"OPPA, don't overdo it," Yujin complained. "You're acting like how chaebols are often portrayed in dramas– evil and abusive. It's not cool."

Her oppa just laughed it off and ruffled her hair. "It's already lunchtime. Should we go out and eat?"

"I don't want to waste my precious weekend outside," she said. "And it's Wook's turn to cook today. I like his cooking, so let's just have lunch here, oppa."

Yohan wasn't thrilled obviously, but he still nodded. "Alright, let's do that."

"Great," she said, clapping her hands. "I'll call Wook."

"Do you like him that much?"

"I don't like Wook, oppa," she denied. "But he cooks well."

"I'm not talking about the doppelganger," her older brother said. "I'm talking about Sun Geun-wook."

Sun Geun-wook.

Ah, right.

[Aunt Hayi already told the truth to oppa, so oppa knows that Wook's Original was Sun Geun-wook.]

"I like Sun Geun-wook as a person," she said. "But not romantically."