Revenge [I]

"Sting, where are we?" Jayden curiously inquired, wearing a stern expression.

"We're in Death Squadron's territory" He promptly answered, glaring in anger.

Both their cheerful demeanor completely disappeared as they both wore furious and stern facial expression, slowly strolling the gray fog. Sting's dazzling Sniper rifle slowly digitized right out of nowhere while Jayden activated one of his Active Skills.


Right out his Power Gauntlets, two azure colored blades promptly digitized.

"Their hideout isn't far… Do you remember the plan?" Sting said.

"Yeah" He simply replied.

"Alright then, let's go murder some bastards" Sting said, sinisterly grinning.

They continued their journey through the eerie terrain with their total attention fixated on the mission at hand. After a couple of spine chilling minutes, they finally arrived at The Death Squadron main hideout.


The Death Squadron Hideout was a huge circular dome with a height of at least Twenty foots and a corresponding nineteen foot high Fence, spanning round the entire building. The Fence had two entrance; The Front and The Rear.

Inside the Dome, it was divided into three major sects. Each Sect, heavily guarded than the last with The From Reaper, The Leader of The Squadron and his Vice residing in the deep ends of the Third Sect.

Sting's plan was for them to infiltrate the Fortress using The Rear Entrance making the first stage of their infiltration easier and faster. Working together, they'll simply destroy any stronghold their encounter as they head towards the Third Sect.


The Only factor that troubled their plan was the fact that they couldn't agree on who would take on Grim and his Vice.

Unfortunately for them, the path they took led straight to the Front entrance, which was guarded with by at least thirty players.

"Alright, I suppose that's the Front…. Let's find the rear" Hellsing remarked as they kept their distance, preventing the chances of being spotted.

Stealthy strolling through the rumble and dark gray fog, Hellsing and Sting managed to evade being spotted by the Guards of the Death Dome, successfully reaching the Rear Entrance.

Unlike the Front Entrance which was guarded by at least thirty players , the rear had close to twenty five players.

"This wasn't what I expected" Hellsing bluntly commented, earnestly staring at the oblivious guard Players.

" What of you mean?" Sting confusedly inquired.

"I thought the Rear Entrance wouldn't be heavily guarded but what I'm seeing here is completely different.." Hellsing Grumpily explained.

"Huh?" Sting said, still confused.

"There's no difference between the Front and Rear…. We should have just used the Front Entrance, rather than wasting our precious time…" Hellsing angrily yelled, smacking his partner in the head.

"Shush… They gonna hear you" Sting commented, signaling Hellsing to turn down his volume.

"Huh… Who's there?" One the Guard's exclaimed with authority.

Obviously, Sting's warning came too late as Hellsing's obnoxious yell already attracted the attention of the Players in from of the large Entrance.

"Shit…." He cursed, smacking his face with disappointment.

"Idiot, you just screwed up the mission" Sting whispered, rolling his eyes.

"Did you hear something just now?"

"Yeah, it came from over there"

"I'm going to check it out"

The Rear Guards muttered to themselves, as one of them slowly walked over the spot where the weird noises originated. It was now made clear that, some of the Players had a miscellaneous array of guns and blasters, while the others had several forms of melee weapons.

"Is anyone there? The Player cautiously inquired, tightly clenching his assault rifle.

! Bang !

A loud gunshot was sounded out of the blue, resonating throughout the Rear of the Fortress. Due to the Height and Length the building, the Front Guards were completely clueless and oblivious of the rapidly developing situation.

"What was that?" The Guards simultaneously muttered, pondering on the wellbeing of their colleague.

The fog around the area where the gunshot originated slowly dissipated, revealing the body of the Player who was shot. The gruesome sight alerted the Guards as they all prepped their weapons, taking various battle stances.

The fog continued to dissipate, revealing Sting who had his sniper rifle positioned earnestly at the Guards. Apparently, he was all alone as Hellsing was no where to be found.

"We're under attack!" One the Guards exclaimed with authority.

"Close quarter Unit get ready to attack!" The same Guard continued. Judging by the manner he ordered the Players, one could deduce that he was in charge of the Rear Entrance.

"Attack...!" The Head Guard exclaimed, before something tremendous happened.

