A Rescue Mission

A dilapidated structure, which was a police station had a team of cops legally transferred there to maintain the town. I was staggered at the outrageous lackadaisical behaviour of them. The inspector in charge sat on his seat, his fat belly almost about to rip his shirt buttons.

'Sir, I'm a journalist. I want to register a complaint.' I said

'What?' he said like an ass, 'I don't got any story for you.'

'I'm not here for a story, I need you to register an FIR.' I said

'What's the matter?' He said

'There has been an abduction in your area. My three friends are missing.' I said

'For how long?'

'Probably twelve hours.'

'We can't help. They need to be missing for at least twenty-four hours.' He said

'I've got evidence of abduction.' I deffered

'No. Can't help. Now you're wasting my time. You need to get out.' He said without considering it.

'You've got to consider it.' I repudiated

'You've got some problem? I can put you in that cell.' He said pointing towards the cell, 'Better get out.'

'I got a message from Gururaj.' I said

The inspector looked at me with his eyes wide open, almost like an owl. He began sweating. I was puzzled with his reaction. It seemed like he was in serious pain.

'Now you've got to get out.' He said.

'I'm not leaving untill you file a complaint.' I demanded

He gestured his constable to throw me out. I kept repetedly demanding to file as they dragged and threw me out. The constable told me to stay out and suggested to leave the town soon. But the shit had already hit the fan, so there was no turning back now.

I rushed to the lodge in the late night. I had a gun in my car that I'd legally taken from Sathvik. I pulled the dash-board and pulled it out, then put it in my waist. I pulled out my car and headed where I was told I could find him.

Somewhere in the internal part of the town among the cluster of houses was an abandoned house. I made sure I had everything in place and just in case I kept the gun.

The night spread throughout the city. I had a heck of a day already enough to kill me. I had a small appartment rented where me and Kaira lived. I headed to my flat and put on a pleasant face with a smile and walked in.

The food as always was ready on the table, sizzling hot. I was in no state of mind to eat it, but I did it. I was in a dilemma of whether to take up that offer or not. It somehow felt like a good decision to opt.

The house was in ramshackle condition, windows broken and the walls had moss growing on the walls. I progressed towards the door slowly being vigilant. A few feet away I heard voices of people, and one among them was of a woman who seemed to be in pain. I could figure out that it was Avani's.

I was angry, so much that I wanted to smoke them.

'Hey!' Said a man who was standing beside the door, 'You can't get in.'

He stepped close and I simpley pushed him to the side by his sholder. I held the door handle and looked at him with a death stare.

'Watch me.' I said sternly

With one hard slam from my sholder and the door broke open. A loud noice echoed in the room.

There were a group of people standing. Some were smoking and some sipping wine. To one corner, Avani sat on the chair, her face and arms bruised. My anger increased LEVEL 2.

I held onto my death stare and looked at them.

'Who are you?' Asked a man

I looked at him. No response.

'Ayy. I'm speaking to you, asshole.' He said

There was a man who was dressed in a white shirt and a lungi, a gold chain in the neck and diamond rings on his fingures.

'Calm down. Our guest here is quite a popular man.' He said

'Let go of her now!' I demanded

He chuckled.

'What makes you think I'll listen to you?' He said

'One call and I can get you behind the bars.' I said

He looked at me with a serious face.

'Good luck with that.'

The same person who spoke first stood front. He was tall and muscular.

'Just get the fuck out.' He said

I looked straight at him. He placed his hand on my sholder. Immediatly I kicked his groin. Then I punched his face. He hit the proximate wall, but managed to stay in that position. I finished him with a elbow shot. He hit his head at the same place again and got knocked out cold.

The others came forward to charge at me. I had no training in multi-combat, but I did have the theorotical grip of it. First, I Kicked the guy in front of me, then blocked the attack from my left.

Two from my either sides hit me with their fists. I'd expected this to come. I abacked. The two attacked together. I roundhouse kicked the one on the right, but got hit by the person on the left, which left a mild injury. A person snuk behind me and locked me in the neck.

Only two left to finish. But I was in a locked position. The person infront kicked me in the stomach. That was painful to endure. I was still thinking of breaking through the lock. He repositioned himself while I struggled. Before he could act I jumped up and folded my knees. Then with the momentum propled myself forward and tossed him forward onto that person, putting them down.

Then I went to the boss. He stood there in fear, his hands and legs quivering.

'What do you want?' He said, 'Take what you want.'

Suddenly, he pulled out a knife to stab me. At the right moment I cought his wrist. The knife was just a centimeter away. I twisted his arm completly snapping it. He let go of the knife. Then I held his head and slammed him on the table. A phone from the table fell to the ground, catching my attention. I went through it. I found an intresting name in the contacts. It was the missing "Doctor Khan".

The next day I as usual headed to my office. At lunch, I met my boss. He was in the room still worried about it.

'Sir,' I spoke, 'Is the offer still open?'

He looked at me and sighed.

'I'm afraid not. You see, this was a very important interview and since I couldn't arrange any reporter, I might be fired.' He said.

Again I had second thoughts about it, but I said it.

'I'll take the offer.'

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