19. That's Not My Kingdom's Rule.

Arthur led the soldiers into the dining room. The size of the dining room can be said to be very large, very similar to the size of the dining room in the movie "Harry Potter". When Arthur and the soldiers entered the dining room, they saw 12 maids, his mother, and 6 super large pots. On the sides of the pots were many plates and spoons.

"You line up to get your cutlery and food. Those who make a fuss while taking breakfast will be severely punished and will not get breakfast. You can eat as much as you want, but you only have one hour."

Arthur had everyone line up to get their cutlery first then to receive the food.

They didn't make a fuss, they felt that they had understood the intentions of the demon instructor in this training. That is to be one unit.

Standing tall side by side, the troops must form a line. Each soldier must line up from the beginning to the end of the training. Even to get something to eat, they had to maintain order, and never get out of line.

But... When the li

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