Chapter 225 Lord of the Abyss_1

"The Pocket Toad and the Flowering Frog just finished having some tender moments and then hopped out of the wine bottle."

"The Pocket Toad opened its large mouth and spat out a pouch that looked like a purse, handing it over to you. All the other treasures it collected during this journey were taken by the Flowering Frog King. This is the only spoils of war it has left."

"You got the 'Magic Fungal Spore Pouch'."

"Magic Fungal Spore Pouch: A rare-grade necklace, a pouch designed exclusively to collect and store toxic pollen, made from the stomach of some poisonous creature. When worn, it increases resistance to poison by 30% and can automatically absorb plant toxins from the surrounding environment, condensing them into pollen. It cannot be worn with other necklaces."