Right out of the blue, another attacker appeared and at super speed, the unknown player dashed at the Head Guard, impaling him with his Gauntlet digital blades, killing him instantly. This Player was none other than Jayden, also Known as Hellsing.


[MP: 230] [EXP: 23/160]


"So for killing a player, I'd also be rewarded with Experience points…." He thought, noticing the change in points.

"That means by the end of this battle, I would've levelled up" He added, driving the dead player into the fog.

Everything that just occurred, happened at super speed, there by confusing the Guards.

"What just happened?"

"Where's the Captain?"

"Damnit… We've got two invaders" They mumbled amongst themselves staring cautiously at the fog.

Soon they noticed something's odd slowly walking towards them. It was obviously the Player that took down the Head Captain of Rear Guard Squad. Hellsing eerily strolled towards them, sending chills through their spine. His eyes glinted with an eerie azure glow, further frightening the Guard.

"Tsk… We're Death Squadrons, Emissaries of The Grim Reaper….. We shall cower in face of our enemy , we will show these intruders what true power is!" One of the Guards exclaimed, trying his best to rile up his mates.


"You're right!"

"Let's kill these bastards!"

"For Grim!" The Guard Players gleefully exclaimed in accord as they charged at their enemy.

Seeing their new fearless and daring attitude, Hellsing couldn't help but chuckle as he slowly got excited. Presently, he was feeling the thrill and excitement of a battle. They instantly divided their forces, with at least thirteen Players heading towards Hellsing and the remaining twelve, towards Sting.

"Sting…. Don't you fucking die!' He cheerfully exclaimed, addressing his partner

Hearing what Hellsing said, Sting couldn't help but release a sinister smirk, as he glared at the incoming Players, "Yeah… Same goes for you!" He replied.

"If you die, I'm gonna kill you myself!" They simultaneously exclaimed, charging heading on.




[100 TRIXUM]


[TIME LIMIT: ------]

[PENALTY: ???]

! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of gunshots resonated throughout the entire battlefield as the Hostile players aimed their various guns at Hellsing. Using his Skill Sprint, he easily evaded their attacks. One by one, he brutally stabbed, slash and impale the Players killing or fatally injuring.

As he maimed a Player to death, his Experience Stat increased by eighteen points. Presently, he had successful killed three hostile Players while five were on the verge of dying.

[MP: 220] [EXP: 77/160]


Deep in his mind, he obviously regretted his actions but they was actually nothing he could do. Not killing them would result in his own death and that is something he wanted to avoid at all cost. It dawned on him that, this is he new reality.

"It's kill or be killed!"



[MP: 260] [EXP: 110/186]


Sting on the other hand didn't care to show any remorse to the Hostile Players as he brutally and accurately gunned them down. He perfectly targeted their vital organs, in other to deliver a swift and merciless death. Unlike Hellsing, he had presently six hostile players.




[HP: 230]

[MP: 400] [EXP: 108/212]



[SENSE: 23] [ACCURACY: 31]

Despite the fact that they were being killed one by one, the remaining members of the Rear Guard Squad didn't relent as they continued to attack the powerful intruders. Judging by how easy it was to kill them, these Players were obviously on single digit Levels.

As the fight went on, Hellsing could definitely feel himself getting more stronger as he could definitely see what his Sprint Skill had gotten far more faster, allowing his attack more than one opponent less than three minutes. At super speed, he stabbed his enemies, killing them instantly. The remaining Guards tried to surround the drastically evolving Player, but unfortunately for them, they had played according to Hellsing's plan.


Without hesitation, he activated one of his most daunting skills, releasing a destructive omnidirectional wave of azure energy, wiping out every single player that was around.




[HP: 210]

[MP: 260] [EXP: 74/185]



[SENSE: 23] [TRIXUM: 60T]

The Third Sect,

Grim's Chamber.

Five Guard Players all donned in dark hooded coats and clothes could be seen guarding the room. At the center of the room was an enormous, dark looking throne which looked like something from a Science fiction franchise.

Seating on the Throne was a dark unknown figure dressed in an all black armor with a black colored hood which concealed his identity. He's entire body glinted with an eerie jade glow. This Grotesque individual was none other than The Grim Reaper, the leader of the Death Squadron.

"We're under attack…. Lord Grim!"