Greedy Man (1)

"So what if you sense it? You lost your crowbar and can't use your longbow. You don't have a weapon. Don't think you'll be a match for me…"

With that, Zhang Ming took out a dagger from the zombie and stabbed at Chu Heng.

"Hahaha… You're really…"

"So stupidly cute…"

"You know nothing of power… You think killing you requires a weapon?"

In the next moment, Chu Heng grabbed Zhang Ming's wrist tightly and exerted a little force. Zhang Ming immediately felt pain and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

However, how could Chu Heng let him off so easily? The strength in his hand increased, and the bones in Zhang Ming's wrist immediately cracked.

After a while, his wrist was twisted into a ball and hung limply.

"Ah… ah… "

"How can your strength be so great—"

Zhang Ming instantly collapsed to the ground. He arched his body and covered his crippled wrist as he rolled on the ground in pain. He screamed hysterically.

"Shut up…"

Chu Heng shouted impatiently. He squatted down and stared at Zhang Ming indifferently.

"You wanted to kill me first. Surely you're ready for me to kill you?"

Zhang Ming was shocked. He knew that Chu Heng wanted to kill him. He endured the pain and got up. He knelt in front of Chu Heng and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"Boss… please don't kill me… I really didn't mean to…"

"Please… Boss… My parents are still waiting for me to save them…"

"Hehe…" Chu Heng sneered, "If you knew this would happen, why did you…"

As soon as Chu Heng finished speaking, Zhang Ming suddenly exploded. A baton had appeared in his other hand at some point and struck Chu Heng's head.

Chu Heng was slightly stunned.

This baton was not in the cars just now, which meant that Zhang Ming already had it.

But since he had a weapon, why did he go through so much trouble to exchange the map for another weapon?

There was another cry of pain. Zhang Ming's other hand was also twisted into a knot.

Just now, he had failed to launch a sneak attack in his peak state, so it was even more impossible now.

His hands were crippled, but this time, Zhang Ming was no longer as spineless as before. He only looked at Chu Heng resentfully and did not beg for mercy.

'He's a tough one.'

"Gee, don't look at me like that. Like I'm the bad guy."

Chu Heng smiled playfully.

"But you hid it pretty well. You deliberately threw that hammer so I'd let my guard down. After I realized it and crippled your hand, you pretended to be obedient to let my guard down and wait for an opportunity to deliver the fatal blow."

"Speaking of which… if it weren't for me and you had met someone else, you might really have succeeded. In the post-apocalyptic world, someone like you would be considered someone important…"


Zhang Ming snorted and sneered.

"If you weren't lucky enough to descend into the hardware store and obtain a long-range weapon and a large number of Crystal Cores, we wouldn't know who would win…"

"Ah yes yes yes…"

Chu Heng couldn't help but roll his eyes. He was suddenly stunned and frowned.

"How did you know I was born in a hardware store?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Heng realized something.

He sold a huge number of weapons. With so many repeat weapons on the market at once, and all of them steel pipes, screwdrivers, and hammers, it was hard not to think of a hardware store.

"There's something I don't understand. If you had a weapon, why did you trade the map for my hammer?"

Zhang Ming sneered and looked at Chu Heng mockingly.

"You're smart enough to figure it out—"

After thinking for a moment, Chu Heng understood the reason.

Zhang Ming was basically in prison, and it was almost impossible for him to escape on his own. Coincidentally, Chu Heng's large number of weapons had attracted his attention.

Hence, he thought of using the map of Tianshui Compound to lure Chu Heng into attacking Tianshui Compound.

It would be best if Chu Heng was nearby. If he wasn't, he would only lose a map. The security booth shouldn't be short of this.

If Chu Heng succeeded, his predicament would naturally be resolved.

Even if Chu Heng's attack failed, he could stall the surrounding zombies for a while. Zhang Heng could also take the opportunity to escape.

After clearing his thoughts, Chu Heng looked at Zhang Ming and shook his head with a cold smile.

"People are greedy. If you weren't so greedy, you might really become someone in the future."

Zhang Ming's eyes were filled with hatred. He did not regret attacking Chu Heng, but he hated his bad luck.

"If you want to kill me, kill me. Are you being condescending here? F*ck you…"

Chu Heng's eyes flashed coldly, and a cold smile appeared on his lips. A rope appeared in his hand.

"Hehe… I originally planned to give you a quick death. Since you're so stubborn, I don't have any burden. I hope you can still be so stubborn later…"

Ten minutes later…

Chu Heng looked at Zhang Ming, who was tied firmly to the front lamppost at the entrance to the parking lot to the east. He nodded in satisfaction and smiled.

"How do you like the view up there?"

Zhang Ming stared at Chu Heng with hatred and kept saying "friendly greetings" to Chu Heng's relatives. His voice was very loud, completely ignoring if it would attract zombies.

"Bastard… If you have the guts, shoot me with an arrow… Do you think it's something to tie me up here… F*ck you…"

"Shh… keep your voice down. It won't be good if the zombies are attracted later…"

Chu Heng smiled and raised his longbow.

"I specially chose this height for you. The zombies can bite your calf."

"If you really attract the zombies, then you can feel the feeling of being eaten as food… It must be very satisfying…"

As he spoke, low roars came from the darkness of the underground parking lot. After a while, Zhang Ming, who was "in a high position", realized that zombies were walking out of it, and their numbers were increasing.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ming was no longer arrogant. No matter how tough he was previously, he was now afraid. Especially when he thought of what Chu Heng said about being bitten by these zombies, he immediately shuddered and begged Chu Heng for mercy.

Chu Heng chuckled.

"Forget it. I'm a good person after all. I won't lower myself to your level. I'll give you a way out…"

"Who asked me to be so warm-hearted?"

"Since we just fought together, I'll help you untie your feet. As for whether you can survive, that depends on your ability…"

With that, the arrow shot out and hit Zhang Ming's arm. Blood instantly flowed out.

Zhang Ming cried out in pain and cursed resentfully.

"Chu Yi… F*ck you, you dog…"

"Oh my… I'm sorry, I missed it. Trust me, I'll definitely hit the target this time…"

Another arrow shot out. This time it hit Zhang Ming's other arm.

Then another arrow was shot. This time the sharp blade of the arrowhead cut through the rope tied around Zhang Ming's ankle.