hearing that I smirked, saying "It's no problem Selene. Besides, Rattata's are just... not worth it."

She gulped at that, before following behind me as I led us up the rocky path that was Route Three.

There were a few curious Pokemon that peeked out at us as we walked, but most stayed in the small outcroppings on the cliff, avoiding contact with us.

"Selene, what do you want to do as a trainer? Are you going to try and become a Trial Captain or Kahuna? Or just enjoy battling people? Maybe just complete your dex?"

The girl was looking around, and as I spoke she jumped slightly before nodding, saying "I want to be a Kahuna! My mother used to be one, way back when she was a teen, and she's always telling me about how fun it was!"

"Alright; then team. Are you going to be like the other Kahuna's and focus on a typing, or are you going to try and create a perfect team?"

Furrowing her brow, she opened her purse and retrieved the notebook, flipping through some pages.

"So, ideally, in a perfect world, I have five Pokemon I believe to be an incredible team, both... well..."

Blushing a little, she pursed her lips as she muttered "A-Appearance wise and strenght wise..."

Laughing at that, I doubled over a little as she glared at me, making me stutter out "N-No, n-not making f-fun~! Haha~! J-Just... rare to hear openly... ha~!"

Wiping away a small tear, I continued "Most elite trainers swear by stats and that's it, but I hate that. What really matters is how much you and your Pokemon have bonded; personally, I couldn't bond with... Ratticate, for example. I hate them. I just... do. So, even if I trained it for a decade, gave it the best moves and a bunch of vitamins, it might still lose to some trainers best friend. So, I understand wanting a team that is not only good looking, to you, but also strong. Don't feel bad about that."

She nodded, however she was still glaring a little at me.

Letting out a huff, she said "Well, my five ideal Pokemon from Alola would be..."

Holding up her hand, she counted down each finger as she said "First, Alolan Ninetails; elegant, all that fluff, and fierce! Not many strong ice types here...

Next, Gyarados. One of the strongest Pokemon in general, if I could get a Magikarp and befriend it a bunch, I'd have one insane partner.

Kommo-o, another incredibly strong dragon, both insanely loyal and incredibly rare, but... I could find one. I know it!

Scizor, from one of the Scythers on Poni Island; one of the fastest and hardest hitting Pokemon in Alola, and really versatile with its move set!

Finally, Sylveon, as a way to counter any other Dragons I run across safely! Also, one of the cutest Pokemon ever!"

I nodded as I listened to her list; in all honesty, that would be quite the team to face against.

Rather physical, but each Pokemon has some kind of special attacking move they could use.

Additionally, each one is loyal and deeply cares for the trainer, at least if raised from their lowest form.

"Not a bad list; ambitious, but not bad. Have you studied where you'll find them? How rare they are, and any suitable replacements should you be incapable of finding them?"

Stepping off of Route Three and entering Route Two, we continued discussing her plans, all while I kept my eye out for the Pokemon she wanted.

This had started as me just wanting to see if I could get in this girls incredibly tight pants, but now I actually found her enjoyable to talk to; she knew her stuff, and had some interesting ideas for her team.

Of course, I still wanted to plow her supple ass, and I had to hold in a groan as she bent over to pick up her purse when she dropped it, the white shorts hugging her ass tightly.

Clenching my muscles to rid myself of my erection, I resumed walking beside her, however my mind was filled with thoughts of slamming my hips into her perky ass as I bent her over, my cock flooding her womb with my seed.


All the characters in any smut scene are of age, so while she is like twelve in the games, here she is older.

Not trying to get people on my case for a fucking smut book lmao
