
Don't forget to comment and add this book to your library, thanks greetings from author adi gm.


Hearing what Mada said, Arga immediately retreated slowly because he also knew that at this time he was not suitable to fight such a big tiger, yet again later when Arga saw the status of the tiger.


Name: wind tiger

Race: Magical beast

Strength: 50

Skill: Sonic Roar / Wind Claw

Title: Lord of the valley

"Damn!!!!!!.....what's with that power that reaches 50, isn't this equivalent to Mada!!! Then look at the two skills, Sonic Roar and Wind Claw not to mention the title Lord of the valley he is the king here, it's only natural that there are no other animals" said Arga with amazement in his heart.

"Just like before, half of you protect master, the rest are ready to shoot arrows when this tiger is off guard, the rest let me face it head-on," Mada said firmly to the other soldiers.

As the first warrior of Arga he would not let his master have any mishaps, not to mention in front of his subordinate soldiers he couldn't retreat, moreover, his tough and strong character did not allow him to be afraid of facing the enemy.

"Look here!!!!!.....your opponent is me!!!" Mada shouted to the tiger as if telling the tiger.

And as if understanding Mada's screams the tiger replied with a huge roar to the sky "ooommmmmm...!!!!" Immediately, a roar was heard that filled the entire valley.

In a position ready to fight, the tiger leaned forward, with a sharp look in his eyes he looked at Mada with killing intent, on the other hand, Mada was no less standing with a fighting attitude and brandishing the keris he was holding at the tiger.

One strong warrior and one strong tiger were staring at each other and preparing to fight.

No sound was heard as if waiting for the moment of collision of the two great powers present in that place, and Arga who for the first time saw this scene was momentarily dazed, who lived in a world of peace, was now slowly starting to realize further here in the new world. only the strong can survive, here is the jungle where the hunter devours his prey, only the strong eat the weak, there are no other conditions.

And slowly the seed of rulership emerges in Arga's heart, he understands that the stronger he is, the better it is for him and vice versa if he is not strong he will only face death, so being strong and powerful is the next goal he must achieve.

"Roar.....the tiger disappeared from its place and swiftly appeared in front of Mada, but Mada didn't look panicked she just slashed at the tiger without any fear" clang.....a sound of impact was heard as the tiger's large hooves were restrained by Mada's keris, both of them were held back for a moment, and the soldiers who were looking for the opportunity did not waste the opportunity.

" Shoo..shooo.....the sound of shooting arrows was heard heading towards the tiger, on the other hand, the tiger that was being held back by Mada was angry, because he felt belittled" roared...but just as he was about to attack again, there was a feeling that danger was approaching, he consciously jumped back.

And standing a few meters away from his original position, and where he was originally held by Mada, there was a pile of arrows stuck in the ground.

"Owmmmm....the tiger is angry that its fight was interrupted.

But no one cared because their top priority was to kill this tiger at all costs.

" Shooooo... The whistling sound of the wind was heard towards Mada.

"Slahsssss... Keris Mada's slashing voice was heard, and in the middle of the distance between Mada and the tiger, there was another "explosionnnnn..." sound.

"Now it's my turn!!!" Mada shouted attacking the tiger, Mada ran quickly towards the tiger, with a strength equivalent to a tiger which is 5 times the strength of a normal adult human, Mada jumped high.

And on the other hand, Mada not only attacks by jumping, but also splashes the ground on his feet towards the tiger, seeing Mada jump the tiger is angry because he feels Mada is running away, (what does this opponent mean at the beginning he challenged but in the end he jumps away, dissatisfied with the tiger) " roars....attacks Mada with its Sonic Roar.

But what he missed was that the ground that was originally kicked by Mada had now hit his eye" an explosion!!!!..and simultaneously the sound of impact from Mada's clashing sonic attacks and slashes was heard.

Behind the explosion and the ground attack that hit the tiger's eye, Mada came down from above with her dagger in a position towards the tiger's body, "roarmmmmmm... the tiger groaned in pain as Mada stabbed the tiger's back with his dagger, not wanting to let go of Mada's opportunity who was standing on the ground. tiger's back pulled out his dagger which was stuck, and stabbed into the tiger's upper neck...." Roar..... roar..." The tiger groaned in pain at the two stabs given by Mada.

On the other hand, the other soldiers who saw the opportunity to come back immediately responded and drew their bows towards the tiger...." Shooooo...but a faster arrow sounded behind them and immediately pierced through the tiger's eyes, the tiger still whimpering. now suddenly silent and dead "boom..." A voice fell from the tiger's large body falling to the ground.

"Congratulations sir for successfully killing this tiger" Mada's voice of praise was heard and on the other hand, looking behind them, they looked at the figure of Arga who was currently smiling slightly with a bow stretched out in his hand, in an instant the soldiers who were there knew that a punch was born from an arrow who killed the tiger came from their master.

[ding congratulations to the host for successfully killing the first magic beast]

[Given 1x Hero card]


"Master, make this tiger skin your skin armor because it is a good material," Mada said to Arga while giving the tiger skin that had been removed from the body of a dead tiger.

"Ok fine, leave it to the tailor in the village to make it, as for which other parts are of good value?" Asked Arga back to Mada.

"Besides the skin, the meat of this tiger is very valuable sir, because this tiger is a type of magic tiger, in other words, the meat content of this tiger is classified in the category of golden meat," replied Mada.

"Ohhhh...that's great, isn't this a good harvest" Arga replied very happy after knowing that this was golden meat.

"But sir, I think this meat is very good for masters who have magic abilities, because it will greatly increase your mana and mastery of magic," said Mada again.

"Ohhhh... so... well then I'll accept it, anyways I've never eaten tiger meat" Arga replied.

"It's just very unfortunate sir, the element of this tiger is not the same as the master, because if it is the same then the benefits that will be brought will be doubled," said Mada again with a little regret.

"You have to be satisfied Mada because with gratitude you will get more, especially then our goal is only to hunt ordinary animals, and now we can kill magic tigers is something beyond our expectations, so then we should be grateful" Arga replied in return.

"I know sir, thank you for your teaching" Mada said respectfully to Arga.

So then after separating the skin from the tiger's body, the rest is the claws of the tiger and also fangs which are the most valuable parts of the tiger, on the other hand, the rest are then collected and packaged neatly.

"Master, you should keep all parts of this tiger in the room, because if we just carry it normally it will be very bad because there is a possibility of being attacked by other animals who want to eat the flesh of this magic tiger."

"Ok then" Arga replied and then kept the whole tiger body that had been sorted into his room, the rest of the deer they were hunting were brought normally, and after resting for a while then Arga and his team immediately walked back to the outside of the forest, where they put their horses and headed back to the village.