Everyone was standing, including Professor Yang, and yet he was sitting. Wasn't that quite rude? The surrounding doctors were clearly dissatisfied.
Liang Fatty noticed the look in everyone's eyes and understood a bit, but he had no time for idle chatter. He asked the anesthesiologist about the various medication dosages, looking very serious.
"I need to keep his brain in a hibernation-induced state to prevent complications from the rabies virus affecting brain function, but not too deeply to avoid severe sequelae after the treatment," Yang Ping explained his goal to Fatty.
"I understand, the depth must be sufficient, yet reversible." Liang Fatty began to work intently, having entrusted the care of his father to Zhou Can. Although she was usually a bit sharp-tongued towards him, she was smart and capable, and he trusted her to handle everything well.
The current patient was like a small boat in turbulent waves, at any moment could be capsized by a giant wave.