Chapter 261 Panda Man Zhou You_3

A magic wand designed for Ratmen offense, likely a weapon created by the Sunlight Elves' rat-catching squad specifically to clear out the Ratmen, had fallen into Mu You's possession after the Ratmen confiscated it. He could use it later to oust other Ratmen tribes.

After dividing up the rewards, Mu You reviewed his gains and losses for the day.

In a team of four, besides exhausting all their energy, they had also spent 289 years of life force to supplement their action energy. Throughout the journey, they killed a total of 236 Ratmen, which replenished 236 years of life force. This resulted in a net loss of 53 years of life force, meaning each person lost around 13 years of their life force on average.

Of course, as a return, the over two hundred Ratmen provided them with over 3300 experience points, granting each person over eight hundred points of experience!

Lin Hai and Little Ya both leveled up to ten with this wave of experience.