Chapter 223 Winner Born from a Frog_3

It's not just ordinary people. Even for Mu You, if relying solely on the occasional Ghost Cloak, it's impossible to pass through such a long culvert at once. The only way is to wear down one's lifespan.

The fact that the Beaver Clan is capable of surveying this passageway and even sketching it into a map shows they've devised some method to deal with the Self-Destructing Fish.

[The Magnetic Field Generator continuously radiates a magnetic field, causing the surrounding Self-Destructing Fish to automatically evade it, thereby enabling the submarine to safely traverse the narrow passage...]

Mu You followed the map, constantly adjusting his course to avoid missteps.

After half an hour, they finally crossed the trench.

[...After a long journey, you seem to see faint light ahead. You hurriedly accelerate, and within seconds, you've successfully broken through the exit of the culvert and entered a new body of water.]

[You have reached 'Stanlo Freshwater Lake'.]

"Finally arrived..."