Chapter 274 Survival of the Fittest_2

However, no one had come to see him for so many years. A sudden visit surely had its reasons.

Mu You typed a message in the text box.

["I just resurrected recently and my memory is somewhat confused." You threw out a random excuse.]

[Your explanation eased their worry a bit, but there was some lingering doubt in their eyes. You decide to…]

[You chose to unravel their lie!]

[You have absorbed the skin of the Vampire Earl, so you are well-aware that Liston's resurrection time shouldn't be now, but in the more distant future. They must have another purpose for coming here. You exhibited an angry expression and continued to question their purpose of coming.]

[Rodney is a servant of the Ryan Family, he does not have the right to resist the vampires of the Ryan Family. Under your pressure, he is anxious and fearful, does not dare to conceal anything and hurriedly tells you everything.]