20. Heian Shodan and Kihon

20. Heian Shodan and Kihon.

"Samuel, Is our stock of meat, not enough for now?" Arthur asked.

"No, Your Majesty. Is there a problem, Your Majesty?" Samuel asked with a straight face.

"The meat they eat is too little and too small." Arthur pointed at the troops who were eating together.

'Thank God... Your Majesty, you still have a conscience' thought some soldiers who heard Arthur's words.

"Your Majesty, this is the standard portion given to knights in the Kingdom of Valencia earlier, according to the rough calculations I did before we arrived in Arazka, but I didn't count the food reserves for the slaves that had been purchased after we arrived in Arazka," Samuel replied.

"From now on, you don't need to follow the standards of the Valencian Kingdom anymore, Samuel. What about the meat we buy from the hunters?" Arthur asked while frowning dan continued, "If the meat we need isn't enough, you can add that meat to the menu for our meals."

"65% of the meat purchased from the hunters is given to the lions and the rem






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