Chapter 262 I, Sphinx, am back_1


Mu You blinked. This flame had to inflict at least five thousand damage, right? One flame killed two of them, and he was left critically injured. Only Lin Xue, thanks to the damage reduction of the Crimson Cloak, escaped the highest damage. But the subsequent damage was quickly burning away her life...

No time to think further, Mu You quickly pressed his pocket watch. Before the opponent could breathe fire, he cast a Holy Shield on Lin Hai and a Life Barrier on Little Ya.

[The Panda Man breathes out a large fire...]

The next second, the opponent used the same move again.

This time, no one died. However, the situation hadn't improved much. He and Lin Xue were severly injured by the flames again. Little Ya's life dropped instantly, leaving her barely alive, sustained only by the Life Barrier.