Chapter 224: Underwater Blasting_1

[You follow the green-blue Flowering Frog back down to the bottom of the lake, finding a path that avoids other poisonous frogs.]

[As you approach the bottom of the lake, you take an antidote, granting you five minutes of immunity to toxins.]

Although the little frog has settled down and had children with the females of the other frog species, the Frog King here still won't let him go so easily, supposedly imprisoning him in a 'prison'.

Therefore, Mu You controls the character to follow the frog, bypassing other frog species along the way, and finally arrives at a certain place under the water, where he finally sees the so-called 'prison'.

[Arriving at a dark corner at the bottom of the lake, you see a low stone hill standing abruptly in front of you. The hill is covered with rugged stone caves, each connected to the others, resembling a hollow artificial mountain. Each cave is sealed with a transparent mucus layer, enclosing the entire artificial mountain like a barrier.]