Chapter 274 Survival of the Fittest_1

"You are attempting to pick the shackles before your eyes, your current luck value is: 9, the lock picking success rate is: 1.2%, note: If the picking fails, the shackles will close the lock hole, and you can try to unlock it again after 24 hours."

This intelligent lock that trapped Libra has a lockout function that automatically blocks the lock hole if failed to open. This means you could only attempt once a day, preventing from being brute-forced.

Luckily, Libra and Capricorn had not randomly attempted unlocking before, otherwise, if the lock eye was blocked, Mu You wouldn't be able to help them.

"You used 'Lock Heart Cave Open', the shackles made a click sound, automatically popped open, Holy Light Nana regained her freedom."

This type of shield did not affect Mu You. After backtracking dozens of times, he successfully picked the lock.

"Holy Light Nana: Thank you!"