18. Monsters In A Human Body

18. Monsters In A Human Body

Vergo felt that his thighs would fall out of his joints. He couldn't help but think of his best friend, Arthur. Vergo wondered where his best friend learned this kind of demon training from.

Vergo guessed that Arthur made this training plan on the spot.

No one thought that Arthur's soul had been any different. Because Arthur had always been a very strange child. He was always very mature, and very calm.

When people bullied or insulted him, he would just watch them like a monkey show. He never really cared about how they treated him. He never cried or showed any sadness. So they thought it was still him they knew.

Looking at Altria and Acedes who had finished their training. The soldiers became envious.

During the training process, everyone did their best, because they didn't want to be punished.

As soon as they were done, they all fell to the floor like flies... Everyone was so tired.

Everyone felt their thighs burn and their hands felt paralyzed.

Some soldiers even tried to sleep for

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