Magic tiger

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Following the footprints of the deer that was left behind, then Arga and his team began to go deeper into the forest, walking slowly along the tracks of the deer. Arga and his team found that at this time they saw that there was more than one deer trail left in the forest soil.

Seeing this of course Arga and his team became much more excited, as the first hunt Arga didn't want to get disappointed because he didn't succeed in carrying prey, so he was very excited when he realized that there would be more than one prey he could get when he saw a collection of deer tracks Embedded in the ground.

"It seems we are close, sir," said a soldier to Arga.

" did you know?" asked Arga curiously.

"Judging from the sparseness of trees and the wider view that we can see, this indicates that there will be an open area not far from here," said the soldier.

"It's good that what you said is true, So now let's continue to see where this trail leads," said Arga to his subordinates.

Again they traced the tracks of the herd of deer, and then it was true as the soldier said not long after they climbed a hill, in front of their amazing eyes they saw a valley that was quite beautiful with a stretch of green grass and various kinds of grass blooming flowers.

Looking further later they found that there were dozens of broken groups currently grazing in the middle of the valley, seeing the prey he had been looking for for a long time now Arga became excited. "Finally we found it."

"That's right, sir, it seems this is their place to eat," said Madame.

"Should we approach and then shoot them?" Asked Arga again feeling that he couldn't wait to hunt deer.

"Patience sir, let's first look at the area around here" Mada replied giving advice.

"Yeah... you're right Mada, I almost forgot about that," said Arga, agreeing with what Mada said.

So then Mada asked five soldiers to approach the position of the herd of deer, and on the other hand, they kept a safe distance so as not to be noticed by the deer, until then when they felt a safe distance they could shoot arrows to hit the deer.

"Mada why don't you let me go there?" Asked Arga dissatisfied when he saw 5 soldiers sitting ready to shoot deer.

"Patience sir, this is all for your safety, I always find it too strange there is only a herd of deer in this fertile valley" Mada replied.

" that true....then Arga started to see if there were other animals besides the deer that were eating in this valley, but strangely as Mada said that apart from deer no other animals were grazing here.

"Shooo....shoooo....shooo....shooo...shooo...." The sound of five arrows hitting 5 different deer, and all of them hit the heart of the deer, instantly making the deer die, on the other hand, the herd of deer who saw their 5 members died suddenly, immediately became panicked and ran in all directions.

"Great ... unexpectedly all of them died immediately," said Arga to the 5 soldiers.

"This should be master, with a distance of less than 50 M they should be able to shoot vital areas because they are elite troops with ordinary martial qualifications, which have 2-3 times the physical strength of normal adults," said Mada explaining about the abilities of the soldier.

"Very good, if we can cultivate many soldiers like this it must be something very great," said Arga imagining having many elite soldiers like that.

"It is not impossible, sir, to make this happen, but for our current abilities it is very difficult to develop powers like them," said Mada again.

"Ohhh you know how Mada?? Come on tell me what it is!!" Arga said with great enthusiasm.

"To train these elite warriors, apart from nutritional training, it is very important to increase their strength levels, such as consuming special pills, golden flesh, and various other magical herbs.

For the pills that I know, they are only sold in big cities with Earl titles and above, they will also only be obtained at auction, and for the rest, namely gold meat and magic herbs, I think we have a very good chance to get them because gold meat comes from Animals that have practiced and have elements while magical plants will grow in a special environment that will usually be found in the depths of the forest," said Mada explaining at length.

"Ohhh....anyone like that???" Arga said in amazement, he didn't think that there would be such a means.

"Then how can we tell the difference between an animal that has golden flesh and also a magical plant?" Asked Arga back to Mada.

"Easy sir, for animals that have golden flesh they will usually be very conspicuous, in terms of body size they will be much larger, and then the animal must have magic elements in its body, as for the rest of the magical plants they can be recognized when they are close to the body. Humans who practice or possess magic elements, are like flowers that bloom, they have a special attraction that can make the energy stir in the human body," said Mada again.

"Master are we going to clean this deer here?" Asked a soldier interrupting Arga and Mada's chat.

"Just here so you don't bother, if I'm not mistaken there must be a spring or a small river in this valley, so we can clean it there," said Mada.

So then the soldier started looking for the whereabouts of the spring or small river that Mada meant until not long after that the soldier shouted and told Arga and Mada that he had found a small river at the end of the valley.

then Arga and Mada immediately along with the escort of the rest of the soldiers who were there headed that way, and when they got there, it was true as Mada had expected that here there was a small river flowing from the mountainous area behind the valley, The flow of this small river is not too deep, only about 1 meter, but the water is clear and very cold.

"Yes, this place is suitable so let's clean up the prey here, the rest stay alert and look around," said Mada ordered.


At first, there was nothing strange about the cleaning of the hunting results they did on the edge of the small river, everything seemed very normal and there were no problems. Suddenly when they were about to clean up the remains of the deer's body that they had cleaned, a cold aura rushed over to them.

Looking down at this time around them it seemed that something was not good then immediately Mada said. "Hurry up, there's danger lurking!!!!" Mada shouted to her subordinates.

"What is it made of?" Asked Arga in shock, when he saw Mada shouting.

"There's danger, sir, it's just that whatever it is they haven't shown their form," said Mada to Arga's reply as he started to take out his dagger.

And Arga who saw that everyone looked alert, immediately took out the sword that was in his room, the sword was an iron sword with armor made by their blacksmith in the village, and Arga asked to make several swords like that for emergencies like when this.

Apart from the bow and arrows that were behind his back basically, he didn't carry any other weapons because he felt that with the protection from Mada and also his army he considered it relatively safe, not to mention that his original purpose of coming here was to hunt and not to fight.

But for the sake of having additional insurance Arga immediately took out the sword that was in his space, all of them seemed to be looking at the area around them with full focus, as if not wanting to leave a bit of carelessness from what they could see, it's just that the danger didn't come out right away. from the shadows.

And this made Mada and also the other soldiers feel very displeased, but on the other hand they also consciously understood that whatever was currently stalking them had enough patience to get a good chance to attack them.

So then for more than 10 minutes, Mada who led the soldiers surrounding Arga remained on alert to see the situation around him, but After waiting that long they got no sign of what was stalking them, and Mada knew that he wasn't can go on like this so then he said.

"Half of you shoot arrows, where you think, are the most suspicious and also the most dangerous, the rest take out your swords and prepare for defense" then on the signal that Mada gave, immediately 7 arrows were shot to various places that felt suspicious and full of danger

"Shoot...the arrows flew into the bush behind them.

"Shoot... the arrows point towards the cliff across from the small river...

"Shoot...the arrows point to the other side of the riverbank.

"Shoo….the rest of the flow of arrows headed behind a large rock located a bit far from them, seeing this Madame narrowed her eyes and immediately heard a booming sound from behind the rock.

"Whoooooommmm...." A sonic attack hit them from behind the rock.

"Damn... you dare to hide...." Mada said angrily and slashed his dagger toward the sonic attack.

"Explosion!!!!!!...." The stone shattered into pieces and behind the crumbling rock, now a large shadow with a striped motif appeared, in a bent position the figure then slowly got up, shaking off the pieces of rock that littered him.

"Damn's so big....." Arga shouted when he saw the figure of a big tiger which was now starting to stand up straight.

The tiger figure was over 2 M tall and almost 4 M long, this was a giant figure.

"Sir, you should step back first," said Mada in a rather small voice asking Arga to stay on other hand, the soldiers who had spread out now formed a natural barrier around Mada.