
'Vikram.' She said while gasping, 'Find Vikram. They took him.'

First I safely seated her in my car and then began exploring that room. I tried getting it out of the boss's mouth but it was just a futile attempt.

The house was a small room, with a table and chair which had all sorts of "good stuff" on it. There was nothing apart from it. As I started going into minutest details if that house, I found a hollow tile floor. It seemed like there was a room underneath. I found a sledge hammer on the side of the road. It was rusted and out of use as the handle wood was almost tearing apart.

It took three slams to break the tiles. There was a ladder that led underneath which was dark and moist. I went inside. There were roaches, spiders crawling and bugs all around. The foul smell added to the disgusting room. I turned on the torch of my phone and scanned the room. It was about the same as above, but with a few more things lying around. It seemed to be like a store room.

I turned around and saw a person's feet hanging. I was startled and horrified. I slowly pointed the light above. I could see his shirt and then the neck and then I saw his face. It was Vikram.

I volunteered for the interview which was scheduled two days later, on twenty-fifth. All sorts of roomers started spinning out. I just wished it went well and fast. Akeeb congratulated me for what goddamn reason I failed to understand. People were excited and celebrating that they did not get it, because No One's Intrested in a Little Weed, When There is a Whole Forest.

I went all the way to Maxam Hospital to pick her up. She was in a more stressed condition than me. We drove back home, and unlike the usual days, we had our dinner outside. She was celebrating her business trip that she got, and I was spending my time in grief.

Avani was sobbing at his death. The paramedic picked his body. I tried to console her but she was death-shattered. It somehow did not make me anymore sentimental.

I let Avani stay in my lodge. She was sleeping on the bed and I was on the floor. I opened the phone that I took from Gururaj. I scrolled through it. Most of his contacts were either family's or his suppliers. But Khan did not fit into any of it.

The next day, Father Samuel had arranged for another meeting. We were in his cabin with no disturbances. I got out my notebook to record imortant things. He was in grief, his eyes watering.

'Good morning Father, I know it is difficult to endure this pain, but I need you to simply answer some questions.' I began. He nodded.

'You've known Mary for a long time, right? So how did you know Father Richard?' I asked

'Mary and I were childhood friends. She moved to the city when she was eighteen. At that time I was not close to her family. Ten years later I came to know that her family had a split and Richard was coming here. From then on we were close friends. He stayed at my house for a few months.' He said

'Why did he go back to the city?' I asked

'I'm not sure. He told me that he had an important thing to take care of. He mentioned about John to me. But who knew this would befall me.' He said

'Did you see him meeting with any different people, or someone like out of town?' I asked

He thought for a while.

'I think so. If I remember correctly, a month before he was mingling with some people who were not of this town. It felt a little off to me because they were all meeting at night time. After that I never saw them again.' He said

'When you heard of Mary's news, where was he?' I asked

He thought again for a while.

'I remember. It was a sad time. We were all in sorrow. We expected him to go to her funeral but he never did. I tried to convince him but he did not listen one bit.' He said

'Do you know anything about John, Marry's brother?' I asked

'I never really spoke to him much because he spent most of his time around with his father. I'd heard that he was emotionally attached to his father, so when he died, he went completely insane. Right now he lives under someone's care.' He said

'Who's care?' I asked

'I don't remember the name.' He went over to his shelf and pulled out a diary, then turned the pages.

'Rita C.' He said and turned towards me.

I was shocked. Rita was the person who was entrusted with this responsibility? And there could only be one person who could do this, and that was Mary herself. That's what had happened in the hospital.

'Are you alright Mr. Joshi?' He asked

'Y-yes sorry. I have a few questions.' I said, my head still shocked with the findings, 'Did Mary have any Doctor that she used to visit?' I asked

'I'm not aware of that. But I believe John would know that.' He replied

'Who is Gururaj?' I asked

'Well, he's a local real estate agent. His father's a politician, so he enjoys that benifit.' He said.

The weather was dull and cloudy. Kaira had departed for her business trip, so I was alone. I started working for the interview, started researching about Mary. She was a politician, but before that she was an activist fighting for her community's right of recognition. I personally never liked politics, just a game and nothing more. But she had a considerable social contribution.

The time flew by and the night came by soon and that too went fast. I had researched the hell out of it and now was the time to put it to use. The media house arranged a podcast and the transcript would be published in the paper.

I headed back to the lodge. Avani was up and almost back to working spirit. I was in a confused state.

'Avani!' I said startling her

'What is it? Why are you so loud?' She said

'How did you meet Rita?' I asked

She looked at me and grimaced for bringing such question at a wrong time.

'What's wrong?' She retaliated

'Just answer me.' I said

'I-I was investigating and she was one of my suspects and then I realised she was innocent.' She said.

'Are you speaking the truth?' I asked

She grimaced again.

'Why, you don't trust me?' She started arguing

'I feel like you're lying.' I said

She made an expression like she was offended.

'You thing so, huh?' She said, 'If that's the case than We can't cooperate.' She said as she picked her bag and walked towards the door.

I slammed the door shut. She was startled, and then looked at me afraid.

'I know you're lying.' I said, 'I know that John is under Rita's care.'

She was surprised. She abacked towards the window. She was cought.

'Yes. You're right.' She admitted, 'I was lying.'

'Why?' I asked

'I couldn't risk their lives.' She said

'You thought I would leak information?' I said

'I couldn't risk it. I had to doubt everything.' She said

'And who's your client?' I asked

'I can't tell you.' She said

'You've to.' I said

'She's my client and I won't give you any information.' She shouted

'You think I'll leak your information? Is this all your "Cooperation" was all about?' I yelled

'No. I promised that I won't tell you anything.' She said, 'Please don't ask me anything more.' she said and walked away.

I was purplexed. Who'd want me not to know who her client is? Unless it's someone I know.